BERTRAND de Baux, son of RAYMOND de Baux & his wife Etiennette de Gévaudan ([1110/15]-[Apr/31 Oct] 1180, bur abbaye de Sylvacane). The brothers Bertrand, Guillaume and Hugues de Baux granted rights to the monks of Boscodon by charter dated 1130[481], at which date they must presumably have been young adults. Raymond de Baux, husband of Etiennette, and his sons made peace with Ramón Berenguer II Conde de Barcelona in 1150, but died before returning to Provence, whereupon his wife and sons Hugues, Guillaume, Bertrand and Gilbert confirmed the peace agreement[482]. "Guilelmus de Sabrano…Rostagnus de Sabrano…" promised support to "Raymundo Berengarii comiti Barchinonensi et nepoti tuo Raymundo Berengarii filio fratris tui Berengarii Raymundi" against "Stephania uxor Raymundi de Baucio et Hugo filius eius et Guilelmus et Bertrandus et Gisbertus" by charter dated 1156[483]. Prince d'Orange. "Hugonis de Baucio et Bertrandi fratris eius" are listed among the advisers of "Ildefonsus…rex Aragonensis, comes Barchinonensis, duc Provinciæ" in the charter dated 1167 under which the king granted "vicecomitatu de Carlades" to "Hugonem comitem Rutenensem"[484]. "Raimbaud d'Orange" names "Bertrand de Baux son beau-frère, mari de Tiburge et ses enfants Guillaume, Bertrand et Hugues de Baux…Adhemar de Murvieux et aux enfants qu'il a eus de sa sœur Tiburgette" in his testament dated 1173[485]. A document dated Apr 1180 records discussions between Odin prieur de Saint-Gilles et Bertrand de Baux concerning the inheritance of the latter's nephew Raymond[486]. [Seigneur de Baux: the charter dated 31 Oct 1180, under which "Tiburge dame de Baux et ses fils" abandoned rights to the provost of Saint-Paul[487], suggests that Bertrand succeeded his brother Hugues as Seigneur de Baux, and also that he was deceased at the time of this document.]
m TIBURGE d'Orange, widow of GAUFRED de Mornas, daughter of GUILLAUME d'Omelas [Montpellier] & his wife --- (-after 13 Aug 1198). The testament of “Guillelmus de Omellacio”, dated 5 Jun 1156, bequeathes “villam de Muroveteri“ to “alii filiæ meæ Tiburgæ, uxori quondam Gaufridi de Mornas“[488]. As she is named after her sister also named Tiburge in this testament, it is suggested that Tiburge wife of Geoffroy de Mornaz, and later of Bertrand de Baux, was the younger sister. The testament of Tiburge princesse d'Orange names Bertrand de Baux husband of her daughter Tiburge, his son Guillaume V, her son Raimbaud IV, and Adhemar de Murvieux husband of her daughter Tiburgete[489]. "Tiburge dame de Baux et ses fils" abandoned rights to the provost of Saint-Paul by charter dated 31 Oct 1180, which presumably indicates that her husband had predeceased this document[490]. "Hugues de Baux", on the advice of "sa mère Tiburge", granted property to Hugues Pélissier by charter dated 13 Aug 1198[491].
Bertrand & his wife had [five] children:
1137 |
Château des Baux, Les Baux-de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
1155 |
Orange, Vaucluse, Provence, France
1173 |
1175 |
1181 |
April 5, 1181
Age 44
1182 |
Les Baux De Provence, Bouches Du Rhone, Provence, France
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
sire des Baux, prince d'Orange