Matching family tree profiles for Catherine "Catorne" Hopkins
Immediate Family
About Catherine "Catorne" Hopkins
Gabriel Whelden (c1583-1654) had children baptized at St Leodegarius Church, Basford:
3. Catherine (Kathren, Catone) Whelden (bapt. 6 Mar 1616/7-1689) m.9 Oct 1639 Giles Hopkins (1608-1689) son of Stephen Hopkins, both of the Mayflower 11 Nov 1620. Eastham, MA
Catherine Whelden (bapt. 6 Mar 1616/7-1689) was also known as Catorne and Katherine; her birth surname is variously reported as Whelden, Wheldon, Weldon. She died after 5 Mar 1688/89 in Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts.
According to Pope's Pioneers, Katherine Whelden, eldest daughter of Gabriel, wrote to a John Shanvat of Nottingham in a letter dated 29 June 1639 concerning the drowning death of Martha Weelden in Dedham, Mass, some 12 days earlier, probably her sister Martha. The full content of that letter is unknown, as is the identity of Shanvat, although he might have been related to Gabriel's aunt by marriage, Christobel, whose will mentions her sister Morris Chamlet.
This is the first mention of the Whelden family in America.
- parents: Eldest daughter of Gabriel Whelden . "Catherine Wheldon/Wheldin/Whelden is the daughter of Gabriel Whelden founder of the Whelden, Welden, Wheldin families in America. "The American Geneologist" Vol 48 1972 throughly documents this family."
- October 9, 1639, Plymouth, MA to Giles Hopkins (1607-1689). He was a passenger on the Mayflower. the family moved shortly thereafter to Yarmouth, living there for about five years before moving on to settle at Eastham, where he died sometime between 1688 and 1690.
- i. MARY4 HOPKINS, b. November 1640, Yarmouth, MA; d. July 2, 1700, Eastham, MA.
- ii. STEPHEN HOPKINS, b. September 1642, Yarmouth, MA; d. October 10, 1718, Harwich, MA.
- iii. JOHN HOPKINS, b. 1643, Yarmouth, MA; d. Unknown, Died young, 3 months old..
- iv. ABIGAIL HOPKINS, b. October 1644; d. Unknown.
- v. DEBORAH HOPKINS, b. June 1648, Eastham, MA; d. Bet. February 28, 1686 - December 1727, Eastham, MA.
- vi. CALEB HOPKINS, b. Abt. January 1649, Eastham, MA; d. Bef. May 22, 1728, Truro, MA.
- vii. RUTH HOPKINS, b. June 1653, Eastham, MA; d. Unknown; m. SAMUEL MAYO, May 26, 1681, Eastham, Barnstable Co., MA; b. October 12, 1655, Eastham, MA; d. October 29, 1738. Internet source ( http://www.murrah.com/gen/whelden.htm ) says the following about Catherine's mother and father:
Gabriel Whelden
The first known Whelden in the line in America was Gabriel Whelden of Plymouth. He is believed to have been born in England, but the date and place are not proven. It is commonly stated that Gabriel Whelden originated in Nottinghamshire, but no records have been found to substantiate it. The author Pope reports he found a record of a land sale in Middlesex county files where Gabriel in 1653 sold land he owned in Nottingham to William Cross. The head archivist of these records, Elizabeth Bouvier has been unable to find any such record.
The Wheeldon/Wheelton family, which has not yet been connected to Gabriel Wheldon, finds the earliest spelling located to-date is Whyldon (christenings of sons of William Whyldon at Astbury, Cheshire: Matthew, 14 Dec 1574; John 14 Mar 1584; per LDS IGI ). In "Homes of Family Names in Great Britain", Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1968) H. B. Guppy noted that the surname Wheelton as "peculiar" or "confined mostly to this county [Cheshire]." He indicated it was more specifically associated with Macclesfield. The surname is concentrated in the ancient Parish of Prestbury, which originally included Macclesfield. Additionally, "pockets" of Wheeldon ~ Wheelton individuals settled in the Cheshire / Derbyshire / Staffordshire border area known as "The Potteries."
Catherine (aka Katherine) Whelden was christened 6 March 1616/17 in Basford, Nottinghamshire, England. It is believed her father was Gabriel Whelden. He was a miller in Basford, Nottinghamshire, England. Katherine's mother's name was Jane (surname: Unknown). The family left England around 1638 for Plymouth, New England.[1]
Catherine married former "Mayflower" passenger, Giles Hopkins on October 9, 1639, in Plymouth Colony, New England. The couple were among the first to settle Yarmouth on Cape Cod in what became Barnstable County, Massachusetts Bay Province, New England in 1691. They had 10 children on Cape Cod, including a baby, Elizabeth, who died at just one month old in 1664.
