JACOB-112-1 Captain John Jacob, b. Dover, Kent, England 28 Dec 1628, d. 29 Oct 1726, All Hallows Parish, Anne Arundel Co, MD.
m. (1) Anne Cheney, b. 1661, South River Hundred, Anne Arundel Co., MD, d. 1 May 1730, All Hallows Parish, Anne Arundel Co.; dau of Richard Cheney,b. 1625, Wolandworth, London, England, d. 16 Mar 1685, Anne Arundel Co, and wife Charity, b. ca 1625, d. 1688; granddaughter of Richard Cheney, b. London 25 Jan 1594, d. 1633, and wife Ann Ellinor; b. 1603, dau of Bartholomew Ellinor & Alice Effermont (2) ?
Captain John Jacob m. (2) ? Note: Rachel's birthdate does not jibe with a second marriage b. Rachel. b. 1689, d. before 1735. 25 Sep 1710 m. Edward Gaither I, b. 28 Sep 1689, South River Park, AA, d. 10 Apr 1741. Ch. Jane, Moses, Leah, Rachel, Dinah, SArah, Edward
Colonial Families of the United States of America: Volume 5 page 329
Capt. John JACOB, of Anne Arundel County, Maryland; b. in Dover, England, in 1629; came to America in 1665; d. 1702. In addition to grants of land from the Crown, he bought several large tracts in Anne Arundel County and became a tobacco planter. At that time his cousin, Sir John JACOB, was at the head of [p.329] the tobacco business of England, and LLOYD in his "Memoirs of Eminent People," who suffered for their loyalty, says, "The Worshipful Sir John JACOB, a man ever ready to assist his Majesty, declared, 'What! shall I keep my estate and see the King want? If it please God to bless the King, though I give him all I have, I can be no loser.'" The Crown owed him more than £200,000, which it could not pay, but the King created him a Baronet in 1665. This Baronetcy continued to the Fifth Baronet, Sir Clement Brydges JACOB, who dying without issue in 1790, it is now in abeyance. Capt. John JACOB was an Officer of Colonial Forces, and was a prominent and prosperous man in that section of Maryland. He m. Anne CHANEY, dau. of Richard CHANEY, Esq., in 1681. His will and those of his sons are on file at Annapolis.
[Br%C3%B8derbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #4225, Date of Import: 26 Mar 2002] John came as an indentured servant to Maryland, sponsored by James Warner, Esq.of the South River Hundred in 1665. He was 33 years old. By 2 December 1674 he was able to prove his rights to fifty acres for the time of his service. He received his land warrant on 2 March 1675. His land bordered a stream later called Jacob's Creek. John Jacob was deeded before the death of this father-in-law, Richard Cheney, "for natural love and affection" 150 acres of "Cheney's Resolution", in Anne Arundel County, MD. Though the years he added to his property and acquired a large estate on the South River. In 1697 John was a member or a Judge of the Provincial Grand Jury. He witnessed the will of Richard Cheney in 1726. At that time he swore he was about ninety-four years old.
"John and Anne JACOB were members of the Established Church of England, belonging to All Hallows Parish in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The Church Register recorded Anne's baptism on 6 July 1720, John JACOB's burial on 29 October 1726, and Anne JACOB's burial on 1 May 1730."
Source: GenForum post
"John Jacob, the pioneer, was a member of the Established Church of England and transferred his faith to many of his descendants. The early records of the Episcopal parishes of Anne Arundel and Prince Georges Counties contain numerous names of births, baptisms and marriages for the Jacobs. To repel suspicions that the Jacob family might be Jewish, it can definitely be stated that John Jacob accepted the Anglican faith and while it is not absolutely proven that he was of the armorial Kentish family of whom many have been knighted, there is much evidence for its support. Furthermore, the name was consistently spelled during the provincial period without an "s", an indication of Anglo-Saxon-Norman origin. In England when the Jews were granted the use of family names, those who took Jacob had to add the "s" to differentiate them from the ancient English family. The same holds true for the distinguished English family of Isaac. Jacobs and Isaacs are therefore Jewish families."
Source: Newman
John Jacob is a 9G-Grandfather of President Barack Obama (#3554).
Last Will & Testament
Source: Maryland GenWeb Archives
John Jacob (1628-1726)
Anne Arundel County MD
Maryland Hall of Records, Box J, folder 6
Department of General Services, Annapolis, Maryland
Written 4 June 1719
Proved 1 December 1726
In the Name of God Amen: The fourth day of June, in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven hundred & nineteen. I John Jacob Senr of South-river in the County of Ann Arrundel, being weak of Body, but of Perfect mind & memory Thanks be given to God therefore Calling to mind the Mortallity of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die, doe make & Ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following: That is to Say, first & Principally, I give my Soul into the hands of God who gave it one, & for my body, I commend it to the Earth, to be buried in Christian & Decent manner, nothing Doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me, I give, Devise, bequeath & Dispose the same in manner & form following.
1. First, I give & bequeath unto my son, John, one hundred Acres of Land, now in the Possession & Occupation of him my sd. Son John, for himself & his heirs forever; together with old half of my Orchard adjacent & next unto the havitation & dwelling house of him my sd. Son John, & as now scituate & being in his Possession as aforesd.
2. Item, I give & bequeath unto my son Richard, after the death of his Mother, one half & equal part of the land, & remainder of the Orchard, different from the other part, given before to my son John & now in my own Possession both of Land & the half of the Orchard as aforesd. Shall be Equally devided in two parts, And one half both of Land & Orchard is given to my son Richard as aforesd. To him and his heirs forever, & as now Scituate & being in Ann Arrundel County, together with all moveables & Estate moreover & beside whatsoever, to be Equally devided in two parts, & one part thereof is given to him my son Richard as aforesd, saving what is otherwise by this my Last will & Testament given & bequeathed.
