The family of Claude BOUDREAU and Catherine MEUNIER
[86030] BOUDREAU, Claude (Michel & Michelle AUCOIN [84284]), born about 1663 (rec. 1671), 1666 (rec. 1686) or 1665 (m), buried 1740-03-07 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie)
MEUNIER, Catherine (Jean & Marguerite OZOU ou HOUSSEAU, d'après Stephen A. White [1615])
1) Anne, born about 1721 (m 1745), married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1745-09-27 Charles LEBLANC
2) Catherine, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1718-11-14 Jacques LEBLANC
3) Cécile, married about 1722 François LEBLANC
4) Charles, married about 1747 Marie Josèphe DOUCET
5) Claire, born about 1718 (m 1740), married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1740-10-24 Pierre LEBLANC
6) Étienne, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1725-11-12 Marie Claire AUCOIN
7) François, born about 1710 (m 1730), married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1730-10-02 Anne Marie THIBODEAU
8) Françoise, born about 1715 (m 1735), married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1735-11-03 Honoré DOIRON
9) Jean, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1731-10-04 Agathe THIBODEAU
10) Marie, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1725-11-08 François DAIGLE
11) Marie Josephte, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1734-08-18 Étienne HÉBERT
12) Paul, married about 1730 Marie Josèphe DOIRON, married about 1758 Nathalie PITRE
13) Pierre, born about 1712 (m 1733), married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1733-08-03 Marie DOIRON, married Port Lajoie (Acadie) 1753-11-17 (dgfa,dag) or 1753-11-19 (fafd) Madeleine GAUTREAU
Source: http://www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/086/086030.php
FamilySearch: Family Tree
Catherine Meunier
Birth about 1684 • Acadia, New France
Death 1723 • St.Charles des Mines, Grand Pre, NS
Parents Jean Meunier • Marguerite Housseau
Spouse Claude Boudrot
Children Anne Boudrot • Catherine Anne Boudrot • Ceçile Boudrot • Charles Boudrot • Claire Boudrot • Etienne Boudrot Sr. • François Boudrot • Françoise Boudrot • Jean Boudreau dit Lami • Marguerite BOUDROT • Marie Boudrot • Marie Josephe Boudrot • Paul Boudrot • Pierre Boudrot
Lead confidence: 5
!INFORMATION: was obtained from the book "The Acadian Exiles in Nantes (1775 - 1785), PAGE 111, PERSON # 206:Charles LEBLANC was born in 1717; Carpenter, son of Rene LEBLANC & Jeanne LANDRY. Charles LEBLANC married (1) 27 Sep 1747 at Grand Pre to Anne BOUDROT. Anne BOUDROT was born in 1721, daughter of Claude BOUDROT & Catherine Meunier, died in Aug 1756 in Southhampton, England. Charles LEBLANC married (2) in 1758 in Southhampton, England to Madeleine GAUTROT. Madeleine GAUTROT was born about 1722, daughter of Pierre GAUTROT & Marie BUJEAUD, widow of Pierre DAIGLE (see family 93). ISSUE: Madeleine LEBLANC, daughter of Charles LEBLANC & Anne BOUDROT, his first wife, was born in 1746; resident of the Parish of Sainte Croix-Sur-les-Ponts. Madeleine LEBLANCE married (1) on 11 Nov 1776 at Sainte Croix of Nantes to Charles AUCION (see family # 6). Madeleine LEBLANC married (2) on 23 Sep 1783 at Saint Martin of Chantenay to Francois MANCEL (see family # 237); Marie LEBLANC of Charles LEBLANC& Anne BOUDROT, his first wife, was born in 1749 in the Parish of Saint Charles in Acadie. Marie LEBLANC was married on 5 Sep 1780 at Saint Martin of Chantenay to Charles Benist GRANGER (see family #135). Charles LEBLANC, Madeleine GAUTROT, his second wife & 5 childern: Joseph, Francis, Madeleine, Marie & Marguerite & 2 STEPCHILDERN: Rosa & Paul DAIGLE were in the Third Convoy leaving Chatellerault for Nantes on 7 Dec 1775. Charles LEBLANC, Madeleine GAUTROT, his second wife & Marguerite, his daughter were passengers (Family # 4, Supplemental list) aboard the ST. REMI, which departed France on 20 Jun 1785 & arrived in Louisiana on 9 Sep 1785.