Carl Olof Jansson

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Carl Olof Jansson (1890 - 1978)

Birthplace: Vadened, Korsberga, Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden
Death: March 23, 1978 (87)
Wahoo, Saunders, Nebraska, Wahoo, United States
Place of Burial: Sunrise Cem., Wahoo, Saunders, Nebraska
Immediate Family:

Son of Lars Alfred Jansson and Charlotta Kristina Jansson
Husband of Amanda Josefina Edith Jansson and Hulda Anette Persson
Brother of Sven Bernhard Jansson; Alfred Vitalis Jansson; Eric Waldemar Jansson; Hannah Elizabet Andersson; Sven Ossian Jansson and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
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About Carl Olof Jansson

"According to an article in The Omaha World Herald:

"Carl Jansson (he changed it to Johnson upon arriving in America) was a 21-year-old contractor's apprentice when he left Sweden to escape induction into the army. Carrying all he owned in a suitcase, he and some associates slipped over to Copenhagen, Denmark, and then traveled on a cattle boat to Southampton, England. There Johnson would find passage to America, planning to join his brother in the now-defunct town of Swedeburg, near Wahoo in Nebraska's Saunders County. Johnson's boarding pass, now in the hands of the Saunders County Historical Museum in Wahoo, shows he was originally supposed to sail aboard the Adriatic before he was transferred to the Titanic, likely due to a severe coal shortage that was docking many ships."(The Omaha World Herald, April 8, 2012)"

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See Encyclopedia Titanica (2024) Carl Olof Jansson (ref: #891, last updated: 23rd July 2024, accessed 2nd March 2025 07:03:22 AM)

Mr Carl Olof Jansson

  • Titanic Survivor
  • Born: Saturday 17th May 1890
  • Age: 21 years
  • Nationality: Swedish
  • Last Residence: in Örebro, Sweden
  • 3rd Class passenger
  • First Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
  • Ticket No. 350034 , £7 15s 11d
  • Destination: Swedeburg, Nebraska, United States
  • Rescued (boat A)
  • Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
  • Died: Thursday 23rd March 1978
  • Cause of Death: Cerebral Thrombosis
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Carl Olof Jansson's Timeline

May 17, 1890
Vadened, Korsberga, Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden
March 23, 1978
Age 87
Wahoo, Saunders, Nebraska, Wahoo, United States
March 25, 1978
Age 87
Sunrise Cem., Wahoo, Saunders, Nebraska