Capt. Peter Hedrick

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Johann Peter Hedrick (Heydrich), Jr. (1733 - 1798)

Also Known As: "Immigrant"
Birthplace: Lichtenberg, Upper Franconia, Bavaria or Oberalben / Ulmet, Kusel, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Death: January 24, 1798 (64)
Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Place of Burial: Silver Hill, Davidson County, NC, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Lt. Col. Johann Peter Hedrick and Anna Otilia Hedrick
Husband of Margaret Hedrick (Hoerchelradt)
Father of Johann Peter Hedrick, Jr.; George Hedrick; Casper Hedrick; John Theodore Hedrick; Margaret Hedrick and 6 others
Brother of Maria Catarina Hedrick; Anna Maria Hedrick; Johannes Jacob Hedrick, Sr.; Johann Henry Newton Hedrick; Johann George Hedrick and 6 others
Half brother of John Hedrick

Occupation: Farmer, Captain,
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Capt. Peter Hedrick

A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor #: A054170

When he was 5, he and his parents arrived in the Port of PA aboard the ship, Robert and Oliver (Alice?) with Walter Goodman as Captain. They settled in PA. He served in Col. Timothy Green's Bn., Lancaster County, PA, Militia. He become Captain of the Local Militia in the French and Indian War. He went to Rowan County, NC and laid claim to 1,465 acres of land which was four miles on both sides of a small stream. The stream became known as Four Mile Branch. On his land Peter built a home and outbuildings, acquired farm stock, and cleared land for his farming. He was one of the founders of Beck's Reformed Church. He was in the Salisbury District Militia during the Revolutionary War. He was commissioned a Lieutenant and rose to the rank of Captain. In his absence on military duty, British and Tories threatened his family, burned his buildings and carried away his property. Subsequently he rebuilt, and occupied his holdings until his death.

Occupation: Farmer.

He came to Davidson County, NC about 1755.

1 JAN., 1785.

Bill of sale, Peter Hedrick to Adam Hedrick. "Know all men by these presents that I Peter Hedrick, of the county of Rowan, and state of North Carolina, hath for and in consideration of the sum of seventy-five pounds specis [About $475.00 as we count money now.] in hand paid to me by Adam Hedrick of said county and state, planter, bargained, sold, set over and delivered unto the said Adam Hedrick one wagon and tacklin for four horses with wagon cover, lock, chain and hand scrue, and one bay horse fourteen hands high and ten years old and branded on the off shoulder thus--A, and on the off buttock thus--H; likewise one bay horse three years old and fourteen hands high, branded on the near shoulder thus--A, and on the near buttock thus--H, together with all the beds and bedding and other household furniture which I now possess, they being all at this time in said Adam Hedrick's possession, the said wagon and gears, lock chain and hand scrue and hames and household furniture as above described. I do hereby warrant and forever defend unto the above named Adam Hedrick, his heirs and assigns forever from all lawful claims or demands that may now be or may hereafter ensue from any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this first day of January, A.D. 1785. Peter Hedrick, seal." A beautiful monument has been erected at the place of his burial. It is nine feet high and stands on a solid concrete base four by five feet. It is constructed of beautiful flint stone laid in concrete, and was dedicated 30 Nov., 1933, two hundred years from the time of his birth." In German there is an inscription on the slab as follows: "Peter Hedrick ward geboren den 17 tag December, Ano 1733, und ist gestorben den 24ten January 1798". Translated - "Peter Hedrick was born Dec. 17, 1733, and died Jan. 24, 1798." In small letters at the bottom of the stone, partly underground: "When we have scarce been born It is from the first step of life To the cool grave of death Only a short-measured step. Alas, with each moment Goes our strength backward; For we are with each year All ripe for the bier of death. Who his house now well orders He goes with joy out of the world. Since security on the contrary Eternal death can cause. Amen." Inscription in the heart: "The heart my God to thee alone O Jesus wholly devoted shall be.&quot. His common name was 'Peter.' Johann immigrated, after 1733. Destination.

Margaret Hoerchelradt Hoercheirodt? Margaret was born on 28 Oct 1735 at Heidelberg, Prussia. 1740? Margaret died on 18 Jul 1800 at Rowan County, NC, at age 64. 31 Jul., 1800? Her body was interred in Jul 1800. Herchelrot?

Lived in Rowan County, NC

The following is her will - "Last Will and Testament of Margaret Hedrick, Widow of Peter Hedrick, the Revolutionary Patriot; made July 17, 1800, Recorded in Book E, Page 113, in the Rowan County Court House. In the name of God, Amen! I, Margaret Hedrick, widow and relict of Peter Hedrick, deceased, being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, calling to mind the frailty of nature, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner and form following: Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Hedrick, my bed and furniture and all my wearing apparel, and one heifer, and one sow, and her wheel where (which) she is accustomed to spin on; and the rest of my estate, after paying my son George Hedrick a sum of money which he has paid for me, I desire should be equally divided between my three youngest children, to wit, Francis, Elizabeth and Adam Hedrick. I also constitute, make and ordain and appoint Jacob Hedrick executor of this my last will and testament to see this my last will and testament executed in an ample manner, and further to see to give the above named children so much schooling as may be requisite. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 17th day of July, 1800. Signed and sealed in the presence of Owen Strange, Jr., Jacob Miller, Peter Hedrick. her Margaret Hedrick (seal) X (mark)" Margaret Hedrick signed in English, marking her mark, because she could only write in German Script, and many officers would not allow that form of signature. The will was probated in 1800.

Birth: Dec. 17, 1733 Death: Jan. 24, 1798

Full name Johann Peter Hedrick II, husband of Anna Margaretha Hoerchalradt. Son of Johann Peter Heydrich & Anna Otilla, who came to America from Ulmet, Pfalz, Germany, on the ship Robert & Alice, arriving at the port of Philadelphia Sept. 11 1738, and located in East Hanover Twp., Lancaster Co, PA. He is brother to Adam Hedrick of the Pilgrim United Church community of Davidson Co. Capt. Peter Hedrick married Margaret Hoerchelradt and migrated to what is now Davidson Co. about 1755. He staked out claim to 1465 acres of land along a stream ever since called "Four Mile Branch". Peter and his family were among the founders of the Beck's Reformed Church, where he is buried. He was a patriotic officer in the Revolutionary War. In his absence on military duty, British and Tories threatened his family, burned his buildings, killed all the animals they could not take, and carried away his property. When he was informed of this disaster, he was given leave to come home and move his family temporarily to safety in VA. Two of his patriot neighbors were killed during Torie raids at their homes, Valentine Leonard & Woolrich Fritz. Following the war, he had to rebuild, and occupied his holdings until his death. Their 6 children were: Peter Jr., Francis, Jacob, George, Adam, and Casper (another account leaves out Casper and adds Elizabeth)?

Full name Johann Peter Hedrick II, husband of Anna Margaretha Hoerchalradt. Son of Johann Peter Heydrich & Anna Otilla, who came to America from Ulmet, Pfalz, Germany, on the ship Robert & Alice, arriving at the port of Philadelphia Sept. 11 1738, and located in East Hanover Twp., Lancaster Co, PA. He is brother to Adam Hedrick of the Pilgrim United Church community of Davidson Co. Capt. Peter Hedrick married Margaret Hoerchelradt and migrated to what is now Davidson Co. about 1755. He staked out claim to 1465 acres of land along a stream ever since called "Four Mile Branch". Peter and his family were among the founders of the Beck's Reformed Church, where he is buried. He was a patriotic officer in the Revolutionary War. In his absence on military duty, British and Tories threatened his family, burned his buildings, killed all the animals they could not take, and carried away his property. When he was informed of this disaster, he was given leave to come home and move his family temporarily to safety in VA. Two of his patriot neighbors were killed during Torie raids at their homes, Valentine Leonard & Woolrich Fritz. Following the war, he had to rebuild, and occupied his holdings until his death. Their 6 children were: Peter Jr., Francis, Jacob, George, Adam, and Casper (another account leaves out Casper and adds Elizabeth)?

Inscription: Came to America from Palatinate Germany 1738. Located in NC 1755-60. Took up 1465 acres of land on "Four Mile Branch". A patriotic officer in the Rev. War. Tories burned his buildings & stole his property.

Note: One of the founders of Becks Reformed Church. A community leader, a man of end?, and a friend of man.

Buried in Row 4, Lot 13, in Silver Hill, Davidson county, NC. Beck's United Church of Christ Cemetery

find a grave

Capt Johann Peter Hedrick Revolutionary war officer

Birth: Dec. 17, 1732 Bavaria (Bayern), Germany Death: Jan. 24, 1798

Full name Johann Peter Hedrick II, husband of Anna Margaretha Hoerchalradt. Son of Johann Peter Heydrich & Anna Otilla, who came to America from Ulmet, Pfalz, Germany, on the ship Robert & Alice, arriving at the port of Philadelphia Sept. 11 1738, and located in East Hanover Twp., Lancaster Co, PA. He is brother to Adam Hedrick of the Pilgrim United Church community of Davidson Co. Capt. Peter Hedrick married Margaret Hoerchelradt and migrated to what is now Davidson Co. about 1755. He staked out claim to 1465 acres of land along a stream ever since called "Four Mile Branch". Peter and his family were among the founders of the Beck's Reformed Church, where he is buried. He was a patriotic officer in the Revolutionary War. In his absence on military duty, British and Tories threatened his family, burned his buildings, killed all the animals they could not take, and carried away his property. When he was informed of this disaster, he was given leave to come home and move his family temporarily to safety in VA. Two of his patriot neighbors were killed during Torie raids at their homes, Valentine Leonard & Woolrich Fritz. Following the war, he had to rebuild, and occupied his holdings until his death. Their 6 children were: Peter Jr., Francis, Jacob, George, Adam, and Casper (another account leaves out Casper and adds Elizabeth)?

Family links:

 Johann Peter Hedrick (1710 - 1788)
 Anna Otilia Blum Hedrick (1710 - 1760)


 Anna Margaretha Hoerchalradt Hedrick (1734 - 1800)*


 Johann Peter Hedrick (1761 - 1844)*
 Elizabeth Hedrick Sowers (1786 - 1859)*
 Adam Headrick (1788 - 1826)*


 Johann Peter Hedrick (1732 - 1798)
 Johannes Henry Hedrick (1736 - 1800)*
 Johann Jacob Hedrick (1736 - 1826)*
 Johann Adam Hedrick (1741 - 1815)*
 Nicholas Hedrick (1778 - 1832)**

*Calculated relationship

  • *Half-sibling

Inscription: Came to America from Palatinate Germany 1738. Located in NC 1755-60. Took up 1465 acres of land on "Four Mile Branch". A patriotic officer in the Rev. War. Tories burned his buildings & stole his property.

Note: One of the founders of Becks Reformed Church. A community leader, a man of end?, and a friend of man.

Burial: Becks Reformed Church Cemetery Lexington Davidson County North Carolina, USA


Web: North Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1716-2012 Operations, Inc. 1,70634::0




Family Data Collection - Births Edmund West, comp. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. 1,5769::0




Web: North Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1716-2012 Operations, Inc. 1,70634::0




Web: North Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1716-2012 Operations, Inc. 1,70634::0




U.S. Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820 Operations, Inc. 1,2234::0


Document: Tax List - 1779 [NC State Archives]; Call Number: C.R. 085.701.5; Page Number: 40; Family Number: 25 1,2234::162921


Pennsylvania Church Records - Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881 Operations Inc 1,7830::0




U.S. Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820 Operations, Inc. 1,2234::0


Document: Tax List - 1779 [NC State Archives]; Call Number: C.R. 085.701.5; Page Number: 40; Family Number: 25 1,2234::162921


North Carolina Census, 1790-1890 Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.Original data - Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.Orig 1,3566::0




Web: North Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1716-2012 Operations, Inc. 1,70634::0




Family Data Collection - Births Edmund West, comp. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. 1,5769::0




Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.


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Capt. Peter Hedrick's Timeline

December 24, 1732
Oberalben, Ulmet, Pfalz, Bavaria
December 17, 1733
Lichtenberg, Upper Franconia, Bavaria or Oberalben / Ulmet, Kusel, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Germany Va, Indiana, United States
June 12, 1761
East Hanover, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Colonial America
March 21, 1762
Rowan County, NC or East Hanover, Lancaster County, PA, United States
February 1, 1765
Salisbury, Rowan County, NC, United States
June 12, 1766
Salisbury, Rowan County, NC, United States
April 3, 1768
Augusta County, VA, United States
Salisbury, Rowan County, NC, United States