BONIFAZIO di Saluzzo, son of MANFREDO II Marchese di Saluzzo & his wife Alasia di Monferrato (-before 28 Apr 1213). A continuation of the Chronica Jacobi de Aquis names "Bonifacio" as oldest child of "Manfredo…Marchese…di Salucio" and his wife "Alasia figlola di Gulielmo Marchese di Monferrato"[523]. "Bonifacius filius comitissæ…" witnessed the charter dated 1192 under which "Petrus Manisel filius quondam Dominici Manisel et eius nepos Oto Manisel filius quondam Johannis Manisel, D. Adalasiæ comitissæ de Saluciis" donated property to "monasterio sancti Laurentii de Ulcio"[524]. His parentage is confirmed by the marriage contract between "Marchese Bonifazio figlio del Marchese Manfredo di Saluzzo" and "Maria figlia di Comita Signore di Sassari in Sardegan" dated Aug 1202[525]. The date of his death is set by the marriage contract dated 28 Apr 1213 between "Thomam comitem Maurienne…Amedeo f. dicti comitis" and "Manfredum II marchionem de Saluciis…Agnetem f. quondam Bonefacii"[526].
m (contract 25 Jul 1202) MARIA, daughter of COMITA Judge of Torres [Sardinia] & his first wife Sinispella dei Giudici di Arborea (-after 22 Jan 1215). A continuation of the Chronica Jacobi de Aquis names "Maria figlola dil Conte di Sardegna" as the wife of "Bonifacio", son of "Manfredo…Marchese…di Salucio"[527]. The marriage contract between "Bonifacium filium Mainfredi marchionis de Saluciis" and "Mariam filiam Comite…Turritane iudicis" is dated 25 Jul 1202[528]. "Comita judex Turritanus" donated property to "Girardo" in the name of "nepotum meorum…Manfredo et Agnete filiis quondam Bonifacii filii Manfredi marchionis de Saluciis et filie mee Maria" by charter dated 22 Jan 1215[529].
Marchese Bonifazio & his wife had two children:
1. MANFREDO (-29 Oct 1244). A continuation of the Chronica Jacobi de Aquis names "Manfredo" as the son of "Bonifacio…Marchese…di Salucio" and his wife "Maria figlola dil Conte di Sardegna"[530]. "Comita judex Turritanus" donated property to "Girardo" in the name of "nepotum meorum…Manfredo et Agnete filiis quondam Bonifacii filii Manfredi marchionis de Saluciis et filie mee Maria" by charter dated 22 Jan 1215[531]. He succeeded his grandfather in 1215 as MANFREDO III Marchese di Saluzzo. m (Betrothed 4 Mar 1223, Mar 1233) as her first husband, BEATRIX de Savoie, daughter of AMEDEE IV Comte de Savoie & his first wife Marguerite de Viennois (before 4 Mar 1223-10 May before 1259). The marriage contract between "Alaxiam comitissam Saluciarum et Manfredum marchionem Saluciarum eius nepotem" and "Thomam comitem Maurianæ…neptem suam…Beatrix" is dated 4 Mar 1223[532]. A contract dated 2 Oct 1227 between "Marchese Enrico di Savona" and "il Marchese Manfredo di Saluzzo" refers to the dowry of "Marchese di Savona…sua Consorte, figlia di Amedeo figlio del Conte di Savoia"[533]. She married secondly (Betrothed 8 May 1246, by proxy Mar 1247, contract 21 Apr 1247[534], [Dec 1248/Jan 1249]) as his first wife, Manfred von Hohenstaufen, who later succeeded as Manfred King of Sicily. The Historia Sicula of Bartolomeo di Neocastro records that "Manfredus" married "dominam Beatricem filiam ducis Sex Viarum, qui prius in virum…marchionem de Salluciis"[535]. A charter dated 8 May 1246 records the restitution of "castri Ripolarum" by Emperor Friedrich II to "fratribus de Sabaudia, Amedeo comite et Thoma", confirmed by the betrothal of "Manfredum dictum Lancea, filium naturalem imperatoris" and "Beatricem filiam Amedei comitis, relictam Manfredi marchionis Salucensis"[536]. The contract of marriage between "Manfredi Lanceæ filii Friderici Rom. Imperatoris" and "Beatrice marchionissa Salutiensi, filia Amedei comitis Sabaudiæ et in Italia marchionis, relicta Manfredi marchionis Salutiarum" is dated 21 Apr 1247[537]. A fourth testament of "Amedeus comes Sabaudie" is dated 19 Sep 1252, appoints "Bonifacium filium meum" as his heir, under the tutelage of his brother Thomas, substituting "fratri meo Thome de Sabaudia comitis…Beatricem filiam meam uxorem quondam Manfredi marchionis Salutiarum et Margaretam filiam meam uxorem Bonifacii marchionis Montisferrati", and names "Cecilie…uxori nostre…Beatrix filia mea minor"[538]. A fifth testament of Comte Amédée IV is dated 24 May 1253, appoints "Bonifacius filius suus, sub tutela Thomæ comitis" as his heir, substitutes "filiæ Amedei comitis…marchionissæ Beatrix Salutiarum et Margaretha Montisferrati", bequeathes "castrum Montis Meliani" to "Cæciliæ comitissæ", and chooses to be buried at Hautecombe[539]. The absence of any reference to Beatrix´s current husband King Manfred suggests a breakdown in their marriage. Marchese Manfredo III & his wife had [four] children:
a) ALASIA ([1236]-before 12 Jul 1311, bur Pontefract, Church of the Black Friars). "Mainfredus III marchio Salutiarum" appointed "Beatricem de Sabaudia suam uxorem" as co-tutor of "Thomæ et Alasinæ filiorum suorum" in his testament dated 1244[540]. Henry III King of England agreed that “unam filiarum filiæ...comitis [Sabaudi%C3%A6]” would marry “vel Johanni de Warenna qui si vixerit comes erit Warennæ, vel Edmundo de Lacy qui si vixerit comes erit Lincolniæ” by charter dated 1246[541]. A manuscript history of the Lacy family records that “Edmundum de Lacy comitem” married “dominam Aleciam filiam marchionis de Salves in Italia, cognatam reginæ Anglia ex parte Sabinensi” when she was “in juventute sua”[542]. “Edmundus de Lascy constabularius Cestriæ” donated property to Roche Abbey, for the souls of “…Alesiæ uxoris meæ”, by undated charter[543]. As Alasia gave birth to her first child in 1250, it is unlikely that she could have been born later than 1236, although at that date her own mother was probably only thirteen years old. Given this tight chronology, it is assumed that Alasia was her parents' first child. m (Woodstock early May 1247) EDMUND de Lacy Earl of Lincoln, son of JOHN de Lacy Earl of Lincoln & his second wife Margaret de Quincy (1230-2 Jun 1258, bur Stanlaw Abbey).
b) TOMASO (-3 Dec 1296, bur Staffarda Santa Maria). "Mainfredus III marchio Salutiarum" appointed "Beatricem de Sabaudia suam uxorem" as co-tutor of "Thomæ et Alasinæ filiorum suorum" in his testament dated 1244[544]. He succeeded his father in 1244 as TOMASO I Marchese di Saluzzo.
- see below.
c) [MARGHERITA (1245-). As she and her sister Agnese are not mentioned in their father´s testament dated 1244, it is assumed that they were born posthumously and that they were twins. However, Margherita is not mentioned in the charter dated 24 Aug 1251 which names Marchese Manfredo III´s three other children and their tutor Bonifazio Marchese di Monferrato. This raises doubts about the existence of Margherita. Nun.]
d) AGNESE (1245-after 4 Aug 1265, bur Pontefract, Church of the Black Friars). Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 24 Aug 1251 under which Bonifazio Marchese di Montferrato "tutor Thome filii condam Manfredi marchionis Salutiarum et filiarum suarum Alaxine et Agnesine" donated property to Staffarda monastery in accordance with the last wishes of Manfredo III Marchese di Saluzzo[545]. As she and her supposed sister Margherita are not mentioned in their father´s testament dated 1244, it is assumed that they were born posthumously and that they were twins (assuming that Margherita in fact existed, about which there are doubts as discussed above). It is assumed that her marriage was arranged by Pierre Comte de Savoie who had been her husband's guardian from 12 Feb 1254, after the death of his father[546]. m ([before 1262][547]) as his first wife, JOHN de Vescy, son of WILLIAM de Vescy & his second wife Agnes de Ferrers of Derby (18 Jul 1244-Montpellier 10 Feb 1289, bur Alnwick Abbey). No children.
2. AGNESE (-after 1219). The marriage contract between "Thomam comitem Maurienne…Amedeo f. dicti comitis" and "Manfredum II marchionem de Saluciis…Agnetem f. quondam Bonefacii" is dated 28 Apr 1213[548]. "Comita judex Turritanus" donated property to "Girardo" in the name of "nepotum meorum…Manfredo et Agnete filiis quondam Bonifacii filii Manfredi marchionis de Saluciis et filie mee Maria" by charter dated 22 Jan 1215[549]. Abbess of the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria di Rifreddo, founded in 1219. Betrothed (28 Apr 1213) to AMEDEE de Savoie, son of THOMAS I Comte de Savoie & his wife Marguerite [Beatrix] de Genève (Montmélian, Savoie 1197-Montmélian 24 Jun or 13 Jul 1253, bur Hautecombe, abbaye royale de Sainte-Marie). He succeeded his father in 1233 as AMEDEE IV Comte de Savoie.
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Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy
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Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy
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July 22, 1212
Age 28
Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy
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