Catherine Caroline Lockley

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About Catherine Caroline Lockley

Admitted to Queens Orphan School - Catherine HINGELY - orphan # 2585, mother Ann ACTON, father Samuel HINGELY, mothers ship "Sir Robert Seppings", Age when admitted 9 years 6 months, Date admitted 13/7/1852, Date discharged 3/9/1858, discharged to mother (now free), married Robert LOCKLEY 27/4/1861

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Catherine Caroline Lockley's Timeline

June 1841
London, Middlesex, United Kingdom,
July 24, 1861
Gordon, Tasmania
July 24, 1861
Gordon, Kingborough Council, Tasmania, Australia
September 24, 1862
Gordon, Tasmania, Australia
December 19, 1864
Gordon, Tasmania, Australia
June 6, 1866
Woodbridge, Tasmania, Australia
April 30, 1870
Gordon, , Tasmania, Australia
April 30, 1870
Gordon, Tasmania, Australia