was lieutenant of Ganger Hrolf during Norman invasion of Neustria
Bernard the Dane (French - Bernard le Danois; c.880 - before 960), was a Viking jarl (earl) of Danish origins. He put himself in the service of another jarl, Rollo, to conquer and colonize what would become Normandy. After the accords of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte that officially gave birth to the duchy of Normandy (911), Bernard converted to Christianity at Rouen the following year (912) and shortly afterwards received from Rollo the county of Pont-Audemer in Roumois (today in the Eure département) then, later, the city of Harcourt.
Under Rollo's son and successor Duke William the Longsword, Bernard was charged at the beginning of the 930s with putting down the serious uprising led by a certain Riouf (a Norman from the west, who had besieged the Duke in Rouen), then in around 935 he put down a revolt in the Bessin and Cotentin by Viking communities completely independent from the young and fragile power of the dukedom, unlike the east of the duchy of Normandy where its ducal power was affirmed a little later.
Bernard's powerful political role truly emerged after Duke William was assassinated in December 942. Then, he became part of a triumvirate which directed the future of the Norman duchy during the minority of Richard. Bernard became regent of the duchy of Normandy in December 942, beside Anslech de Bricquebec, Osmond de Conteville and Raoul Taisson.
In 945-946, he appealed to Harald Bluetooth and his Danes to defend the duchy when it was attacked by the Carolingian king Louis of Outremer and Hugh the Great, duke of the Franks. Louis was attempting to retake the lands of the west in Normandy that had been granted to the Viking bands thirty years earlier.
Bernard died a few years late (before 960). He was the ancestor of two great Anglo-Norman baronial families, the Beaumonts and the Harcourts.
When in 911 the Viking chief Rollo obtained the territories that would make up Normandy through the Treaty of Saint Clair-sur-Epte, he distributed domains to his main supporters among those who had accompanied him on his expeditions against the English and the Neustrians. After the conquest of Normandy, considerable lands (notably the seigneurie of Harcourt, near Brionne, were granted to Bernard the Dane as a reward for his exploits, and from him they descended upon the lords (seigneurs) of Harcourt.
Named after its seigneurie of Harcourt in Normandy, the House of Harcourt was a powerful Norman family, descended from the Viking Bernard the Dane. Its mottos were "Gesta verbis praeveniant" (Olonde branch), "Gesta verbis praevenient" (Beuvron branch), and "Le bon temps viendra ... de France" (English branch).
In 1280 they established the Collège d'Harcourt in Paris, now the Lycée Saint-Louis at 44 boulevard Saint-Michel.
Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark (904-950) [Pedigree]
Son of Duke of the Angrian Saxons BRUNO and Princess of the Holstein Saxons HASALA
AKA Bernard "le Danois"
Founding father of the House of Harcourt
What follows in the Harcourt line comes mainly from the book called
" A History of the Family Harcourt " written by William Harcourt-Bath in1930. I have a copy.
Chief counsellor to Rollo in the conquest of Normandy, France. Rollo's wife and Bernard's wife are sisters.
His descendents followed William the Conqueror into England.
The family is a direct descendent of Charlemagne and the Trojan Senator Antenor
The name seems to come from "Herr" ( A Teuteonic courtesy title), meaning lord or gentleman and court meaning hall or mansion. I.E."HerrCourt" .
The name has evolved over the years, Herecourt , Harecourt , Harcourt.
b. ABT 904, Normandy, France
b. ABT. 860, Saxony or Maer,Norway
d. ABT. 950, Normandy,France
d. 955
Married Sprota (Sprote) de Berengaria or BOUGOGNE (880-936)
1. TORF I,Seigneur de Tourville (901-970)
References: [RFC]
Bernard the Saxon1
b. 904
Bernard the Saxon was a nobleman of the royal blood of Saxony.1 He acquired, when Rollo the Dane made himself master of Normandy, the lordships of Harcourt, Caileville, and Beaufidel in that principality in 876.1 He was born in 904.2 He married Sprote de Bourgogne.2
Sprote de Bourgogne b. 908
* seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville+ b. 9281
1. [S603] C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms Sir Bernard Burke, B:xP, pg. 261.
2. [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/, Comte d'Harcourt.
Bernard the Dane - claimed to be the ancestor of the Harcourts by Gilles-André de La Roque [Histoire généalogique de la maison de Harcourt, 1663]. Little is known of him: His early career in the 930s was concerned with supressing revolts by factions opposed to the ruling hierarchy in the emerging state of Normandy. After the assassination of William Longsword, Bernard became a regent of the 'duchy' of Normandy in December 942, charged with the protection of the the young 'Duke' Richard, together with, among others, [] Anslech de Briquebec.
Duke of the Angrian Saxons BRUNO [Pedigree] b. Bernard's Grandfather
Married Princess of the Holstein Saxons HASALA
•43. Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark AKA Bernard "le Danois"
Founding father of the House of Harcourt
What follows in the Harcourt line comes mainly from the book called
" A History of the Family Harcourt " written by William Harcourt-Bath in1930. I have a copy.
Chief counsellor to Rollo in the conquest of Normandy,France.Rollo's wifeand Bernard's wife are sisters.
His descendents followed " William the Conqueror " into England. Thefamily is a direct descendent of " Charlemagne " and the Trojan SenatorAntenor
The name seems to come from "Herr" ( A Teuteonic courtesy title), meaning
lord or gentleman and court meaning hall or mansion. I.E."HerrCourt" .
The name has evolved over the years, Herecourt , Harecourt , Harcourt.
* b. ABT 904, Normandy, France
Count of Senlis HUBERT [Pedigree]
Children: 1. Sprota (Sprote) de Berengaria or BOUGOGNE (880-936) m. Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark (904-950) 2. Duchess of Normandy POPPA 3. Count of Senlis BERNARD
Sprota (Sprote) de Berengaria or BOUGOGNE (880-936) [Pedigree] Daughter of Count of Senlis HUBERT
House of Burgandy
b. ABT. 880, Normandy,France
b. ABT 908, Bourgogne, France
d. ABT. 936, Normandy,France
Married Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark (904-950)
Children: [listed under entry for Bernard "The Dane"]
References: [RFC]
•[RFC] "Royalty for Commoners",
Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition.
This book lists all of the known ancestors of John of Gaunt,
which amounts to most of the Medieval royalty of Europe. Also
see the following article: "A Mediaeval Miscellany:
Commentaries on Roderick W. Stuart's Royalty for Commoners,"
The American Genealogist 69 (April 1994)
Bernard was a nobleman of the royal blood of Saxony, being forn in Denmark, was surnamed the Dane. He was the Chief Consellor and second in command to the famou Rollo, progenitor of the Kings of England. He lived in 876, and obtained the lorships of Harcourt, Caileville Beauficel, after the invasion of Normandy from Rollo for his services. He was minister to Rollo's son and successor, Richard, Duke of Normandy, as well as Regent of the Norman territories during his minority. He married ____de Sprote, of the royal family of Burgundy and had one son and heir named Torf "le Riche". ~A Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomery, pg. 142, Pedigree 113
Bernard the Dane (French - Bernard le Danois; c.880 - before 960), was a Viking jarl (earl) of Danish origins. He put himself in the service of another jarl, Rollo, to conquer and colonize what would become Normandy. After the accords of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte that officially gave birth to the duchy of Normandy (911), Bernard converted to Christianity at Rouen the following year (912) and shortly afterwards received from Rollo the county of Pont-Audemer in Roumois (today in the Eure département) then, later, the city of Harcourt.
Under Rollo's son and successor Duke William the Longsword, Bernard was charged at the beginning of the 930s with putting down the serious uprising led by a certain Riouf (a Norman from the west, who had besieged the Duke in Rouen), then in around 935 he put down a revolt in the Bessin and Cotentin by Viking communities completely independent from the young and fragile power of the dukedom, unlike the east of the duchy of Normandy where its ducal power was affirmed a little later.
Bernard's powerful political role truly emerged after Duke William was assassinated in December 942. Then, he became part of a triumvirate which directed the future of the Norman duchy during the minority of Richard. Bernard became regent of the duchy of Normandy in December 942, beside Anslech de Bricquebec, Osmond de Conteville and Raoul Taisson.
In 945-946, he appealed to Harald Bluetooth and his Danes to defend the duchy when it was attacked by the Carolingian king Louis of Outremer and Hugh the Great, duke of the Franks. Louis was attempting to retake the lands of the west in Normandy that had been granted to the Viking bands thirty years earlier.
Bernard died a few years late (before 960). He was the ancestor of two great Anglo-Norman baronial families, the Beaumonts and the Harcourts.
Bernard "the Dane" was second-in-command to Rollo in the invason and conquest of Normandy, and became Lord of Harcourt, Caileville and Beaufical. He was also minister to Rollo's son William and to William's son Richard, Duke of Normandy. He was also regent of the Norman territories until Richard came of age. ["The Ancient Family of Wyke" in Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association ..., Volume 35, Plymouth, 1903, p. 376 (on Google Books).]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernard the Dane (French: Bernard le Danois) (c. 880 – before 960) was a Viking jarl (earl) of Danish origins. He put himself in the service of another jarl installed at the mouth of the Seine, Rollo (before 911). After the accords of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte that officially gave birth to the duchy of Normandy (911), Bernard converted to Christianity at Rouen the following year (912) and shortly afterwards received from Rollo the county of Pont-Audemer in Roumois (today in the Eure département) then, later, the city of Harcourt.
Under Rollo's son and successor Duke William, Bernard was charged at the beginning of the 930s with putting down the serious uprising led by a certain Riouf (a Norman from the west, who had besieged the Duke in Rouen). Around 935 he put down a revolt in Bessin and Cotentin by Viking communities completely independent from the young and fragile power of the dukedom, unlike the east of the duchy of Normandy where its ducal power was affirmed a little later.
Later, on William's premature death by assassination, Bernard became regent of the duchy of Normandy in December 942, beside Anslech de Bricquebec, Osmond de Conteville and Raoul Taisson.
In 945-946, he appealed to Harald Bluetooth and his Danes to defend the duchy when it was attacked by the Carolingian king Louis of Outremer and Hugh the Great, duke of the Franks. Louis was attempting to retake the lands of the west in Normandy that had been granted to the Viking bands thirty years earlier.
Bernard died a few years later (before 960). He is supposed to have been the ancestor of two great Anglo-Norman baronial families, the Beaumonts and the Harcourts.
Bernard the Dane (francouzsky - Bernard le Danois; kolem 880 - před 960), byl vikingský jarl (hrabě) dánského původu. Dal se do služeb jiného jarla, Rolla, aby dobyl a kolonizoval to, co se stalo Normandií. Po dohodách ze Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, z nichž se oficiálně zrodilo vévodství Normandie (911), konvertoval Bernard následujícího roku v Rouenu ke křesťanství (912) a krátce nato obdržel od Rolla hrabství Pont-Audemer v Roumois. (dnes v departementu Eure), později město Harcourt.
Za Rollova syna a nástupce vévody Viléma Dlouhého meče byl Bernard na začátku třicátých let obviněn z potlačení vážného povstání vedeného jistým Rioufem (Normanem ze západu, který obléhal vévodu v Rouenu), poté kolem roku 935. potlačil vzpouru v Bessin a Cotentin vikingskými komunitami zcela nezávislými na mladé a křehké moci vévodství, na rozdíl od východu vévodství Normandie, kde byla jeho vévodská moc potvrzena o něco později.
Bernardova mocná politická role se skutečně objevila poté, co byl vévoda William zavražděn v prosinci 942. Poté se stal součástí triumvirátu, který řídil budoucnost normanského vévodství během menšiny Richarda. Bernard se stal regentem vévodství Normandie v prosinci 942, vedle Anslech de Bricquebec, Osmond de Conteville a Raoul Taisson.
V letech 945-946 apeloval na Haralda Bluetooth a jeho Dány, aby bránili vévodství, když bylo napadeno karolinským králem Ludvíkem Zámořským a Hughem Velikým, vévodou z Franků. Louis se pokoušel dobýt zpět území na západě v Normandii, která byla před třiceti lety udělena vikingským skupinám.
Bernard zemřel o několik let později (před rokem 960). Byl předkem dvou velkých anglo-normanských baronských rodin, Beaumontů a Harcourtů.
When in 911 the Viking chief Rollo obtained the territories that would make up Normandy through the Treaty of Saint Clair-sur-Epte, he distributed domains to his main supporters among those who had accompanied him on his expeditions against the English and the Neustrians. After the conquest of Normandy, considerable lands (notably the seigneurie of Harcourt, near Brionne, were granted to Bernard the Dane as a reward for his exploits, and from him they descended upon the lords (seigneurs) of Harcourt.
Named after its seigneurie of Harcourt in Normandy, the House of Harcourt was a powerful Norman family, descended from the Viking Bernard the Dane. Its mottos were "Gesta verbis praeveniant" (Olonde branch), "Gesta verbis praevenient" (Beuvron branch), and "Le bon temps viendra ... de France" (English branch).
In 1280 they established the Collège d'Harcourt in Paris, now the Lycée Saint-Louis at 44 boulevard Saint-Michel.
Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark (904-950) [Pedigree]
Son of Duke of the Angrian Saxons BRUNO and Princess of the Holstein Saxons HASALA
AKA Bernard "le Danois"
Founding father of the House of Harcourt
What follows in the Harcourt line comes mainly from the book called
" A History of the Family Harcourt " written by William Harcourt-Bath in1930. I have a copy.
Chief counsellor to Rollo in the conquest of Normandy, France. Rollo's wife and Bernard's wife are sisters.
His descendents followed William the Conqueror into England.
The family is a direct descendent of Charlemagne and the Trojan Senator Antenor
The name seems to come from "Herr" ( A Teuteonic courtesy title), meaning lord or gentleman and court meaning hall or mansion. I.E."HerrCourt" .
The name has evolved over the years, Herecourt , Harecourt , Harcourt.
b. ABT 904, Normandy, France
b. ABT. 860, Saxony or Maer,Norway
d. ABT. 950, Normandy,France
d. 955
Married Sprota (Sprote) de Berengaria or BOUGOGNE (880-936)
1. TORF I,Seigneur de Tourville (901-970)
References: [RFC]
Bernard the Saxon1
b. 904
Bernard the Saxon was a nobleman of the royal blood of Saxony.1 He acquired, when Rollo the Dane made himself master of Normandy, the lordships of Harcourt, Caileville, and Beaufidel in that principality in 876.1 He was born in 904.2 He married Sprote de Bourgogne.2
Sprote de Bourgogne b. 908
* seigneur de Pont-Audemer Torf de Torville+ b. 9281
1. [S603] C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms Sir Bernard Burke, B:xP, pg. 261.
2. [S467] GdRdF, online http://jeanjacques.villemag.free.fr/, Comte d'Harcourt.
Bernard the Dane - claimed to be the ancestor of the Harcourts by Gilles-André de La Roque [Histoire généalogique de la maison de Harcourt, 1663]. Little is known of him: His early career in the 930s was concerned with supressing revolts by factions opposed to the ruling hierarchy in the emerging state of Normandy. After the assassination of William Longsword, Bernard became a regent of the 'duchy' of Normandy in December 942, charged with the protection of the the young 'Duke' Richard, together with, among others, [] Anslech de Briquebec.
Duke of the Angrian Saxons BRUNO [Pedigree] b. Bernard's Grandfather
Married Princess of the Holstein Saxons HASALA
•43. Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark AKA Bernard "le Danois"
Founding father of the House of Harcourt
What follows in the Harcourt line comes mainly from the book called
" A History of the Family Harcourt " written by William Harcourt-Bath in1930. I have a copy.
Chief counsellor to Rollo in the conquest of Normandy,France.Rollo's wifeand Bernard's wife are sisters.
His descendents followed " William the Conqueror " into England. Thefamily is a direct descendent of " Charlemagne " and the Trojan SenatorAntenor
The name seems to come from "Herr" ( A Teuteonic courtesy title), meaning
lord or gentleman and court meaning hall or mansion. I.E."HerrCourt" .
The name has evolved over the years, Herecourt , Harecourt , Harcourt.
* b. ABT 904, Normandy, France
Count of Senlis HUBERT [Pedigree]
Children: 1. Sprota (Sprote) de Berengaria or BOUGOGNE (880-936) m. Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark (904-950) 2. Duchess of Normandy POPPA 3. Count of Senlis BERNARD
Sprota (Sprote) de Berengaria or BOUGOGNE (880-936) [Pedigree] Daughter of Count of Senlis HUBERT
House of Burgandy
b. ABT. 880, Normandy,France
b. ABT 908, Bourgogne, France
d. ABT. 936, Normandy,France
Married Bernard "The Dane" Prince of Denmark (904-950)
Children: [listed under entry for Bernard "The Dane"]
References: [RFC]
•[RFC] "Royalty for Commoners",
Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition.
This book lists all of the known ancestors of John of Gaunt,
which amounts to most of the Medieval royalty of Europe. Also
see the following article: "A Mediaeval Miscellany:
Commentaries on Roderick W. Stuart's Royalty for Commoners,"
The American Genealogist 69 (April 1994)
Bernard was a nobleman of the royal blood of Saxony, being forn in Denmark, was surnamed the Dane. He was the Chief Consellor and second in command to the famou Rollo, progenitor of the Kings of England. He lived in 876, and obtained the lorships of Harcourt, Caileville Beauficel, after the invasion of Normandy from Rollo for his services. He was minister to Rollo's son and successor, Richard, Duke of Normandy, as well as Regent of the Norman territories during his minority. He married ____de Sprote, of the royal family of Burgundy and had one son and heir named Torf "le Riche". ~A Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomery, pg. 142, Pedigree 113
Bernard the Dane (French - Bernard le Danois; c.880 - before 960), was a Viking jarl (earl) of Danish origins. He put himself in the service of another jarl, Rollo, to conquer and colonize what would become Normandy. After the accords of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte that officially gave birth to the duchy of Normandy (911), Bernard converted to Christianity at Rouen the following year (912) and shortly afterwards received from Rollo the county of Pont-Audemer in Roumois (today in the Eure département) then, later, the city of Harcourt.
Under Rollo's son and successor Duke William the Longsword, Bernard was charged at the beginning of the 930s with putting down the serious uprising led by a certain Riouf (a Norman from the west, who had besieged the Duke in Rouen), then in around 935 he put down a revolt in the Bessin and Cotentin by Viking communities completely independent from the young and fragile power of the dukedom, unlike the east of the duchy of Normandy where its ducal power was affirmed a little later.
Bernard's powerful political role truly emerged after Duke William was assassinated in December 942. Then, he became part of a triumvirate which directed the future of the Norman duchy during the minority of Richard. Bernard became regent of the duchy of Normandy in December 942, beside Anslech de Bricquebec, Osmond de Conteville and Raoul Taisson.
In 945-946, he appealed to Harald Bluetooth and his Danes to defend the duchy when it was attacked by the Carolingian king Louis of Outremer and Hugh the Great, duke of the Franks. Louis was attempting to retake the lands of the west in Normandy that had been granted to the Viking bands thirty years earlier.
Bernard died a few years late (before 960). He was the ancestor of two great Anglo-Norman baronial families, the Beaumonts and the Harcourts.
Bernard "the Dane" was second-in-command to Rollo in the invason and conquest of Normandy, and became Lord of Harcourt, Caileville and Beaufical. He was also minister to Rollo's son William and to William's son Richard, Duke of Normandy. He was also regent of the Norman territories until Richard came of age. ["The Ancient Family of Wyke" in Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association ..., Volume 35, Plymouth, 1903, p. 376 (on Google Books).]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernard the Dane (French: Bernard le Danois) (c. 880 – before 960) was a Viking jarl (earl) of Danish origins. He put himself in the service of another jarl installed at the mouth of the Seine, Rollo (before 911). After the accords of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte that officially gave birth to the duchy of Normandy (911), Bernard converted to Christianity at Rouen the following year (912) and shortly afterwards received from Rollo the county of Pont-Audemer in Roumois (today in the Eure département) then, later, the city of Harcourt.
Under Rollo's son and successor Duke William, Bernard was charged at the beginning of the 930s with putting down the serious uprising led by a certain Riouf (a Norman from the west, who had besieged the Duke in Rouen). Around 935 he put down a revolt in Bessin and Cotentin by Viking communities completely independent from the young and fragile power of the dukedom, unlike the east of the duchy of Normandy where its ducal power was affirmed a little later.
Later, on William's premature death by assassination, Bernard became regent of the duchy of Normandy in December 942, beside Anslech de Bricquebec, Osmond de Conteville and Raoul Taisson.
In 945-946, he appealed to Harald Bluetooth and his Danes to defend the duchy when it was attacked by the Carolingian king Louis of Outremer and Hugh the Great, duke of the Franks. Louis was attempting to retake the lands of the west in Normandy that had been granted to the Viking bands thirty years earlier.
Bernard died a few years later (before 960). He is supposed to have been the ancestor of two great Anglo-Norman baronial families, the Beaumonts and the Harcourts.
Bernard Dán
z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Bernard the Dane (francouzsky: Bernard le Danois) (asi 880 – před rokem 960) byl vikingský jarl (hrabě) dánského původu. Dal se do služeb dalšího jarla instalovaného u ústí Seiny, Rolla (před rokem 911). Po dohodách ze Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, z nichž se oficiálně zrodilo vévodství Normandie (911), konvertoval Bernard následujícího roku v Rouenu ke křesťanství (912) a krátce nato obdržel od Rolla hrabství Pont-Audemer v Roumois. (dnes v departementu Eure), později město Harcourt.
Za Rollova syna a nástupce vévody Viléma byl Bernard na začátku 30. let obviněn z potlačení vážného povstání vedeného jistým Rioufem (Normanem ze západu, který obléhal vévodu v Rouenu). Kolem roku 935 potlačil v Bessinu a Cotentinu povstání vikingských komunit zcela nezávislých na mladé a křehké moci vévodství, na rozdíl od východu vévodství Normandie, kde byla jeho vévodská moc potvrzena o něco později.
Později, po Williamově předčasné smrti atentátem, se Bernard v prosinci 942 stal regentem vévodství Normandie, vedle Anslecha de Bricquebec, Osmonda de Conteville a Raoula Taissona.
V letech 945-946 apeloval na Haralda Bluetooth a jeho Dány, aby bránili vévodství, když bylo napadeno karolinským králem Ludvíkem Zámořským a Hughem Velikým, vévodou z Franků. Louis se pokoušel dobýt zpět území na západě v Normandii, která byla před třiceti lety udělena vikingským skupinám.
Bernard zemřel o několik let později (před rokem 960). Předpokládá se, že byl předkem dvou velkých anglo-normanských baronských rodin, Beaumontů a Harcourtů.
Bernard le Danois est un noble normand de la première moitié du Xe siècle.
Le personnage est connu par la chronique du chanoine Dudon de Saint-Quentin, De moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum. Or certains passages de cette œuvre panégyrique sont sujets à caution, contredits notamment par Flodoard. Le Gesta Normannorum ducum de Guillaume de Jumièges et le Roman de Rou de Wace évoquent également Bernard mais ces auteurs ne font que reprendre le récit de leur prédécesseur.
Son surnom suggère qu'il est originaire du Danemark. Il a pu s'installer en Normandie avec ses compatriotes vikings autour de l'an 900. C'est un compagnon de Rollon le Marcheur, le fondateur du duché de Normandie[1].
Au début des années 930, il convainc le fils et successeur de Rollon, Guillaume Longue-Épée de sortir immédiatement de Rouen pour combattre l'armée de Riouf (un Normand de l’Ouest), venue assiéger la ville. Riouf est vaincu sous les murs de la capitale normande. Le rôle politique de Bernard émerge véritablement après l'assassinat de Guillaume en décembre 942. Il fait partie d'une sorte de triumvirat qui dirige le futur duché de Normandie en attendant la majorité de Richard Ier[2]. Dudon de Saint-Quentin le montre comme un acteur omniprésent des années 942-946 aux côtés de ses compatriotes normands Anslech, Osmond de Conteville et Raoul Taisson. Pendant cette période, il fait preuve d'une intelligence tactique qui, si l'on se fie au récit du chanoine, permet à la jeune Normandie de survivre à l'appétit de ses voisins, en l'occurrence le roi carolingien Louis d’Outremer et le duc des Francs Hugues le Grand.
À deux reprises, Bernard le Danois accueille le roi à Rouen et lui garantit la soumission des Normands. L'armée royale se déploie en Normandie tandis que le jeune Richard Ier est emmené en France pour y être éduqué. Mais en secret, Bernard fait appel en 945-946 aux Danois du roi Harald « à La Dent Bleue » (Harald Blåtand) pour reprendre la main[3]. Grâce à l'intervention des Danois, Bernard s'empare de Louis d’Outremer. Cette capture assure dans les mains normandes un atout d'importance pour négocier le retour de Richard Ier en Normandie. Le roi est effectivement libéré puis le jeune jarl est ramené dans son pays.
Bernard le Danois disparaît ensuite du récit de Dudon.
Bernard le Danois serait le père de Torf et, ainsi, à l’origine de deux grandes familles anglo-normandes, les Beaumont et les Harcourt. Si l'on ne possède pas de preuve d'une filiation entre Bernard le Danois et Torf, cette origine est cependant mentionnée par de nombreuses généalogies[4] et a été reconnue par les rois de France, comme en attestent notamment les lettres patentes octroyées par Louis XIV pour l'érection du duché d'Harcourt en 1700[5].
Notes et références [modifier]
1. ↑ Dudon de Saint-Quentin, « De gestis Normanniae ducum seu de moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum », J. Lair (éd.), Mémoire de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie, tome XXIII, 1865, p.189-190. La liste des compagnons de Rollon est controversée mais la citation de Dudon apporte une certaine crédibilité à l'inclusion de Bernard dans cette liste
2. ↑ Guillaume de Jumièges, Histoire des Normands, éd. Guizot, Brière, 1826, Livre IV, p.79(traduction française des Gesta Normannorum ducum écrits vers 1172)
3. ↑ Guillaume de Jumièges, ibid, p.88. Flodoard le présente plutôt comme un chef normand de la région de Bayeux
4. ↑ Gilles-André de La Roque, Histoire Généalogique de la Maison de Harcourt, 1662, T.I, T. III et T. IV
5. ↑ Louis XIV, Lettres patentes pour l'érection du marquisat de Harcourt en duché héréditaire, 1700 : « sa maison tire son origine de Bernard le Danois, un des seigneurs de Danemark, qui vinrent en Normandie avec Rollon, qui en fut le premier duc, en l'an 876, de qui Bernard le Danois eut la seigneurie d'Harcourt et plusieurs autres terres; il fut aussi fait gouverneur de Normandie et tuteur de Richard Ier, petit-fils du duc Rollon, et les descendants de ce Bernard ont été revêtus des premières charges et alliances fort illustres. » in P. Anselme, Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France, des pairs, grands officiers de la Couronne, de la Maison du Roy et des anciens barons du royaume..., 1726-1733
Vicomte de Bernard de Pont-Audemer Rouen dit le Danois 1 (880 - 955)
Il est aussi connu sous le nom de Bernard Ragnvaldsson de Pont-Audemer dit le Danois 2. Il est aussi connu sous le nom de Bernard, seigneur d' Harcourt 1.
Il est le fils de Ragnvald Ier Eysteinsson de More dit le Sage 2 et Groa Thorsteinsdatter de Dublin 2.
Il nait en 880 au Danemark 1, 2. Il épouse Sprote de Bourgogne en 909 à Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France 1, 3. Il est régent de Normandie 1, 2. Il décède en 955 1, 2.
Il est comte de Rouen 2. Il est baptisé en 912 à Rouen 1.
Liste de ses enfants connus:
+ 1. Torf, seigneur de Pont-Audemer , Harcourt et Tourville dit le Riche 1 (de Sprote de Bourgogne) + 2. Mathilde de Pont-Audemer (920 - ) 1 (de Sprote de Bourgogne)
880 |
probably, Denmark
912 |
Age 32
Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Upper Normandy, France
Age 32
Rouen, Angi, France
914 |
January 6, 914
Plouigneau, Finistere, Brittany, France
920 |
955 |
Age 75
Pont-Audemer, Eure, Upper Normandy, France
???? |
Count of Senils. 945-Regent of Normandy