Matching family tree profiles for Bonaventure Thériot
Immediate Family
About Bonaventure Thériot
- Sources:
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 30 years old which estimates birth c.1641 (with parents)
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 27 years old which estimates birth c.1644 (with wife and family)
1671 Port Royal Acadian Census
Bonaventure TERRIAU, 27, wife Jeanne BOUDROT 26; child: Marie 4; cattle 6, sheep 6.
Bonaventure TERRIOT Jeanne BOUDROT
1 acre 7 cattle 1 gun
3 girls 10 1668
5 1673
3 1675
Bonaventure TERRIOT 43, Jeanne BOUDROT 42; children: Anne 12, Marguerite 8; 1 gun, 4 arpents,
5 cattle, 6 sheep, 2 hogs.
Bonaventure TERIOT 49, Jeanne BOUDROT 48, Marguerite 14, Joseph (servant) 16; 18 cattle, 12 sheep, 10 pigs, 14 arpents, 1 gun
Bonaventure TERIOT 57; Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 50; 6 cattle, 10 sheep, 5 hogs, 14 arpents, 20 fruit trees, 1 gun.
Bonaventure TERRIOT 56; Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 55; 15 cattle, 12 sheep, 14 arpents, 1 gun.
Bonaventure TERRIOT 60, Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 50; 1 gun, 8 cattle, 10 sheep, 5 hogs, 4 arpents.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Bonaventure Theriault, person ID LZGQ-17W. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Bonaventure Theriault, person ID LZGQ-17W. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Bonaventure Theriault, person ID LZGQ-17W. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Bonaventure Theriault, person ID LZGQ-17W. 3
BIO: Aged 95 years, buried 4 May 1731.Burials of St-Charles-aux-Mines de la Grande Prée (Grand-Pré) 1709-1748, compiled from Drouin Collection Microfilms, which was microfilmed from register at Ottawa Archives, by Roger Hetu.From family research:Jeanne and Bonaventure were married about 1665, in Port-Royal, Acadie. They are the parents of at least the following:1) Marie-Elizabeth (1667-1734) md Claude Gautrot or Gaudreau2) Anne (1673-) md Rene Landry3) Marguerite (1675-) md Rene Granger According to the 1671 Census of Port Royal:Bonaventure Terriau, farmer, age 27Jean Boudrot, age 26Marie, age 46 cattle 6 sheep2 arpents of landPlease note that he changed the spelling of his last name from Terriau to Terriot, sometime between the 1671 census and his death (per his burial record).They are the grandparents of Antoine Landry and Charles Landry, sons of Rene Landry and Anne Terriot/Theriault. :: :: FRANCOGENE: Page 804 Bonaventure Terriau, 1641, son of Jean and Perrine Bourg, married, around 1666, to Jeanne Boudrot, daughter of Michel and Michelle Aucoin. ::
Aug 1695 (old style): Bonaventure Theriot and his brother Claude took the oath of allegiance to the King of England at Port-Royal; they made their marks on the document.
Bonaventure (dit Venture) Theriot
Birth 1641 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Death May 3, 1731 • Grand-Pré, Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage 1666 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents Jean Theriot • Perrine Rau
Spouse jeanne boudrot
bonaventure theriot
Birth 1641 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Death May 3, 1731 • Grand-Pré, Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage 1665 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents jean theriot • perrine rau
Spouse jeanne boudrot
!INFORMATION: was taken from Historire ET Généalogie Des Acadiens by Bona ARSENAULT, Tome1 page 516. THERIAULT et THERIOT aussi: TERRIAULT, TERRIO, TERRIOT, THERRIO, THERRIOT. Jean TERRIAU, né en 1601, vraisemblablement originaire de Martaize [Genevi%C3%A9ve Massignon, Les Parlers franquis d' Acadie, Vol 1 page 49] dans la région de Loundun, départementde la Vienne, France, arrivé en Acadie vers 1637, marié vers 1635, à Perrine BOURG. ENFANTS: Claude 1637; Jean 1639; Bonaventure 1641; Jeanne 1644; Germain 1646; Catherine 1650; Pierre 1655. Au recensement de 1686 Jean Terriau était décédé. !INFORMATION: was taken from Historire ET Généalogie Des Acadiens by Bona ARSENAULT, Tome1 page 516. THERIAULT et THERIOT aussi: TERRIAULT, TERRIO, TERRIOT, THERRIO, THERRIOT. Bonaventure TERRIOT né en 1641, fils de Jean et de Perrine BOURG, marié vers 1666, a Jeanne BOUDREAUX, fille de Michel et de Michelle AUCION. ENFANTS: Marie 1667; Anne 1674; Marguerite 1678. Bonaventure TERRIOT a été inhumé à Grand Pré, le mai 1731. Son épouse Jeanne BOUDROT, a été inhumé à Port Royal , le 9 Mai (May) 1710.
