Immediate Family
second cousin
father's partner
half sister
half sister
half brother
About Catalina de Lancáster, reina consorte de Castilla
Catalina de Lancáster
- Catalina de Lancáster - De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
- Catalina of Lancáster - ThePeerage.com Catalina de Lancáster (Hertford, 31 de marzo de 1373 - Valladolid, 2 de junio de 1418) fue la mayor de los dos hijos de Juan de Gante y de su segunda esposa, Constanza de Castilla. Fue la abuela de Isabel la Católica.
Contrajo matrimonio en marzo de 1388 en la catedral de San Antolín, en Palencia, a los 15 años de edad en virtud del tratado de Bayona. Su esposo era su primo de apenas 9 años, Enrique, futuro Enrique III de Castilla. Enrique descendía de los Trastámara, rama bastarda de la familia. Les fue otorgado a ambos el título de Príncipes de Asturias, siendo desde entonces usado por el heredero de la corona castellana y posteriormente de la corona española.
Este enlace puso fin al conflicto dinástico entre los descendientes de Pedro I y Enrique II de Trastámara, afianzándose la Casa de Trastámara, y estableciendo la paz entre Inglaterra y Castilla.
El matrimonio formal entre ambos se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Madrid, en 1393, siendo ya Enrique soberano de Castilla.
Al morir Enrique III, el 25 de diciembre de 1406 a los 27 años de edad, Catalina de Láncaster, junto con su cuñado Fernando de Antequera, futuro rey de Aragón, ejerce la regencia del reino por la minoría de edad de su hijo Juan II, de apenas un año.
Catalina coordina — con un consejo de nobles, eclesiásticos y autoridades municipales (milicias urbanas) de algunas ciudades — la administración de los actuales territorios de Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, País Vasco, Castilla la Vieja, León y partes de Castilla la Nueva (más o menos la actual Castilla-La Mancha), mientras que Fernando de Antequera, el hermano segundón del joven rey ya fallecido Enrique III, administra las zonas de Extremadura y los reinos cristianos de Andalucía, Jaén, Córdoba y Sevilla. Las tierras de Almería, Granada y Málaga constituían todavía el Reino Nazarí de Granada.
En 1412, el Infante castellano Fernando de Antequera se convertiría en Fernando I de Aragón por decisión razonada del Consejo Sucesor Catalano-Aragonés (en el Compromiso de Caspe), pero con salud débil como su malogrado y valeroso hermano Enrique III murió en Igualada en 1416 con 36 años de edad, no sin antes hacer a su esposa, Leonor Sánchez de Albuquerque madre de cuatro varones, los Infantes de Aragón y de dos niñas, que llegarían a ser Reinas Consortes de Castilla y de Portugal.
Leonor López de Córdoba sería consejera astuta y muy íntima de la Reina Consorte y Reina Viuda Regente Catalina. Leonor era una noble cordobesa, hija del ajusticiado (por orden de Enrique II de Castilla) Maestre de la Orden Militar de Alcántara Martín López de Córdoba, (1364 - 1369), obstinado protector, tras las poderosas murallas de Carmona, cerca de Sevilla, de los hijos huérfanos del asesinado Rey Pedro I de Castilla.
La Reina Catalina murió en la ciudad de Valladolid el 2 de junio de 1418, a los 45 años de edad. En su epitafio, en la Capilla de Reyes Nuevos de Toledo, indica que fue Reina de Castilla y que por ella fue puesta la paz en Castilla para siempre.
Katherine of Lancaster1
F,, b. between 6 June 1372 and 31 March 1373, d. 2 June 1418
Katherine of Lancaster was born between 6 June 1372 and 31 March 1373 at Hertford Castle, Hertford, Hertfordshire, England.
She was the daughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and Constanza de Castilla, Reina de Castilla.
She married Enrique III, Rey de Castilla y León, son of Juan I, Rey de Castilla y León and Eleanor de Aragón, in September 1388 at Church of St. Antolin, Fuentarrabia, Castile, Spain.
She was also reported to have been married circa 1393.
She died on 2 June 1418 at Toledo, Spain.
She was buried at Toledo, Spain.1
Katherine of Lancaster was also known as Catherine (Constance) Beaufort. She was invested as a Lady Companion, Order of the Garter (L.G.) in 1384.
Children of Katherine of Lancaster and Enrique III, Rey de Castilla y León
1.Maria de Castilla1 b. 1401, d. 1458
2.Juan II, Rey de Castilla y León+1 b. 6 Mar 1405, d. 21 Jul 1454
3.Catherine de Castilla1 b. 1406, d. 1439
Katherine of Lancaster
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Catherine of Lancaster (also known as Katherine Plantagenet and as Queen Catalina of Castile and Leon) (1372/1373 – 2 June 1418) was the daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his second wife, Constance of Castile.