According to local records, Giles and Catherine (Whelden) Hopkins had 10 children[2]
Mary, born in November, 1640 (married Samuel Smith) Stephen, born in September 1642 in Yarmouth John, born in 1643 "and died being three months old." Abigail, born in October, 1644 in Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony Deborah, born in June, 1648 (married Josiah Cooke, Jr.) Caleb, born in January, 1650 in Eastham, Barnstable Co. Ruth, born in June, 1653 in Eastham, Barnstable Co. Joshua, born in June, 1657 in Eastham, Barnstable Co. William, born January 9, 1660 in Eastham, Barnstable Co. Elizabeth, born in November, 1664; died aged one month.
The couple moved to Nauset, soon re-named Eastham, in around 1645 and lived the rest of their lives there, near Giles Hopkins' sister ( Constance (Hopkins) Snow)'s family. Giles was named "Surveyor of Highways" there by 1650, a post he held for several years. Later, Giles became weakened by illness and the couple's affairs were run by their oldest son, Stephen Hopkins. Giles nonetheless inherited his half-brother Caleb Hopkins' lands in the colony when the latter, a sailor, died as a young, single, man, on a trip to the West Indies. In 1644, for reasons never explained, their father, Mayflower passenger, Stephen Hopkins, had made Caleb his heir instead of his older son, Giles.[3]
- Great Migration Begins, Anderson, Robert Charles, (New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, 1995), Volume II, page 988.
- http://www.mayflowerhistory.com/Passengers/GilesHopkins.php
- http://www.pilgrimhopkins.com/site1/pafv4/pafg02.htm#11
- http://www.webination.com/garron/d974.htm#P2737
- http://krentz.blogspot.com/2010/04/surname-whelden-also-whelding-wh... Catharine Whelden, born about 1615 in England. The Whelden family was at Plymouth Colony by 1638. On 9 October 1639 at Plymouth, Catharine married Giles Hopkins.
- Early Wheldens of Yarmouth by James. W. Hawes
- Whilden
- Nottinghamshire History: Basford
- Miner Descent
- The Sacred Cod Wellfleet Massachusetts, and connections
- New England, Historical and Genealogical Register (Vol. 163, No. 4, October 2009) Jan Porter and Daniel F. Stramara, Jr., "The Origin of Gabriel1 Whelden of Yarmouth and Malden, Massachusetts" pp. 253-261
- "Whelden" in New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Clarence Almon Torrey Genealogical Publishing Com, 1985 - Reference - 1009 pages. page 802. Gabriel Whelden (- 1654) & 1st wf; ca 1620? 1610? Yarmouth / Malden. & 2nd wf Margaret ?; Yarmouth / Lynn / Malden
- Gabriel Wheldon and spouse Margaret Diguina(?) 1620's
- "From Out of the Past--Who our Forefathers Really Were, a True Narrative of our White and Indian Ancestors" filed in the 1930's by Franklin Ele-watum Bearse, a Scaticoke and Eastern Indian: http://www.murrah.com/gen/FEBearse%20Paper.doc
- Donald Lines Jacobus, "Austin Bearse and His Alleged Indian Connections" in THE AMERICAN GENEALOGIST, 1936 view article
- WeRelate
- General Society of Mayflower Descendants Membership Applications, 1620-1920. (Online database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2020). < AmericanAncestors > Name George HOLMAN Birth 7/21/1866 Location Talca, Chile Original Text See orig papers Gen. U.G. Holman Spouse Mary Campbell Covening Gen Member Number 01965-01 Note page 1 of 4 Generation 9 Gender M State Member Number 720 Supplement Number 1 Source 104754408-00126 Volume Name Hopkins, Stephen Page 319:1
Catherine Hopkins (Wheldon)
Catherine "Catorne" Hopkins's Timeline
1616 |
March 6, 1616
Basford, Nottinghamshire, England
1617 |
March 6, 1617
Basford, Nottinghamshire, England
March 6, 1617
St Leodegarius Church, Basford, Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
March 6, 1617
Basford, Nottinghamshire, England
1640 |
November 1, 1640
Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts
1642 |
September 9, 1642
Yarmouth, Cape Cod, Plymouth Colony
1643 |
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Colonial America
1644 |
October 12, 1644
Orleans, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Colonial America
1648 |
June 1648
Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts