Historical records matching Boson "l'Ancien" d'Arles, comte de Turin, Valois & d'Italie
Immediate Family
About Boson "l'Ancien" d'Arles, comte de Turin, Valois & d'Italie
We do not know his parents even if some make him the son of Théodebald Le-Vieux, lord of Burgundy of Antibes.
Founder of the Bosonid Dynasty.
Count of Burgundy (Bourgogne), Valois, Arles, Turin and Italy.
Married Engeltrude.
Had four children:
- Boson (820/25 - 874/78)
- Hucbert (c. 830 - killed at the Battle of the Orbe in 864 / 866), Count of Transjuranian Burgundy (Bourgogne Transjurane)
- Teutberga (c.835 – 862 ? /av. 875), wife of Lothaire II.
- another daughter, often named as Richilde, who married Bivin of Gorze, son of Richard Count of Amiens
Boson l'Ancien
Boson l'Ancien, aussi connu comme Boson le-Vieux, (c.800 - av.855) est le fondateur du lignage des Bosonides, dynastie de la noblesse franque ainsi nommée parce que plusieurs de ses membres se prénomment Boson. Les Bosonides constituent la première maison de Bourgogne.
Boson de Bourgogne est comte de Valois (829,840 – 855), de Bourgogne, d’Arles et comte en Italie. Il serait né vers l'an 800, mais on ne connait pas ses parents même si certains en font le fils d’un Théodebald Le-Vieux, seigneur de Bourgogne d'Antibes.
René Poupardin pense qu'il s'agit du comte italien de même nom, qui en 826 reçoit de Louis le Pieux des biens situés à Bielle dans le comté de Verceil1. L'année suivante, Boson intervient comme missus dans un plaid à Turin concernant les moines de l'abbaye de la Novalaise2.
Selon respectivement la FMG ou Pierre Riché, Boson meurt avant 855 ou cette année-là, car à cette date sa fille Teutberge est passée sous la tutelle de son frère Hucbert 2.
La Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (FMG) précise que le nom de sa femme est lui aussi inconnu3, mais on trouve parfois cité celui d’Engeltrude4. Quoi qu'il en soit Boson se serait marié vers 825 et les historiens s'accordent sur trois de ses enfants :
- Boson (820/25 - 874/78) qui pourrait être le Boson mari d’Engeltrude (Engiltrudis), fille de Matfrid, comte d'Orléans ; il fit partie de l'entourage de Louis II d'Italie5 et il aurait été « comte en Italie »4. René Poupardin ajoute que Boson aurait eu des « infortunes conjugales qui préoccupèrent pendant une dizaine d'années les papes et les conciles2 ».
- Hucbert (c. 830 - tué à la bataille de l’Orbe en 864 / 866), comte de Bourgogne Transjurane et abbé laïc de Saint-Maurice en Valais.
- Teutberga (c.835 – 862 ? /av. 875), épouse de Lothaire II.
- une autre fille que René Poupardin nomme Richilde2, probablement à tort, qui épouse Bivin, fils du comte d’Amiens Richard.
Notes et références
- René Poupardin, Le royaume de Provence sous les Carolingiens (855-933), p.46-47.
- René Poupardin, Le royaume de Provence sous les Carolingiens (855-933), p.47.
- Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, BOSO COMTE d'ARLES [archive]
- Pierre Riché - Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe - Tableau généalogique XII, les Bosonides
- Pierre Riché - Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe - p.203
Sources et bibliographie
- René Poupardin, Le Royaume de Provence sous les Carolingiens, É. Bouillon Paris, 1901 ici [archive] et Marseille 1974 (réédition 1901)
- Pierre Riché - Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe - Hachette littérature, Paris, 1997 (1re édition 1983) - (ISBN 2012788513).
- Christian Settipani - La Préhistoire des Capétiens, Première Partie: Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens.
- Foundation for Medieval Genealogy [archive].
BOSO, son of --- (-before 855). Comte d'Arles. Count in Italy.
m ---. The name of Boso's wife is not known.
Boso & his wife had [four] children:
son of Boson II, Count of Italy by
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boso_the_Elder (eng only) quoting:
Boson III "l'Ancien" d'Arles Memorial .
Birth: unknown Toscana, Italy
Death: unknown Arles Departement des Bouches-du-Rhône Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Birth:800 Death:855
Count of Arles, Count in Italy 826/29, founder of Frank Dynasty, Count of Turin, Count of Valois Boson III, the Elder, a line called the Bosonids.
Parents: /!\ Boso II II Duke of di Turino (Italy), Conte d'Italia Also Known As: "Boson II", "Rey de Italia" Birthdate:740, Turin, Piedmont, Italy Death:826, Turin, Italy
Grandparents: /!\ Boso di Turin
Family links:
Engeltrude Richilde d'Amiens*
Richilde d'Arles*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Cattedrale di San Martino Lucca Provincia di Lucca Toscana, Italy
Created by: Memerizion Record added: May 30, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 147169903 Memorial and Photo added to Geni by Janet Milburn 3/8/18 _________________________________________
Boso the Elder From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boso the Elder was a Frank from the Bosonid-dynasty. He was married to Engeltrude and died around 855. His family, the Bosonids, were a dynasty of Franks that produced counts, dukes, abbots and bishops during the Carolingian Age. Eventually Boso's daughter Teutberga married Lothair II and granddaughter Richildis married into the royal Carolingian family through her marriage with Charles the Bald. Boso had another daughter, possibly called Richildis, who married Bivin of Gorze, and two sons. The oldest was called Boso. His youngest child was Hucbert.
- Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens, Premiere Partie: Mérovigiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens.
- Pierre Riché, The Carolingians, a family who forged Europe.
Count Boso III ("the Old") of Turin
Boso, known as the Old, was born before 0799. The Old's father was Boso II of Italy. His paternal grandfather was Boso I of Italy. He was an only child. He died about 0855.
Count BOSO III "the Old" of Turin & East Frank BEF 0799 - ABT 0855 ID Number: I56910
* TITLE: Count
* RESIDENCE: Turin, Italy
* BIRTH: BEF 0799, of Turin, Italy
* DEATH: ABT 0855
* RESOURCES: See: [S1945] [S2294] [S2437]
Father: BOSO II Count in Italy
Family 1 :
1. +RICHILDA de ARLES of Arles
2. +HERBERT de BURGUNDY of Transjuran Burgundy
"The Old," Count in Turin, Italy. Living 826-829. An East Frank. Spouse Unknown.
Boson III, Count de Turin AKA: Boson, Count de Valois. Also
Known As: Boson "Le Vieux". Born: before 799, son of Boson II, Count de Turin, Boson III is presumed to have been at least 15 years of age by the time his daughter Richilde was born. Married before 813: Died: before 855.
Boso the Elder From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boso the Elder was a Frank from the Bosonid-dynasty. He was married to Engeltrude and died around 855. His family, the Bosonids, were a dynasty of Franks that produced counts, dukes, abbots and bishops during the Carolingian Age. Eventually Boso's daughter Teutberga married Lothair II and granddaughter Richildis married into the royal Carolingian family through her marriage with Charles the Bald. Boso had another daughter, possibly called Richildis, who married Bivin of Gorze, and two sons. The oldest was called Boso. His youngest child was Hucbert.
Christian Settipani, La Préhistoire des Capétiens, Premiere Partie: Mérovigiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens.
Pierre Riché, The Carolingians, a family who forged Europe.
Count Boso III ("the Old") of Turin
Boso, known as the Old, was born before 0799. The Old's father was Boso II of Italy. His paternal grandfather was Boso I of Italy. He was an only child. He died about 0855.
Count BOSO III "the Old" of Turin & East Frank BEF 0799 - ABT 0855 ID Number: I56910
- TITLE: Count * RESIDENCE: Turin, Italy * BIRTH: BEF 0799, of Turin, Italy * DEATH: ABT 0855 * RESOURCES: See: [S1945] [S2294] [S2437] Father: BOSO II Count in Italy
Family 1 :
1. +RICHILDA de ARLES of Arles 2. +HERBERT de BURGUNDY of Transjuran Burgundy Notes
"The Old," Count in Turin, Italy. Living 826-829. An East Frank. Spouse Unknown.
Boson III, Count de Turin AKA: Boson, Count de Valois. Also
Known As: Boson "Le Vieux". Born: before 799, son of Boson II, Count de Turin, Boson III is presumed to have been at least 15 years of age by the time his daughter Richilde was born. Married before 813: Died: before 855.
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Boson "l'Ancien" d'Arles, comte de Turin, Valois & d'Italie's Timeline
800 |
820 |
822 |
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
824 |
Arles, Provence or Transjourane, Burgundy, France
836 |
Arles, France
855 |
Age 55
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |