Immediate Family
About Bernard John Boughton
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See Encyclopedia Titanica (2022) Bernard John Boughton (ref: #1766, last updated: 21st July 2022, accessed 3rd February 2024 07:15:18 AM)
Titanic Crew Summary
Name: Mr Bernard John Boughton
Titanic Victim
Born: Friday 7th October 1887 in Brockley, Kent, England
Age: 24 years 6 months and 8 days (Male)
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Single
Last Residence: at 10 Richmond Street Southampton, Hampshire, England
Occupation: First class saloon steward
Last Ship: Olympic
Victualling Crew
Embarked: Southampton on Thursday 4th April 1912
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified
Birth name - registered
BOUGHTON, BERNARD JOHN BURBRIDGE GRO Reference: 1887 D Quarter in LEWISHAM Volume 01D Page 1159. When he joined school in 1895 his birth date was given as 7 October 1887. When he was baptised on 17 March 1907 his birth date was given as 29 October 1886 and his name as Bernard Julius Boughton, son of William Julius Boughton. Another date suggested, although unverified, is 31 October 1887.
apprenticed to a grocer and he spent two years with J. F. Harvey of High Street, Ashford, after which he moved to Hastings and worked in a shop owned by a Mr Savage.
Bernard John Boughton's Timeline
1887 |
October 7, 1887
Brockley, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1912 |
April 15, 1912
Age 24
TITANIC at sea
???? |
Atlantic Ocean