3. Item, I give & bequeath unto my son Samuel, after the Death of his Mother, the other Half & part of Land & Orchard together with the half of Moveables & Estate as aforesd. To be devided in two parts as aforesd. And equally to be shared between by son Richard & Samuel, And the one part give to him my son Samuel, his heirs & Assigns forever.
4. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Sons Joseph & Benjamin, Two hundred Acres of Land Scituate & being in Prince Georges County, & now at this time in the Possession and Occupation of them my sd. Sons Jospeh & Benjamin, to be Equally devided between them the sd Joseph & Benjamin, & for them & their heirs forever.
5. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Susannah, after the Death of her Mother, one Cow & Calf, to her & her heirs forever.
And this my Last Will & Testament, I make & Ordain my Deare & well beloved Wife my full & whole Executrix, And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke & annul all & every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Bequests & Executrs by me in any wise before this Time named, willed & bequeathed. Ratifying & Confirming this & none Other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the Day & year above written.
/s/ John (his mark) Jacob Senr (seal)
Signed, Seal’d, Published & declared by the sd John Jacob Senr as his last Will & Testament in the Presence of
Richd Poole
Gillbird Pattison
Joseph (his mark) Williams
Above based on a transcription by Sharon J. Doliante.
On June 4, 1719, Richard Poole witnessed the will of John Jacob, Sr, of South River, and was alive on December 1, 1726, when the will was probated at a court held in Anne Arundel County. He was definitely Richard Poole, Sr, for at that time Richard Poole, Jr, was too young to witness official documents. [1]
Captain, Mariner
Maryland and Virginia Colonials: Genealogies of Some Colonial Families, by Sharon J. Doliante, Page 381:
Jacob Family, information with original sources;
JOHN JACOB was born Abt. 1632 in Dover, Kent, England, and died 28 Oct 1726 in Anne Arundel Co, MD.
He married ANNE CHENEY 01 Mar 1680/81 in Anne Arundel Co, MD;
a daughter of RICHARD CHEYNEY and MARY WOOD.
She was born 1660 in Anne Arundel Co, MD, and died 29 Apr 1730 in South River Hundred, Anne Arundel Co, MD.
JOHN JACOB: 1665 Captain John Jacob emigrated from England to Anne Arundel Co, Maryland
as indentured servant. (Skordas, p. 253, Liber 18, Folio 128).
Other sources indicate he was aged 33, hence born ca 1632
and sponsored by James Warner, Esq, of the South River Hundred.
Bef. 1 Mar 1674/5 married Anne Cheney.
1 March 1674 Deed of Gift from Richard Cheney the Elder of South River AA Co, planter, and wife; to beloved son-in-law John Jacobs, of South River, AA Co, planter and my daughter Anne, his wife, 100 acre sw of Cheney's Resolution on the south side of South River containing 400 Acres;
/s/Richard Cheney's Mark;
recorded at request of John Jacobs
Anne Arundel Land Records: IHI.47
2 Dec 1674 proved rights to 50 acres.
2 Mar 1674/5 received land warrant on stream later called Jacob's Creek.
Before death of father in law, Richard Cheney, was given 150 a "Cheney's Resolution" in Anne Arundel Co.
Added to this property through the years and it became a large estate on South River.
Occupation: "Planter."
20 Apr 1679 John Jacob served on Jury with Richard Cheney jr. brother of his wife Anne.
1697 Judge of Provincial Grand Jury.
29 Feb 1712 deed of gift from John Jacob of Anne Arundel Co and Ann his wife, to sons, Joseph Jacob and Benjamin Jacob, land that Richard Cheney planter of Anne Arundel Co on 1 Oct 1704 sold to John Jacob land called "Jacob Hope" in Prince George's Co. being part of "Cheney's Adventure" on the west side of the Patuxent, bounded by the river:
/s/ John Jacob (mark and seal),
Ann Jacob(mark and seal)
Prince Georges Land Records: F.261
On June 4, 1719, Richard Poole of Anne Arundel Co. witnessed the will of John Jacob, Sr. of South River, who was still alive on Dec 1, 1726.
1726 John Jacob witnessed the will of Richard Cheney.
In 1726 there is a court case where John Jacobs testifies to being 94 years old, thus born about 1632.
Buried at All Hallows Church, Anne Arundel Co.
Last Will & Testament of JOHN JACOB, Sr. of Anne Arundel Co.,
dated 4 June 1719, proved 1 Dec 1726
To son John and heirs, 100 acres where he now lives with 1/2 the orchard additionally.
To sons Richard and Samuel and their heirs, residue of real estate in Anne Arundel County at decease of their mother; and personal estate equally.
To sons Joseph and Benjamin and their heirs, 200 acres in Pr Geo Co now in their possession.
To daughters Elizabeth and Susannah, personalty at decease of their mother.
Executrix: wife
Test: Richd Poole, Gillbird Pattison, Joseph Williams
Maryland Calendar of Wills Anne Arundel Co - Page 41
Book 19, Page 260 by Cotton Volume 6 Made: 4 Jun 1719
Jacob, John, Sr. South River Prob: 1 Dec 1726
Children: John, Richard, Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Susanna & his wife
Anne Arundel Co Wills VI:41 - Book 19, Page 260
Maryland and Virginia Colonials: genealogies of some Colonial families
By Sharon J. Doliante, page 395
1628 |
December 28, 1628
Dover, Kent, England
1643 |
October 18, 1643
Age 14
St. Mary's Church, Dover, Kent, England
1681 |
January 5, 1681
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
1683 |
Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland
1685 |
South River, Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland
1686 |
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States
South River Hundred, Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland
1688 |
South River Hundred, Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland