A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor # A079220 Per the DAR public database, "NO PROOF THE SPOUSE OF THE ANCESTOR WAS RACHEL LAWRENCE, OR A WOMAN 2) NAMED ANN." (FD)
Will dated Mar 1, 1782 names wife and all children.
Children of Aaron and Rachel MOORE: Ann; Elizabeth married a Mr. HARMON; Moses married Nancy COX; Elisha married Elizabeth SKRIMSHIRE; Sarah married either Joel VAUGHN or Micajah MORRIS; Mary married William BATTLE; Margaret married William HORTON; Rachel married Reuben LOGAN; and John married first Martha COVINGTON, and second Susanna JONES.
Parents of Aaron Moore:
BENJAMIN MOORE was born in 1696 in Chester, Pennsylvania. He died in 1751 in Hopewell, Cumberland, Pennsylvania. (Ben kept his mother's name Moore)
BENJAMIN married ELIZABETH PARDIN-1830, daughter of THOMAS PARDIN-1834 and REBECCA about 1700 in Pennsylvania. ELIZABETH was born about 1675 in Pennsylvania.
Aaron Moore b1720-30 PA m Rachel Lawrence. Moved to old Anson Co., NC in 1758 with his siblings John Moore, Moses Moore, and Elizabeth Moore who m Samuel Biggerstaff. Moses Moore was the father of Tory Col. John Moore who was defeated at the Battle of Ramsour's Mill. Aaron Moore and Rachel Lawrence had 9 children: Elizabeth m ...Harmon, Moses m Nancy Cox, Elisha m Elizabeth Skrimshire, Sarah, Mary m William Battle, Margaret, Rachel m Reubin Logan, John m Martha Covington & Susannah Jones, and Ann.
Will dated Mar 1, 1782 names wife and all children.
Children of Aaron and Rachel MOORE: Ann; Elizabeth married a Mr. HARMON; Moses married Nancy COX; Elisha married Elizabeth SKRIMSHIRE; Sarah married either Joel VAUGHN or Micajah MORRIS; Mary married William BATTLE; Margaret married William HORTON; Rachel married Reuben LOGAN; and John married first Martha COVINGTON, and second Susanna JONES.
Parents of Aaron Moore:
BENJAMIN MOORE was born in 1696 in Chester, Pennsylvania. He died in 1751 in Hopewell, Cumberland, Pennsylvania. (Ben kept his mother's name Moore)
BENJAMIN married ELIZABETH PARDIN-1830, daughter of THOMAS PARDIN-1834 and REBECCA about 1700 in Pennsylvania. ELIZABETH was born about 1675 in Pennsylvania.
Aaron Moore b1720-30 PA m Rachel Lawrence. Moved to old Anson Co., NC in 1758 with his siblings John Moore, Moses Moore, and Elizabeth Moore who m Samuel Biggerstaff. Moses Moore was the father of Tory Col. John Moore who was defeated at the Battle of Ramsour's Mill. Aaron Moore and Rachel Lawrence had 9 children: Elizabeth m ...Harmon, Moses m Nancy Cox, Elisha m Elizabeth Skrimshire, Sarah, Mary m William Battle, Margaret, Rachel m Reubin Logan, John m Martha Covington & Susannah Jones, and Ann.
Aaron Moore (b. Abt. 1735, d. 1782)
Aaron Moore was born Abt. 1735, and died 1782 in Rutherford co. North Carolina. He married Rachel Lawrence, daughter of Lawrence.
Children of Aaron Moore and Rachel Lawrence are:
Elizabeth Moore, b. 1762, Tyron Co, NC., d. date unknown.
Moses Moore, b. 29 Nov 1762, Tyron Co, NC., d. 05 Dec 1832, Tyron Co, NC..
Elisha Moore, b. Abt. 1764, Tyron Co, NC., d. date unknown.
Sarah Moore, b. Abt. 1766, Tyron Co, NC., d. date unknown.
Mary Moore, b. Abt. 1768, Tyron Co, NC., d. date unknown.
Rachel Moore, b. 1772, Tyron Co, NC., d. date unknown.
John Moore, b. 19 Nov 1777, Tyron Co, NC., d. 11 Nov 1857, Shooting Creek, Cherokee, NC.
Ann Moore, b. Abt. 1778, Tyron Co, NC., d. date unknown.
+Margaret Moore, b. 1781, Rutherford County, North Carolina, d. 07 Apr 1848, Near Sunshine, Ruthrerford, North Carolina.
Husband: Aaron Moore
Born: about 1720/1730 in Cumberland Co, PA
Married: about 1761 in NC
Died: 1782 in Rutherford Co, NC
Father: Benjamin Moore
Mother: >>>
Wife: Rachel Lawrence
Born: before 1755
Died: after 1810 in Rutherford Co, NC
01 (F): Elizabeth Moore
Born: 1755/1774
Spouses: Michael Harmon
02 (M): Moses Moore, Cpt
Born: 29 NOV 1762
Died: 07 DEC 1832 in Lincoln Co, NC
Spouses: Nancy Ann Cox
03 (M): Elisha Moore
Born: 1755/1774
Spouses: Elizabeth Skrimshire
04 (F): Sarah Moore
Born: 1769/1770 in Tryon Co, NC (now Rutherford Co, NC)
Died: after 1850 in Macon Co, NC
Spouses: Micajah Morris
05 (F): Mary W Moore
Born: 27 JUL 1772 in Tryon Co, NC (now Rutherford Co, NC)
Died: 03 SEP 1859 in Lincoln Co, NC
Spouses: William Battle
06 (F): Margaret Moore
Born: 1765/1774
Spouses: William Horton
07 (F): Rachel Moore
Born: before 1781
Spouses: Reubin Logan
08 (M): John Moore
Born: 19 NOV 1777 in Tryon Co, NC (now Rutherford Co, NC)
Died: 22 MAY 1857 in Cherokee Co, NC
Spouses: Martha Covington; Susanna Jones
09 (F): Ann Moore
Born: 1774/1781
Additional Information:
Aaron Moore:
!WILL: 1 Mar 1781 Rutherford Co, NC proven Oct term 1782, Aaron MOORE, on oath of John WALKER, wife (torn), children: Moses, Elisha, Sarah, Mary, Margaret, Rachael, John and Ann MOORE. Daughter Elizabeth HARMON. Rachel MOORE and Joab LAWRENCE, Executors. Witness: John WALKER, Peter WALKER, Elizabeth WALKER;
!COURT:-- Jan 1781 Rutherford Co, NC Ord that Thomas MORRIS have an Execution against the estate of Aron MOORE for the sum of 1200 lbs with costs &; !PROBATE:Oct 1782 Rutherford Co, NC. NC Secretary of State Papers. Probates. Aaron MOORE; Rachael MOORE (Ex);
Rachel Lawrence:
!NAMED: 1 Mar 1781 Rutherford Co, NC Will of Aaron MOORE wife (torn), and as Executor Rachel MOORE;
!NAMED:Oct 1782 Rutherford Co, NC. NC Secretary of State Papers. Probates. Aaron MOORE; Rachael MOORE (Ex);
CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 118 Rachal MOORE, no ages (bef 1790) "0-2-5-0-3";
CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 130 Rachel MOORE age 45+ (bef 1755) "00000-10101";
CENSUS:1810 * Rutherford Co, NC pg 121 or pg 122 Rachel MOORE *; (09) Ann Moore:
!NAMED: 1 Mar 1781 Rutherford Co, NC Will of Aaron MOORE as "daughter Ann MOORE";
CENSUS:1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 118 w/Rachal MOORE, no ages (bef 1790);
CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 130 w/Rachel MOORE age 16-25 (1774/84);
Husband Aaron MOORE 1
Born: Abt 1735
Died: 1782 2
Buried: Oct 1782 - Rutherford Co, NC
Married: Abt 1761 - Tryon Co, NC 1
1. He owned land 200 acres on both sides of Indian (Fishing) Creek received in grant on 21 Oct 1758 in Anson Co, NC.
2. He owned land 300 acres on both sides of Second Broad River that were purchased from Moses Moore (This land had been granted to Moses 30 Oct 1763.) on 9 Mar 1767 in Rutherford Co, NC.
3. He owned land 200 acres on Indian Creek sold to Peter Carpenter on 18 Jan 1768 in Anson Co, NC.
4. He served in the military. 3
5. He signed a will on 1 Mar 1782 in Rutherford Co, NC. 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA )
RUTHERFORD COUNTY ) October Term 1782
The last Will & testament of Aaron Moore, Deceased, was proved in Open Court by the Oath of John Walker. Entered on the Minutes & Ordered to be recorded to Witt.
In the Name of God Amen, I Aaron Moore being Weak in Body but of sound & perfect Memory & in my proper senses calling to mind the Mortallity of Man & that it is appointed for all men Once to Die do make this my last Will & Testament. I do recomend my Soul to God Who gave it, & my Body to be buried after a Christian manner at the Discretion of my Executors, & what worldly goods it hath pleased God to bestow on me I do give & Bequeath as Follows.
Imprimus. I will that all my lawful Debts be paid. Item I give & Bequeath unto my well beloved wife One third part of all my real & personal Estate During her life, and at her Decease that third part to be Equally Divided Among my Children Moses Moore, Elisha Moore, Sarah Moore, Mary Moore, Margaret Moore, Rachael Moore, John Moore & Ann Moore. Item I give & bequeath Unto my Beloved Sons Moses, Elisha & John Moore all my lands Except the Above mentioned third, & each of them one Horse already called theirs, I also will that the remaining part of my Moveable Estate be sold according to law, & the money arising from that part be equally Divided Among my daughters Sarah Moore, Mary Moore, Margaret Moore, Rachael Moore & Ann Moore Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Harmon Five pounds, to be paid out of my Moveable Estate that part left to my Daughters And I do Hereby Constitute & appoint, Rachael Moore & Joab Lawrence to be my Executors to this my last Will & testament & do hereby renounce & Disanul all former Willis & testaments whatsoever & do acknowledge this to be my last Will & Testament made & Signed the first day of March One thousand Seven Hundred & Eight two, in Rutherford County & state of North Carolina
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Seal this day & year above Written.
Signed, Sealed & Acknowledged in the presence of
John Walker his
Felix Walker Aaron Moore
Elisabeth Walker mark
Wife Rachel LAWRENCE 1 5
Born: Abt 1737
Father: LAWRENCE ( - )
Children 1 F Elizabeth MOORE 6
Born: Abt 1762 - Tryon Co, NC 7
Spouse: Michael HARMAN (Abt 1760- ) 6 Marr: Abt 1782 - Rutherford Co, NC 6 7
2 M Moses MOORE 6 8
Born: 29 Nov 1762 - Tryon Co, NC
Died: 5 Dec 1832
Spouse: Nancy COX (1767- ) 8 9 Marr: 29 Jul 1785 - Rutherford Co, NC 8
3 M Elisha MOORE 6 10
Born: Abt 1764 - Tryon Co, NC 11
Spouse: Elizabeth SKRIMSHIRE (Abt 1766- ) 6 Marr: 5 Jun 1787 - Rutherford Co, NC 6 11
4 F Sarah MOORE 6
Born: Abt 1766 - Tryon Co, NC 11
Spouse: Joel VAUGHN (Abt 1764- ) 6 Marr: Abt 1786 - Rutherford Co, NC 11
5 F Mary MOORE 6
AKA: Pollyº ¹
Born: Abt 1768 - Tryon Co, NC 11
Buried: Spouse: ROBERTS (Abt 1766- ) Marr: 1787 - Rutherford Co, NC 11 Spouse: WALKER ( - ) Marr: Abt 1792 - Rutherford Co, NC 11 Spouse: William BATTLES (1757- ) 6 Marr: 5 Apr 1796 - Rutherford Co, NC 6 11
6 F Rachel MOORE 6
Born: Abt 1772 - Tryon Co, NC 11
Spouse: Reubin LOGAN (Abt 1770- ) 6 Marr: 26 Mar 1794 - Rutherford Co, NC 6
7 M John MOORE 6 11 12
Born: 19 Nov 1777 - Tryon Co, NC
Died: 11 Nov 1857 - Shooting Creek, Cherokee, NC
Buried: - Union Hill Cemetery, Shooting Creek, Clay, NC
Spouse: Martha COVENTON (Abt 1779-1816) 6 13 Marr: 11 Mar 1800 - Rutherford Co, NC 14 Spouse: Susannah JONES (1791- ) 6 Marr: 27 May 1817 6
8 F Ann MOORE 6
Born: Abt 1778 - Tryon Co, NC 7
9 F Margaret MOORE 6
Born: 1781 - Rutherford Co, NC 11
Died: 7 Apr 1848 - Sunshine, Rutherford, NC 11
Buried: - Horton Family Cemetery, Sunshine, Rutherford, NC 11
Spouse: William HORTON (Abt 1767- ) 6 Marr: 23 Feb 1797 - Rutherford Co, NC 6 11 13
Husband's General Notes
Lincoln Co. created 1778 from Tyron and Rutherford Co. was created 1779 from Burke and Tyron.
Wife's General Notes
Possibly born in Dublin, Ireland.
88. Aaron Turner Moore was born about 1735 in Rutherford Co., NC. He died on 1 Mar 1781 in Will Dated. He was buried in Oct 1782 in Rutherford Co., NC. He married Rachel Lawrence about 1761 in , Rutherford, Nc. [Parents]
89. Rachel Lawrence was born about 1737 in Rutherford Co., NC. She died in 1779.
44. Moses Moore was born on 29 Nov 1762 in Lincoln Co., Nc. He died on 5 Dec 1832. He married Nancy Cox on 29 Jul 1785 in , Rutherford, Nc. [Parents]
1. John Moore b: 19 NOV 1777 in Old Tryon (now Rutherford) County, North Carolina
2. Rachel Moore
The last Will & testament of Aaron Moore, Deceased, was proved in Open Court by the Oath of John Walker. Entered on the Minutes & Ordered to be recorded to Witt.
In the Name of God Amen, I Aaron Moore being Weak in Body but of sound & perfect Memory & in my proper senses calling to mind the Mortallity of Man & that it is appointed for all men Once to Die do make this my last Will & Testament. I do recomend my Soul to God Who gave it, & my Body to be buried after a Christian manner at the Discretion of my Executors, & what worldly goods it hath pleased God to bestow on me I do give & Bequeath as Follows.
Imprimus. I will that all my lawful Debts be paid. Item I give & Bequeath unto my well beloved wife One third part of all my real & personal Estate During her life, and at her Decease that third part to be Equally Divided Among my Children Moses Moore, Elisha Moore, Sarah Moore, Mary Moore, Margaret Moore, Rachael Moore, John Moore & Ann Moore. Item I give & bequeath Unto my Beloved Sons Moses, Elisha & John Moore all my lands Except the Above mentioned third, & each of them one Horse already called theirs, I also will that the remaining part of my Moveable Estate be sold according to law, & the money arising from that part be equally Divided Among my daughters Sarah Moore, Mary Moore, Margaret Moore, Rachael Moore & Ann Moore Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Harmon Five pounds, to be paid out of my Moveable Estate that part left to my Daughters And I do Hereby Constitute & appoint, Rachael Moore & Joab Lawrence to be my Executors to this my last Will & testament & do hereby renounce & Disanul all former Willis & testaments whatsoever & do acknowledge this to be my last Will & Testament made & Signed the first day of March One thousand Seven Hundred & Eight two, in Rutherford County & state of North Carolina
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Seal this day & year above Written.
Signed, Sealed & Acknowledged in the presence of
John Walker his Felix Walker Aaron Moore Elisabeth Walker mark
1740 |
Perquimans County, North Carolina, United States
1762 |
November 29, 1762
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
1764 |
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
1765 |
Wilkesboro, Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States
1766 |
Transylvania, North Carolina, United States
1768 |
Rutherford, NC, United States
1772 |
Transylvania, North Carolina, United States
1777 |
November 19, 1777
Rutherford, NC, United States
1778 |