Immediate Family
About Catherine Millot
Margueritte DENIS of Vielle Esglise
d/o Jehan DENIS, a labourer living in the parish of Offequeque [Offekerque], and of the late Catheraine MULLOT
x Fremin (Firmin) Jacob of Vielle Esglise
- Pierre Jacob (c1640) labourer/farmer in Offequerque x 03/07/1667, Guînes, Suzenne deVos - of Esglise 21yr old daughter of Jean de Vos & Suzenne Absolon
- Jeanne Jacob x Jean Foulque
Contrat de mariage Frémin JACOB Marguerite DENIS AD62, 4 E 55/51, 3 mars 1635
Minutes de Me Jean GUILLEMET, notaire royal à Calais
Translation : "Before us, royal notaries in Calais and reconquered country, undersigned, were present and appearing in their persons Fremin JACOB, son of the late Noel JACOB and Roberde VATEL, his father and mother, living in Calais, on the one hand, and Margueritte DENIS, daughter of Jehan DENIS, a labourer living in the parish of Offequeque [Offekerque], and of the late Catheraine MULLOT, also his father and mother, on the other hand. The aforementioned Fremin JACOB of damoiselle Louise D'UTENAVE [Louise D’UTTENHOVE],, wife of Louis DE ROQUELEFIN, squire sieur de Nazaret [Louis DE ROCKELFING, écuyer seigneur de Nazareth], and the aforementioned Margueritte DENIS of Catheraine CABOCHE, wife of the aforementioned Jehan DENIS, and of Eustace MILLOT, his uncle, have recongnised and confessed to have made and are making together the following agreements, promises and conventions of marriage That is to say that the said Fremin JACOB and Margueritte DENIS have promised and promise to take one of them as husband, wife and faithful spouse within forty days or rather, at the first requisition of one or the other of the parties, provided that it is the pleasure and will of God the Creator and that the Church consents and agrees. To achieve this marriage, the said Fremin JACOB said and declared that he had debts owed to him by the widow of the deceased Pierre ROUTAN, his sister, amounting to about sixty pounds, and that he owns his contingent share [the portion that belongs to someone in a division] of a house and six carterons of land [former land measure unit] depending on it, in the village of Laleu [nowadays department of Somme], at ten places near Saint Vallery [nowadays Saint Valéry sur Somme]. And to the share of the aforementioned Margueritte DENIS, she similarly said and declared to have in money and cow up to the sum of one hundred pounds tournois, remaining by this means the future bride and groom one and common in all movable goods, acquisitions, real estate conquests which they will have and acquire together during and constant the present marriage. The dissolution of which would occur by the death of one or the other of the parties before the other, in this case it is said that the survivor will have and will take away without share and without charges of debts, namely the aforementioned Fremin JACOB his clothes and weapons, and the aforementioned Margueritte DENIS also his clothes, rings and jewels, with her bed furnished according to her quality, and in addition to the sum of fifty pounds tournois for his report to be paid once, which will be taken from the clearest goods and pennies of the community and, in the absence of these, from her future husband's own. And for the remainder of the said marriage, the parties will settle according to the custom of this seat, or other where their buildings will be located and seated. For thus has it been agreed between the parties, promising that each of the parties, each in his own right, shall have and hold for good, firm and stable for all time the contents of these presents, without ever going or coming to the contrary, under penalty of all costs, damages and interest and obligation of their present and future movable and immovable property, which they have to submit to the justice, jurisdiction and constraint of the said Calais, and to all others --- where those and found will be. Renouncing all things to these present letters contrary.
Done and passed at the said Calais, in the house of the widow of the deceased nobleman Claude MONET, living receiver of the domains of His Majesty at the said Calais, situated in the Rue Dianne dite Royale, afternoon, this third day of the month of March one thousand six hundred and thirty-five. Notified the edicts of the seal and control, and signed. Thus signed: Mark of the said Fremin JACOB / Loyse DE UTTENHOVE Mark of the said Margueritte DENIS / Mark of the said Catheraine CABOCHE Mark of the said Eustace MULOT GUILLEMET, notary, with initials / ANQUIER, notary, with initials.
Catherine Millot's Timeline
1600 |
Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1635 |
???? |