Immediate Family
About Burkhard von Thuringia, Duke of Thuringia
from https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/THURINGIA.htm#_Toc482382804
v4.3 Updated 26 July 2022
The parentage of Burkhard has not been confirmed. Posse suggests that his presence in Grabfeld (see the 9 Jul 908 charter cited below) suggests a connection with an earlier “Graf Burkhard” who was recorded in two Fulda charters dated 27 Jun 857 and 23 Feb 866[71], who appears to have been the brother of Christian [I] Graf in Grabfeld (see the document FRANCONIA, Family of Graf Christian).
1. BURKHARD (-killed in battle Thuringia 3 Aug 908). Duke of Thuringia: Regino specifies that the dukedom of "Boppo dux Thuringorum" was given to "Chuonrado" in 892 and soon after to "Burchardo comitis"[72]. Posse links Burkhard’s 892 appointment to “die Sorbische Mark”[73]. "Hludowicus…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster St Gallen by charter dated 24 Jun 903 in which among "fidelium nostrum" was listed "Purchart marchio Thuringionum"[74]. [The connection with Egino, with whom he was later killed (see below), suggests that Burkhard may have been “comitum...Burchardi” in the following document: "Hludowicus…rex" donated property "in pago Palanichoge in comitatu Egenonis in loco Ingilinstat" to Hatto Archbishop of Mainz after consulting "fidelium nostrorum comitum vero Burchardi, Egenonis et Ysaac" by charter dated 8 Jun 908[75].] Posse indicates that the following document relates to this Burkhard[76]: King Ludwig IV granted possessions “in pago Grabfelda, in comitatu sui senioris...in loco Vualahramesuuinda” to “Purchardi...comitis...Egregii (ducis) capellano Martinus” by charter dated 9 Jul 908[77]. Duke of Thuringia: the Annales Alammanici record that "Burchardus dux Turingorum et Rudolfus episcopus Eginoque" were killed by the Hungarians in Saxony in 908[78].
m ---. The name of Burkhard's wife is not known. Burkhard & his wife had two children (Wenck discussed their parentage[79]):
a) BURKHARD . Widukind names "Burghardum quoque et Bardonem, quorum alter gener regis erat", when recording the efforts of “Henrici” [the future Heinrich I King of Germany?] to expel them from “Saxonia vel Thuringorum terra” [dated to [913]?][80]. “Burchardus comes” donated property to Bonn St Cassius, for the souls of “meæ...parentumque meorum atque...fratris mei Kunradi Francorum...regis”, at the request of “Waldolfi prepositi”, by charter dated to [911/18][81]. m ---[in der Wetterau], daughter of KONRAD Graf in der Wetterau [Konradiner] & his wife Glismod ---. Her family connection and marriage are indicated by Widukind, as indicated above. It is also indicated by her husband’s [911/18] donation cited above. Posse indicates that Burkhard was the father of Dedi (-14 Mar 957)[82].
b) BARDO . Widukind names "Burghardum quoque et Bardonem, quorum alter gener regis erat", when recording the efforts of “Henrici” [the future Heinrich I King of Germany?] to expel them from “Saxonia vel Thuringorum terra” [dated to [913]?][83].
Burkhard von Thuringia, Duke of Thuringia's Timeline
836 |
866 |
Grabfeld, Thuringia, Germany
890 |
Grabfeld, Thuringia, Germany
908 |
August 3, 908
Age 72
Thuringia, Germany
???? |