public profile
Bolesław V Wstydliwy – książę krakowski (od 1243) i sandomierski (od 1232), ostatni przedstawiciel małopolskiej linii Piastów. http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boles%C5%82aw_V_Wstydliwy
c) BOLESŁAW (21 Jun 1226-7 Dec 1279). The Chronica principum Polonie name "Boleslaum, Cracovie et Sandomirie ducem et Salomeam sanctam reginam" as the children of "Lesko albus dictus"[400]. The Annales Capituli Cracoviensis record the birth "1226 XI Kal Iul" of "Bolezlaus filius Lezstkonis"[401]. "Wladizlaus dux Polonie" adopted "Bolezlaum filium fratris mei ducis Lestconis" as his son and took guardianship over his lands by charter dated 23 Mar 1228[402]. The Annales Capituli Cracoviensis name "Boleslaus dux filius Lezstkonisi" when recording his fighting "1243 VIII Kal Iun" in Suzdal in support of "duce Cunrado suo patruo"[403]. He succeeded in 1243 as BOLESŁAW V "Wstydliwy/the Modest" Prince of Krakow and Sandomir. "Bolezlaus filius Lestconis…Dux Cracovie et Sudomirie" donated property to Wachock monastery by charter dated 25 Jul 1249[404]. "Bolezlaus…Dux Cracovie et Sudomirie" renewed the privileges of Busk monastery granted by "Principis domini Lestkonis quondam…Polonorum Ducis, patris nostri", at the request of "germane nostre…sororis Salomee, quondam Regine et consortis…Hungarorum Regis Colommani", by charter dated 1252[405]. "Bolezlaus filius Lesconis…Dux Cracoviæ et Sandomiriæ" founded the monastery of Krzyzanowice, at the request of "matris nostræ Grzymislavæ", for the souls of "patris nostri Lesconis et uxoris nostræ Gunebundis", by charter dated 28 Jun 1254[406]. "Bolezlaus…Cracouie et Sandomirie dux" conferred privileges on the church of Krakow, for the soul of "patris nostri clare memorie Cracouie et Sandomirie ducis Leztconis" and for "nostre genitricis ducisse Grimizlaue et…consortis nostre Cungundis", at the request of "germane nostre sororis…Salomee, quondam Galacie regine", by charter dated 18 May 1255[407]. The Annales Cracovienses Compilati record the deaths in 1279 of "Boleslaus dux maioris Polonie, Boleslaus dux Cracowie"[408]. m (1239) KINGA [Kunigunde] of Hungary, daughter of BÉLA IV King of Hungary & his wife Maria Laskarina of Nikaia (1224-Krakow 24 Jul 1292). The Annales Cracovienses Compilati records the birth in 1234 of "Kinga filia Bolezlay"[409], the Annales Polonorum clarifying that she was "Kinga fila regis Ungarie Bele et de matre Maria" born "in dominica quinquagesima"[410]. The Annales Capituli Cracoviensis record the marriage in 1239 of "Blezlaus filius Lezstkonis" and "filiam regis Hungarie"[411]. Her name is confirmed by the Annales Cracovienses Compilati which record that "dux Boleslaus accepit Kingam" in 1238[412]. "Bolezlaus filius Lesconis…Dux Cracoviæ et Sandomiriæ" founded the monastery of Krzyzanowice, at the request of "matris nostræ Grzymislavæ", for the souls of "patris nostri Lesconis et uxoris nostræ Gunebundis", by charter dated 28 Jun 1254[413]. "Bolezlaus…Cracouie et Sandomirie dux" conferred privileges on the church of Krakow, for the soul of "patris nostri clare memorie Cracouie et Sandomirie ducis Leztconis" and for "nostre genitricis ducisse Grimizlaue et…consortis nostre Cungundis", by charter dated 18 May 1255[414]. She became a nun in 1270. The Annales Polonorum record the death in 1292 of "domina Kinga ducissa" at Krakow[415]. She was beatified 10 Jun 1690.
1226 |
June 21, 1226
Stary Korczyn, Kingdom of Poland
1279 |
December 7, 1279
Age 53
Kraków, Kraków, Kingdom of Poland
December 10, 1279
Age 53
Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Kraków, Kraków, Kingdom of Poland