BERNARD [Balthasar] (-after 945). Comte de Rethel. Flodoard's Annals record that in 945 that "rex Ludowicus" besieged "Remorem…urbem" with "militum Arnulfi sed et Artoldo episcopo…comitibus…Bernardo ac Theoderico nepote ipsius"[3203]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "rex Ludovicus et Artholdus et comes de Retest Bernardus et Theodericus nepos eius” besieged "civitatem Remensem" in 946[3204]. The Chronicon Maceriense (a dubious source) records in 941 that "Balthazar Registensis" made peace with Warin and requested the hand in marriage of "Guarino Ordelam" for "Manasse filio"[3205]. m ---, daughter of ---. As her son Manassès is named as "nepote domni Artoldi præsulis" in Flodoard[3206], it is assumed that his mother was the bishop’s sister, assuming that the word "nepos" can be interpreted in its strict sense of nephew. The name of her husband is confirmed by the Chronicon Maceriense (a dubious source, as noted below) which records in 941 that "Balthazar Registensis" made peace with Warin and requested the hand in marriage of "Guarino Ordelam" for "Manasse filio"[3207], although “Balthazar” is unlikely to have been a name used at that time. It can safely be assumed that it was not Bernard/Balthasar who was the brother of Archbishop Artaud as, if that had been the case, it is probable that the sources which have stated the fact. Bernard [Balthasar] & his wife had one child:
a) MANASSES [I] (-after 989).
900 |
940 |
945 |
Age 45