She married Enrique III of Castile in 1393 at Burgos. As her mother was daughter of Pedro of Castile, and had been a claimant to the Castilian throne herself, the marriage helped to restore a semblance of legitimacy to the Trastamara line.
The couple had three children:
Maria of Castile (1401-1458), who married Alfonso V "the Magnanimous", King of Aragon and Naples,
Catharina of Castile, who wed Enrique of Aragón, Duque de Villena,
Juan II (1405-1454), who succeeded his father as King of Castile. His mother Catherine and his uncle, Ferdinand, served as co-regents during his minority, and Catherine alone was regent after Ferdinand's death in 1406.
Queen Catherine died at Valladolid of a stroke, possibly precipitated by her great obesity, leaving her thirteen year-old son at the mercy of self-interested courtiers.
Katherine of Lancaster, also known as Katherine Plantagenet (1373-1418) was the daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his second wife, Constance of Castile (the daughter, and rightful heir of King Peter of Castile, who died at the hands of his half brother Henry II). She was born in Hertford Castle, her father's chief country home, on 31 March 1373. Katherine became Queen of Castile through her marriage to Henry III.
After King John I of Portugal defeated King John I of Castile at the Battle of Aljubarrota, South Leiria, in 1385, fully establishing Portuguese independence, Katherine's parents, the Duke and Duchess of Lancaster, were encouraged to press their claim for the Castilian throne. [2] In 1386, Katherine joined her father and mother in an expedition to Castile to gain John of Gaunt's rights to the throne. England and Portugal entered into an alliance against Castile in 1386 and solidified their ties through the marriage of King John I and Katherine's half-sister, Philippa. [3]
John of Gaunt had ruled Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, and Pontevedra with ease, but in 1387 had to withdraw to Portugal because of an unsuccessful invasion of Leon. It was then that he accepted the proposal of King John I of Castile, to marry Katherine to his son, the future Henry III, and that Constance, Duchess of Lancaster should renounce all claims to the Castilian throne. A final treaty in regards to this proposal was ratified at Bayonne in Gascony on 8 July 1388. The marriage helped to restore a semblance of legitimacy to the Trastamara line. Furthermore, together with the truce of Leulingham and the one made at Moncao, the betrothal helped to end the Spanish period of the Hundred Years War [4] .
On 5 August 1388, Katherine announced that she entered into the marriage freely and fully accepted the treaty. The treaty had included a dower of the towns of Soria, Almazan, Atienza, Deza, and Molina. By 17 September 1388 Katherine was married to the nine-year-old Henry in Palencia Cathedral. Her husband took over the throne after the death of his father in 1390, but only in 1393 he was declared of age and began to rule. Katherine's only contribution to Henry's rule was the bearing of his three children and her devotion to the religious patronage of the Dominican Order. In September of 1390 Katherine accepted the authority of the Avignon Papacy, under Antipope Clement VII and became a staunch supporter.
The couple's three children:
Maria of Castile (1401-1458), who married Alfonso V "the Magnanimous", King of Aragon and Naples,
Catharina of Castile (1403-1439), who wed Enrique of Aragón, Duque de Villena,
Juan II (1405-1454), who succeeded his father as King of Castile.
Regency with Ferdinand
Henry III died in 1406, and according to his will, his widow, Katherine, and his brother, Ferdinand I of Aragon were to be joint regents during John II's minority, sharing their power with a royal council. Of those three parties, Ferdinand was to be the one with the greatest share of power [5]. However, the custody of Juan II was given to two nobles, Diego López de Stúñiga and Juan Fernandez de Velasco. Katherine prepared to defend herself and her household in a famous Spanish castle, the Alcázar of Segovia, due to the fact that she was not willing to relinquish her year-old son. Ferdinand was eventually able to make a deal that allowed Katherine to maintain custody of her son.
Ferdinand ordered Mudéjars (peasants, carpenters, seaman, and shipbuilders) to wear a symbol; a blue moon on their clothing. They were not allowed to leave their homes, nor were they allowed to work or trade with Christians. The Jewish, too were not allowed to work or trade with Christians. This was an attempt by John II to suppress religious minorities, which was supported by Katherine and only lasted until her death. Furthermore, tensions between the regents led to a division of rule. The royal council awarded Katherine control over the Northern part of the Kingdoms of Castile, and Leon.
As Katherine became increasingly involved in the wars of Ferdinand against Granada in the south, Castile's alliance with France suffered and she was able to strengthen her relations with Portugal, where her half-sister Philippa was queen, and with England, where her half-brother Henry IV ruled since 1399. Katherine and her half-brother fostered the trade between Castile and England. Her international policies were beneficial to the Castilian communities, but her co-regents did not always act in their best interests. Because of Katherine's opposition to Ferdinand, she supported the position of Antipope Benedict XIII and initially spoke up against the Council of Constance (1414-1418).
Solo regency
When Ferdinand died in 1416, Katherine's authority was reduced, due to the fact that his rivals no longer supported her. The government became very conciliar. Katherine, sickly due to a stroke, relinquished the custody of her son.
There is one vivid account of Katherine towards the end of her life recorded by Fernán Pérez de Guzmán. It alludes to the fact that she probably inherited physical characteristics from her father, and that she was a sickly woman. He describes her as being very tall and fat, pink with white in her complexion and fair. He states that she moved as though she was a man. He also says that she was virtuous and reserved, in both her person and her reputation. She was said to be generous and magnificent in her ways, although she did play "favourites" and was greatly influenced by them. Despite her "favouritism", she was twice as likely to banish women from her household.
Death and burial
Queen Katherine died at Valladolid on 2 June 1418, of a stroke, possibly precipitated by her great obesity, leaving her thirteen year-old son at the mercy of self-interested courtiers. She is buried with her husband in the Capilla de los Reyes Nuevos in Cathedral of Toledo. Her monumental effigy shows her with a long face and a highly arched forehead. She is the namesake of her great granddaughter Katherine of Aragon, first of the six wives of Henry VIII of England.
Katherine of Lancaster, also known as Katherine Plantagenet (1373-1418) was the daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his second wife, Constance of Castile (the daughter, and rightful heir of King Peter of Castile, who died at the hands of his half brother Henry II). She was born in Hertford Castle, her father's chief country home, on 31 March 1373.[1] Katherine became Queen of Castile through her marriage to Henry III.
Contents [hide]
1 Marriage
2 Widowhood
2.1 Regency with Ferdinand
2.2 Solo regency
3 Death and burial
4 Ancestors
4.1 Coat of Arms
5 Notes
6 References
[edit] Marriage
After King John I of Portugal defeated King John I of Castile at the Battle of Aljubarrota, South Leiria, in 1385, fully establishing Portuguese independence, Katherine's parents, the Duke and Duchess of Lancaster, were encouraged to press their claim for the Castilian throne. [2] In 1386, Katherine joined her father and mother in an expedition to Castile to gain John of Gaunt's rights to the throne. England and Portugal entered into an alliance against Castile in 1386 and solidified their ties through the marriage of King John I and Katherine's half-sister, Philippa. [3]
John of Gaunt had ruled Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, and Pontevedra with ease, but in 1387 had to withdraw to Portugal because of an unsuccessful invasion of Leon. It was then that he accepted the proposal of King John I of Castile, to marry Katherine to his son, the future Henry III, and that Constance, Duchess of Lancaster should renounce all claims to the Castilian throne. A final treaty in regards to this proposal was ratified at Bayonne in Gascony on 8 July 1388. The marriage helped to restore a semblance of legitimacy to the Trastamara line. Furthermore, together with the truce of Leulingham and the one made at Moncao, the betrothal helped to end the Spanish period of the Hundred Years War [4] .
On August 5, 1388, Katherine announced that she entered into the marriage freely and fully accepted the treaty. The treaty had included a dower of the towns of Soria, Almazan, Atienza, Deza, and Molina. By 17 September 1388 Katherine was married to the nine-year-old Henry in Palencia Cathedral. Her husband took over the throne after the death of his father in 1390, but only in 1393 he was declared of age and began to rule. Katherine's only contribution to Henry's rule was the bearing of his three children and her devotion to the religious patronage of the Dominican Order. In September of 1390 Katherine accepted the authority of the Avignon Papacy, under Antipope Clement VII and became a staunch supporter.
The couple's three children:
Maria of Castile (1401-1458), who married Alfonso V "the Magnanimous", King of Aragon and Naples,
Catharina of Castile (1403-1439), who wed Enrique of Aragón, Duque de Villena,
Juan II (1405-1454), who succeeded his father as King of Castile.
[edit] Widowhood
[edit] Regency with Ferdinand
Henry III died in 1406, and according to his will, his widow, Katherine, and his brother, Ferdinand I of Aragon were to be joint regents during John II's minority, sharing their power with a royal council. Of those three parties, Ferdinand was to be the one with the greatest share of power [5]. However, the custody of Juan II was given to two nobles, Diego López de Stúñiga and Juan Fernandez de Velasco. Katherine prepared to defend herself and her household in a famous Spanish castle, the Alcázar of Segovia, due to the fact that she was not willing to relinquish her year-old son. Ferdinand was eventually able to make a deal that allowed Katherine to maintain custody of her son.
Ferdinand ordered Mudéjars (peasants, carpenters, seaman, and shipbuilders) to wear a symbol; a blue moon on their clothing. They were not allowed to leave their homes, nor were they allowed to work or trade with Christians. The Jewish, too were not allowed to work or trade with Christians. This was an attempt by John II to suppress religious minorities, which was supported by Katherine and only lasted until her death. Furthermore, tensions between the regents led to a division of rule. The royal council awarded Katherine control over the Northern part of the Kingdoms of Castile, and Leon.
As Katherine became increasingly involved in the wars of Ferdinand against Granada in the south, Castile's alliance with France suffered and she was able to strengthen her relations with Portugal, where her half-sister Philippa was queen, and with England, where her half-brother Henry IV ruled since 1399. Katherine and her half-brother fostered the trade between Castile and England. Her international policies were beneficial to the Castilian communities, but her co-regents did not always act in their best interests. Because of Katherine's opposition to Ferdinand, she supported the position of Antipope Benedict XIII and initially spoke up against the Council of Constance (1414-1418).
[edit] Solo regency
When Ferdinand died in 1416, Katherine's authority was reduced, due to the fact that his rivals no longer supported her. The government became very conciliar. Katherine, sickly due to a stroke, relinquished the custody of her son.
There is one vivid account of Katherine towards the end of her life recorded by Fernán Pérez de Guzmán. It alludes to the fact that she probably inherited physical characteristics from her father, and that she was a sickly woman. He describes her as being very tall and fat, pink with white in her complexion and fair. He states that she moved as though she was a man. He also says that she was virtuous and reserved, in both her person and her reputation. She was said to be generous and magnificent in her ways, although she did play "favourites" and was greatly influenced by them. Despite her "favouritism", she was twice as likely to banish women from her household.
[edit] Death and burial
Queen Katherine died at Valladolid on 2 June 1418, of a stroke, possibly precipitated by her great obesity, leaving her thirteen year-old son at the mercy of self-interested courtiers. She is buried with her husband in the Capilla de los Reyes Nuevos in Cathedral of Toledo. Her monumental effigy shows her with a long face and a highly arched forehead. She is the namesake of her great granddaughter Katherine of Aragon, first of the six wives of Henry VIII of England.
[edit] Ancestors
Katherine's ancestors in three generations
Edward II of England
Edward III of England
Isabella of France
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
Willem I, Count of Hainaut
Philippa of Hainault
Jeanne of Valois
Katherine of Lancaster[6]
Alfonso XI of Castile
Pedro I of Castile
Maria of Portugal
Constance of Castile
Juan García de Padilla
María de Padilla
María Fernández de Henestrosa
Katherine of Lancaster (also known as Katherine Plantagenet and as Queen Catalina of Castile and Leon) (1372-1418) – was the daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his second wife, Constance of Castile who was the daughter and rightful heir of Pedro I of Castille, who died at the hands of his half brother Enrique II. She was born in Hertford Castle, her father's chief country home.
She married Enrique III of Castile in 1393 at Burgos. As her mother was daughter of Pedro of Castile, and had been a claimant to the Castilian throne herself, the marriage helped to restore a semblance of legitimacy to the Trastamara line.
The couple had three children:
Maria of Castile (1401-1458), who married Alfonso V "the Magnanimous", King of Aragon and Naples,
Catharina of Castile (1403-1439), who wed Enrique of Aragón, Duque de Villena,
Juan II (1405-1454), who succeeded his father as King of Castile.
Enrique III died in 1406 and according to his will, his widow Catherine and his brother Ferdinand I of Aragon served as co-regents during the minority of Juan II. He ordered Mudejars (peasants, carpenters, seaman, and shipbuilders) to wear a symbol; a blue moon on their clothing. They were not allowed to leave their home. They were not allowed to work or trade, as well as the Jewish, with Christians. They were under the mercy of the Christians. This was an attempt by Juan II to suppress religious minority and with the attempts of Queen Catalina, this attempt only lasted until her death and tensions between the regents led to a division of rule and in 1418 tolerance returned.
Queen Catherine died at Valladolid of a stroke, possibly precipitated by her great obesity, leaving her thirteen year-old son at the mercy of self-interested courtiers. She is the namesake of her great granddaughter Katherine of Aragon, first of the six wives of Henry VIII of England.
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Aug 23 2017, 12:05:02 UTC
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Aug 23 2017, 12:05:32 UTC
Catalina de Lancáster, reina consorte de Castilla's Timeline
1372 |
June 6, 1372
Hereford Castle, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1401 |
November 14, 1401
Segovia, Spain
1403 |
Of, Toro, Zamora, Spain
1405 |
March 6, 1405
Toro, Province of Zamora, Castille and Leon, Spain
1418 |
June 2, 1418
Age 46
Valladolid, Province of Valladolid, Castille and Leon, Spain
???? |
Toledo, Province of Toledo, Castille La Mancha, Spain