!BIRTH-PARENTS-OCCUPATION-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-DEATH-BURIAL: S tephen A. White, DICTIONNAIRE GENEALOGIQUE DES FAMILLES ACA DIENNES; 1636-1714; Moncton, New Brunswick, Centre d'Etude s Acadiennes, 1999, 2 vols.; p. 1487; own copy. #3: Bonaven ture dit Venture THE'RIOT, born around 1641, son of Jea n & Perrine RAU. He was a "laboureur," married around 166 6 to Jeanne BOUDROT, daughter of Michel & Michelle AUCOIN ; four children. A note states that in Aug 1695 (old styl e date) Bonaventure & his brother Claude took the oath of a llegiance to the King of England at Port-Royal; They made t heir markson the document. He died/was buried (Grand Pre ' Register) on 3/4 May 1731 at age around 95 years (sic). !CENSUS: 1671, Port Royal, Acadia, age 27 years [sic] (in o wn household on p. [7] of census).Listed on p. [5] in pare nts' entry as age 30 years, married. Name spelled TERRIAU , occupation "Laboureur," living with wife Jeanne BOUDRO T 26, and daughter Marie, age 4. !CENSUS: 1678, Port Royal,Acadia; 1678; Clarence D'Entremo nt, "Rencensement de Port Royal, 1678 avec commentaires," i n MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE GENEALOGIQUE CANADIENNE-FRANAISE , vol. XXII, No. 4 (Oct-Nov-Dec 1971), pp. 226-247, transla ted and corrected in "Genealogy and Archives: Census of Por t Royal, 1678" in FRENCH CANADIAN AND ACADIAN GENEALOGICA L REVIEW, vol. VII, No. 1 (Spring 1979), pp. 47-66. On p. 5 2, household of Bonaventure TERRIOT, Jeanne BOUDROT, on 1 a rpent, with 7 cattle, 1 gun. There are 3 girls, ages 10 , 5 and 3 [could this be months?]. The editor names them a s Marie, born 1666/1668; Anne, born1673/1674, and unnamed , born 1675. A footnote says: "It was their daughter Mari e TERRIOT who was to marry Claude GAUTROT. The Marie TERRIO T who will marry Pierre LeBlanc was the daughter of Claud e TERRIOT & Marie GAUTROT." !CENSUS: 1686, Port Royal, Acadia, age 43 years, name spell ed TE'RIO, with wife 42 and 2 daughters. They had 1 gun , 4 arpents of land, 5 horned animals, 6 sheep, and 2 p igs. !CENSUS: 1693, Port Royal, Acadia. Age 49 years (sic), wit h 14 arpents of land, 18 horned animals, 12 sheep, 10 pigs , and 1 gun. !CENSUS: 1700, Port Royal, Acadia, age 56 years (sic). !CENSUS: 1701, Port Royal, Acadia, age 60 years. !BIRTH-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-BURIAL: Arsenault, H&G, p. 804. Na me spelled TERRIAU. !MARRIAGE: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais, v . 2, p. I270. Marriedin 1660 at Port Royal. !DEATH-BURIAL: Diocese of Baton Rouge [LA], CATHOLIC CHURC H RECORDS; 1707-1748; vol. 1a, Baton Rouge, LA, Diocese, 19 99; p. 181; own copy. Bonavanture [sic, Bonaventure in 1st edition] TERIOT, age 95 [sic, not born 1636?], buried 4 M ay 1731, in the cemetery of the parish of the church St. Ch arles, Grand Pre', Acadia, died on 3 May 1731. Witnesses: R ene' BABIN [signed]; Claude GAUTROT [signed]; Reni GRANGE ; Rene LANDRY; Jacques TERRIOT [signed, this would be his g rand-nephew]. Recorded at St. Gabriel Church (SGA-2, 108) . [This Bonaventure would have only been 90.]
1671 Acadian Census: Bonaventure Terriau 27, wife Jeanne Boudrot 26;Child Marie 4; cattle 6, sheep 6. Census of Port Royal 1678: Bonaventure Terriot and Jeanne Boudrot 1 acre7 cattle 1 gun 3 girls:Marie (10) b. 1668, Anne (5) b.1673, ? (3)b 1677 1686 Acadian Census Bonaventure Teri 43 Jean Boudrot 42 Anne 12,Marguerite 8 1 gun, 5 cattle, 6 sheep, 2 hogs, 4 arpents 1693 Acadian Census: Bonaventure Teriot 49, Jeanne Boudrot 48,Marguerite 14 Joseph (servant) 16; 18 cattle, 12 sheep, 10 pigs, 14arpents, 1 gun 1698 Acadian Census: Bonaventure Teriot 57, Jeanne Boudrot (wife) 50;6 cattle, 10 sheep, 5 hogs, 14 arpents, 20 fruit trees, 1 gun Bonaventure Theriot (Jean) was born 1636 in Port Royal, Acadia:, and diedMay 04, 1731 in Grand Pre, Acadia. He married Jeanne Boudrot Abt. 1666 in Port Royal,Acadia 14, daughter of Michel Boudrot and Madeleine Aucoin. Notes for Bonaventure Theriot: The Port Royal Acadian Census of 1678-79 indicates BONAVENTURE TERRIOThad 1 acre of land, 7 cattles, 1 gun and three girls aged 10 (born ABT 1668), 5(born ABT 1673) and 3 (born ABT 1675). The girls names are not listed. Children of Bonaventure Theriot and Jeanne Boudrot are: Marie Theriot, born 1667 in Port Royal, Acadia; died BefAugust 1734 inGrande Pre,Acadia. Anne Theriot, born 1674 in Port Royal, Acadia. Marguerite Theriot, born Abt 1677 in Port Royal, Acadia; died 1740 inRiviere aux Canards, Acadia.
Category:Grand-Pr%C3%A9, Acadie
Category:Port-Royal, Acadie
Biography ==:NOTICE: this profile is protected by the Acadian Project because of frequent duplication, variant name spellings and attempts to add unsourced parents. Please contact the Acadian Project before making any substantive changes. Thanks for helping make WikiTree the best site for accurate information.
:Bonaventure (dit Venture) Thériot was born about 1641 in Port-Royal.His parents were Jean Thériot and Perrine Rau.≤ref name=Burial>Library and Archives Canada, Fonds de la paroisse catholique Saint-Charles-des-Mines (Grand-Pré, N.-É.) - 1869; Canadiana, Heritage, Parish registers: Nova Scotia : C-1869 (Image 837):≤/ref>≤ref name=Burial2>"Catholic Church Records", vol. 1a: Acadian Records, 1707-1748748 - Diocese of Baton Rouge - Diocese, 1999, - The Registers of St. Charles aux Mines in Acadia, from Grand Pré, carried intoexile to St. Gabriel Church of Iberville, LA. - pp. 181-182.:Bonaventure TERIOT, age 95 [sic], buried 4 May 1731, in the cemetery of the parish of the church St. Charles, Grand Pré, Acadia, died on 3May 1731. Witnesses: René BABIN [signed]; Claude GAUTROT [signed]; Reni GRANGE; Rene LANDRY; Jacques TERRIOT. Recorded at St. Gabriel Church (SGA-2, 108).≤/ref>≤ref name="DGFA">White, Stephen A. Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert, Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (Moncton, N.-B.: Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1999) p. 1484 & 1487*Bonaventure dit Venture THE'RIOT, born around 1641, (no place given for birth) son of Jean & Perrine RAU. He was a "laboureur," married around 1666 to Jeanne BOUDROT, daughter of Michel & Michelle AUCOIN; fourchildren. A note states that in Aug 1695 Bonaventure & his brother Claude took the oath of allegiance to the King of England at Port-Royal;They made their marks on the document. He died/was buried (Grand PréRegister) on 3/4 May 1731 at age around 95 years (sic).*Age around 95 years (sic); present: René BABIN; Claude GAUTROT; Jacques THE'RIOT (who have signed); René LANDRY; René GRANGER.
- No place given for marriage≤/ref>
:He married Jeanne Boudrot, daughter of Michel Boudrot and Michelle Aucoin, about 1666 in Port-Royal, Acadie. Together they had 4 children:≤ref name="DGFA"/>
:The young couple settled in Port-Royal where they raised their children and tended their farm until the end of their days.
:Twenty-seven-year-old Bonaventure and 26-year-old Jeanne were listed in the 1671 census with their daughter Marie age 4. They owned 2 arpents of land, as well as 6 head of cattle and 6 sheep. He was also counted in his parents' household as married, age 30.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilmC-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752” Images 3-14.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal: *Bonaventure's home: Bonaventure TERRIAU, 27, wife Jeanne BOUDROT 26; child Marie 4; cattle 6, sheep 6.*His father's home: Jean TERRIAU, 70, wife, Perrine RAU 60; Children (married): Claude 34, Jean 32, Bonaventure 30, Germain 25, Jeanne 27, Catherine 21; (not married): Pierre 16; cattle 6, sheep 1.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> They were enumerated again in 1678, with three girls in the family home.≤ref>Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census≤blockquote>Bonaventure Térriot, Jeanne Boudrot, 1 acre, 7 cattle, 1 gun, 3 girls: 10, 1668; 5, 1673; 3, 1675.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> By 1686, the oldest daughter and newly married Marie had left the household. Only Anne and Marguerite were living with their parents. The young unnamed girl who was mentioned inthe previous census was absent and had probably died as an infant.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal,Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure TERRIOT 43, Jeanne BOUDROT 42; children: Anne 12, Marguerite 8; 1 gun, 4 arpents, 5 cattle, 6 sheep, 2 hogs.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> The 1693 census shows that the family was doing well. They owned18 head of cattle, 12 sheep, 10 hogs, 14 arpents of land, and 1 gun. They also had a 16-year-old servant.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 62-108≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure HEROT TERIOT 49, Jeanne BOUDROT his wife 48, Marguerite 14, Joseph their servant 16; 18 cattle, 12 sheep, 10 hogs, 14 arpents, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> Inthe following census in 1698 were listed among their possessions 20 fruit trees.≤ref> Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1698 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie1698 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 110-150≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure TERIOT 57; Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 50; 6 cattle, 10 sheep, 5 hogs, 14 arpents, 20 fruit trees, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> Bonaventure and Jeanne were counted again in the censuses of 1700, 1701, and 1707, living by themselves. ≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1700 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1700 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 1752”, Images 151-173.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure TERRIOT 56; Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 55; 15 cattle, 12 sheep, 14 arpents, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1701 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1701 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 174-211.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure THIRIOT [Terriot] 60, Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 50; 1 gun, 8 cattle, 10 sheep, 5 hogs, 4 arpents.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:Bonaventure was listed as a widow in the 1710 census and was living alone. Jeanne had passed away a few months earlier at the age of about 60.≤ref>. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilmC-9119 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 1315-1318.≤/ref>
:He died on 3 May 1731 (at about 95 years of age according to the register) in Grand-Pré and was buried there the next day. ≤ref name=Burial/>≤ref name=Burial2/>≤ref name="DGFA"/>
≤references />
Category:Grand-Pr%C3%A9, Acadie
Category:Port-Royal, Acadie
Biography ==:NOTICE: this profile is protected by the Acadian Project because of frequent duplication, variant name spellings and attempts to add unsourced parents. Please contact the Acadian Project before making any substantive changes. Thanks for helping make WikiTree the best site for accurate information.
:Bonaventure (dit Venture) Thériot was born about 1641 in Port-Royal.His parents were Jean Thériot and Perrine Rau.≤ref name=Burial>Library and Archives Canada, Fonds de la paroisse catholique Saint-Charles-des-Mines (Grand-Pré, N.-É.) - 1869; Canadiana, Heritage, Parish registers: Nova Scotia : C-1869 (Image 837):≤/ref>≤ref name=Burial2>"Catholic Church Records", vol. 1a: Acadian Records, 1707-1748748 - Diocese of Baton Rouge - Diocese, 1999, - The Registers of St. Charles aux Mines in Acadia, from Grand Pré, carried intoexile to St. Gabriel Church of Iberville, LA. - pp. 181-182.:Bonaventure TERIOT, age 95 [sic], buried 4 May 1731, in the cemetery of the parish of the church St. Charles, Grand Pré, Acadia, died on 3May 1731. Witnesses: René BABIN [signed]; Claude GAUTROT [signed]; Reni GRANGE; Rene LANDRY; Jacques TERRIOT. Recorded at St. Gabriel Church (SGA-2, 108).≤/ref>≤ref name="DGFA">White, Stephen A. Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert, Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (Moncton, N.-B.: Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1999) p. 1484 & 1487*Bonaventure dit Venture THE'RIOT, born around 1641, (no place given for birth) son of Jean & Perrine RAU. He was a "laboureur," married around 1666 to Jeanne BOUDROT, daughter of Michel & Michelle AUCOIN; fourchildren. A note states that in Aug 1695 Bonaventure & his brother Claude took the oath of allegiance to the King of England at Port-Royal;They made their marks on the document. He died/was buried (Grand PréRegister) on 3/4 May 1731 at age around 95 years (sic).*Age around 95 years (sic); present: René BABIN; Claude GAUTROT; Jacques THE'RIOT (who have signed); René LANDRY; René GRANGER.
- No place given for marriage≤/ref>
:He married Jeanne Boudrot, daughter of Michel Boudrot and Michelle Aucoin, about 1666 in Port-Royal, Acadie. Together they had 4 children:≤ref name="DGFA"/>
:The young couple settled in Port-Royal where they raised their children and tended their farm until the end of their days.
:Twenty-seven-year-old Bonaventure and 26-year-old Jeanne were listed in the 1671 census with their daughter Marie age 4. They owned 2 arpents of land, as well as 6 head of cattle and 6 sheep. He was also counted in his parents' household as married, age 30.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilmC-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752” Images 3-14.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal: *Bonaventure's home: Bonaventure TERRIAU, 27, wife Jeanne BOUDROT 26; child Marie 4; cattle 6, sheep 6.*His father's home: Jean TERRIAU, 70, wife, Perrine RAU 60; Children (married): Claude 34, Jean 32, Bonaventure 30, Germain 25, Jeanne 27, Catherine 21; (not married): Pierre 16; cattle 6, sheep 1.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> They were enumerated again in 1678, with three girls in the family home.≤ref>Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census≤blockquote>Bonaventure Térriot, Jeanne Boudrot, 1 acre, 7 cattle, 1 gun, 3 girls: 10, 1668; 5, 1673; 3, 1675.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> By 1686, the oldest daughter and newly married Marie had left the household. Only Anne and Marguerite were living with their parents. The young unnamed girl who was mentioned inthe previous census was absent and had probably died as an infant.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal,Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure TERRIOT 43, Jeanne BOUDROT 42; children: Anne 12, Marguerite 8; 1 gun, 4 arpents, 5 cattle, 6 sheep, 2 hogs.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> The 1693 census shows that the family was doing well. They owned18 head of cattle, 12 sheep, 10 hogs, 14 arpents of land, and 1 gun. They also had a 16-year-old servant.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 62-108≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure HEROT TERIOT 49, Jeanne BOUDROT his wife 48, Marguerite 14, Joseph their servant 16; 18 cattle, 12 sheep, 10 hogs, 14 arpents, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> Inthe following census in 1698 were listed among their possessions 20 fruit trees.≤ref> Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1698 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie1698 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 110-150≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure TERIOT 57; Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 50; 6 cattle, 10 sheep, 5 hogs, 14 arpents, 20 fruit trees, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> Bonaventure and Jeanne were counted again in the censuses of 1700, 1701, and 1707, living by themselves. ≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1700 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1700 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 1752”, Images 151-173.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure TERRIOT 56; Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 55; 15 cattle, 12 sheep, 14 arpents, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1701 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1701 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 174-211.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal : Bonaventure THIRIOT [Terriot] 60, Jeanne BOUDROT (wife) 50; 1 gun, 8 cattle, 10 sheep, 5 hogs, 4 arpents.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:Bonaventure was listed as a widow in the 1710 census and was living alone. Jeanne had passed away a few months earlier at the age of about 60.≤ref>. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilmC-9119 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 1315-1318.≤/ref>
:He died on 3 May 1731 (at about 95 years of age according to the register) in Grand-Pré and was buried there the next day. ≤ref name=Burial/>≤ref name=Burial2/>≤ref name="DGFA"/>
≤references />
Bonaventure Thériot's Timeline
1641 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
1667 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
1673 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
1675 |
Port Royal, Acadia, New France
1678 |
Acadie, Canada
1731 |
May 3, 1731
Age 90
Grand-Pre, Acadie, Colony of Nova Scotia, [British Colonial North America]
May 4, 1731
Age 90
Grand-Pre, Acadie, Colony of Nova Scotia, [British Colonial North America]