Immediate Family
half brother
About Brunulphe of Cambrai
According to François Xavier MASSON, Annales Ardennaises (1861) https://books.google.com/books?id=ADhYAAAAcAAJ:
Brunulphe I, count of Ardenne and Cambrai, was son of Vaubert II, Count of Ardenne (who in turn was son of Vaubert I and Lucille).
He was the father of Brunulphe II, who was father of Hydulphe (c 618), whose daughter Beatrice married Martin, Duke of Mosellane, which reunified the Ardenne and Mosellane.
According to Jean le Carpentier's Histoire genealogique des Pais-Bas, ou histoire de Cambray, etc ..., Volume 1 (1664) p. 329, https://books.google.com/books?id=QFcVPWwuPGwC
Waubert I Count of Ardenne, Hainaut, Cambresis married Lucille, daughter of Zenon, had four sons:
1. Ansbert "the Senator",
2. Waubert II Count of Hainaut m. Clothilde, had a son Waubert III who married Amelberge and had sons Waubert IV (m. Bertilde, daughter of King of Thuringia, by whom they had two daughters, Waudru and Aldegonde) and Brunulphe who married Vraye daughter of Count of Boulogne, mother of Saint Aye who was wife of Hidulphe Duke of Lobbes.
3. Brunulphe, count of Cambrai and Ardennes. He had
a. a son by the same name (Brunulphe II, who had a son Brunulphe III, a daughter Sichilde allied with King Clotaire II, and a daughter Gomatrude, wife of King Dagobert, who repudiated her) and
b. a daughter Fredegonde, wife of King Chilperic
4. Landry de la Tour, Count of Cambrai, Mayor of the Palace of Chilperic, who advanced his niece Fredegonde to the royal bed to increase his own stature. He married Gundode, daughter of the Count of Terouane, by whom he had Vaoul or Vedulphe, Count or Governor of Cambrai
According to Jacobus (de Guisia)'s Histoire de Hainaut Volume 20,
Brunuphe or Brunulphius, son of Wausbert and Rothilde, VII, pref., p. xviii
Brunulphe II, Duke or Prince of the Franks, was the successor of Hidulphe, the son of Hidulphe and Aia, VI, 63 Dagobert killed Brunulphe at Blaton p. 473, leaving 4 sons. Continued in Book VII: pref. p. xviii. pp. 421-427
Vol. II, pp. 475-476:
Aubert or Vaubert I, 6th prince of Hainaut, married Oda of Suabia, became father of Vaubert II and Ausbert.
Vaubert II was 7th prince of Hainaut, and was a senator, as was his brother Ausbert. He married Rothilde, daughter of Amalaric, King of Spain, with whom he had Vaubert III, who died before his father. He had married Bertilie, with whom he had Waldtrude, who inherited the principality.
Saint Vincent, husband of Waltrude, was the 8th prince of Hainaut, and was count of Hainault, calling himself Madelgaire or Mauger. He had a brother named Brunulphe who died before him, leaving a daughter named Saint Aia.
Hidulphe was the ninth prince of Hainaut, as husband of Saint Aia, niece of Waltrude. He became Duke of Lower Austrasia or Louvain through his marriage to Aia.
Brunulphe II, son of a sister of Aia (his father was a count of Templatum), succeeded her and was the 10th prince of Hainaut. King Dagobert had him put to death. He left 3 sons and one daughter. His youngest son, Alberic, inherited the county of Mons and was 11th prince of Hainaut, in 646.
Jacques de Guyse, Histoire de Hainaut, Vol 6 (1829), pp. 371-373 https://books.google.com/books?id=0EVmAAAAcAAJ
...De même Wausbert fut père d'une postérité à la fois sainte et illustre : car Wausbert engendra le duc Waubert et Brunulphe ; Waubert eut de Bertilie, Waldetrude et Aldegonde ; Waldetrude eut de Vincent, Landric, évêque de Metz, et Denthelin. Ceux - ci renonçant à leur duché et à tout leur temporel, le duché, par droit héréditaire, fut dévolu à Aia, qui avait épousé Hisdulphe. Hisdulphe eut d'Aia le duc Brunulphe, que Dagobert tua à Blaton, en s'emparant de la meilleure partie de son duché. L'AUTEUR. La légende de saint Hidulphe n'est pas d'accord avec ce qui précède. Saint Hidulphe, selon cette légende, duc de la basse Austrasie par son épouse sainte Aia, nièce de sainte Waldetrude, se trouvant sans enfans après la mort de sainte Aia, destina tous ses biens aux églises de Lobes, auxquelles il donna ses domaines propres et tout ce qu'il avait acquis dans son duché, et où il se consacra à jamais au service de Dieu. La même légende, après plusieurs autres détails, poursuit ainsi : Brunulphe, neveu de sainte Aia par la sœur de celle-ci, et fils du comte de Templatum, succéda, en qualité de plus proche héritier, au duché ci - dessus nommé, et fut tué dans la suite à Blaton par le roi Dagobert. Brunulphe laissa orphelins trois fils et une fille unique; mais son duché fut en majeure partie saisi par Dagobert. Après la mort de Brunulphe son duché fut partagé, et le comté que l'on appelle de Mons échut à Albérie, le plus jeune de ses fils. ...
Brunulphe of Cambrai's Timeline
518 |
Marne, Aisne, Picardie, France
560 |
565 |
Age 47
Duchy of Champagne, Kingdom of the Franks [Champagne-et-Fontaine, Aquitaine, Dordogne, France]
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