Bona Lydia Du Plessis

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Bona Lydia Du Plessis (Purchase)

Birthplace: Thaba Nchu, Motheo, Free State, South Africa
Death: June 24, 1993 (63)
Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Matthys Johannes Christiaan Purchase and Elizabeth Margrietha Purchase
Wife of Johannes Marthinus du Plessis
Mother of Private; Matthys Johannes Christiaan Du Plessis and Private User
Sister of Frank Charles Purchase; Private; Maryna Adriana Joubert; Private; Adriaan Albertus Purchase and 6 others

Managed by: Matthys Johannes Christiaan Du P...
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Immediate Family

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Bona Lydia Du Plessis's Timeline

March 20, 1930
Thaba Nchu, Motheo, Free State, South Africa
June 24, 1993
Age 63
Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa