public profile
c) BERTA ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca, Santa Maria). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[67]. "Berte" is also named as mother of "Hugo rex" in the latter's donation to Cluny for the souls of his parents dated 8 Mar 934[68]. Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by the Annales Bertiniani which name "Hugonem Lotharii iunioris filium" and “sororium illius Theutbaldum” in 880[69]. Her origin and second marriage are confirmed by the epitaph of "Comitissæ…Bertha" specifies that she was "uxor Adalberti Ducis Italiæ…regalis generi…filia Lotharii" and records her death in 925[70]. Liudprand provides the proof that Berta, who married Marchese Adalberto, was the widow of Theotbald when he names "Berta matre regis Hugonis", specifying that she was previously married to Adalberto, when recording her death[71]. She was regent of Tuscany after the death of her second husband in 915.
m firstly ([879/80]%29 THEOTBALD [Thibaut] Comte d’Arles, son of HUBERT d'Arles, Comte de Transjuranie & his wife --- (-[Jun 887]/[895]).
m secondly ([895/98]%29 ADALBERTO II Marchese of Tuscany, Conte e Duca di Lucca, son of ADALBERT I Marchese of Tuscany & his wife Rothildis of Spoleto (-[10/19] Sep 915, bur Lucca Cathedral).
Spouses: 1. Bosonid Theobald of Arles, Children:
Bertha, daughter of Lothair II From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bertha (died 925) was the second illegitimate daughter of Lothair II, King of Lotharingia, by Waldrada. She was renowned to be beautiful, spirited, and courageous. Ambition, coupled with her influence, involved her husbands in many wars.
She married firstly to Bosonid Theobald of Arles, by which she had: Boso and Hugh of Provence, later king of Italy. Her second husband was Adalbert II of Tuscany and her two sons, Guy and Lambert, both ruled Tuscany later. Guy's minority was spent under her regency. When Hugh desired to marry Marozia, the widow of his half-brother Guy, he tried to eliminate the descendants of his mother by her second husband.
She also had a daughter Ermengard, who married Adalbert I of Ivrea.
Father: Lothaire II LORRAINE b: Abt 830 in Alsace, Lorraine, France Mother: Valdrade Valtrude LORRAINE b: Abt 850 in Lorraine, France
Marriage 1 Adalbert II The Rich Duke Of Lucca TUSCANY b: 850 in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy
* Married: Abt 880
1. Has Children Gui Count Of Lucca Margrave Of TUSCANY b: Abt 880 in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy
2. Has Children Lambert Of Spoleto Margrave Of TUSCANY b: Abt 895 in Spoleto, Italy
Marriage 2 Theobald I Count Of ARLES b: 854 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, Provence, France
* Married: Abt 879
1. Has Children Teutberga DE ARLES b: Abt 879 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, Provence, France
2. Has Children Hugues D'arles King Of ITALY b: Abt 880 in Arles, Bouches Du Rhone, Provence, France
3. Has Children Boso I Margrave Of TUSCANY b: 885 in Tuscany, Italy
Ancestral Roots of Certa in American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Le wisWeis, additions by Walte r Lee Shippard Jr., 19 99 ABBR Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Editio n , by Fre derickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippa r d Jr. , 1999 PAGE 145-17
CLONE OF Bertha, Margravine of Tuscany
863 |
Lorraine, France
880 |
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence, France
881 |
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence, France
885 |
898 |
899 |
Tuscany, Italy
901 |
Tuscany, Italy
925 |
March 8, 925
Age 62
Lucca, Tuscany, Italy