About Berengar van Namen, Comte de Namur
Count Berengar de Namur Graf von Lommegau
- Son of Berengar Graf der Hattenhuntare and Friderun
- Berengarius of Namur (born circa 875 - 946) was mentioned in 908 as count of the Lommegau, that would afterwards become the county of Namur. The origins of Berengar are unknown. He supposedly married a daughter of the count of Hainaut, Reginar I.
- The house of Namur is a family of the Lotharingian nobility, coming from Berenger count of Lommegau. He later became count of Namur, when the county of Lammegau was renamed to county of Namur. He married a sister of Giselbert duke of Lotharingia, from the House of Reginar.
- We see him appear under the title of Count of Lomme, in an act of the year 908. In 924, he seizes Gislebert, Duke of Lotharingie, who held captive the two sons of the Count of Hainaut, whose Bérenger supported the cause in the bloody quarrels which devastated the south of Belgium at that time. He is best known for the protection he granted to Saint Gérard, the famous founder of the abbey of Brogne. The emperor Henri l'Oiseleur confirmed this foundation by an authentic diploma of the year 932. It is in this act that we find the name of Bérenger mentioned for the last time. The same year, according to some annalists, this prince obtained in fief of the same emperor the castle of Bouvignes.
- Berengar Graf der Hattenhuntare Geneology Chart, by Zeitschrift für ,Württembergische' Landesgeschichte
Project MedLands NAMUR
BERENGAR, son of --- ([875/85]-before 946). The origins of Count Berengar are unknown. His birth date is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when he is named in the charter dated 907 (see below). Comte in pagus Lommensis. "Hludouucus…rex" confirmed the donation by "bone memoriæ Kisala illustris femina" of the abbey of Fosse "in pago Lominse in comitatu Perengarii" to the church of Liège with the consent of "…Kepeharti…comitis" by charter dated 26 Oct 907 in which among "fidelium nostrum" was listed "Purchart filius Vualahonis"[5]. Ludwig IV "das Kind" King of Germany confirmed a donation of property including "…in pago ac in comitatu Lummensi…cuius nunc adest comes Perengarius" to the church of Tongern at the request of "Kepehardus et Reginharius comites" and with the consent of "Albuini eo tempore illius comitis" by charter dated 18 Jan 908[6]. Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks restored Kloster Süsteren to the abbey of Prüm by charter dated 19 Jan 916 which names "fidelium nostrorum…Widricus comes palatii, Richuuinus comes, Gislebertus, Matfridus, Beringerius comites, Theodericus comes, Reinherus comes, Erleboldus"[7]. "Berengarii comitis Namurcensis" subscribed a charter dated 2 Jun 919 under which Gerard de Stave donated property to the abbey of Brogne[8]. Flodoard's Annals record that "Berengarius" captured "Giselbertum" (referring to the duke of Lotharingia) and only freed him after receiving "filiis Ragenarii fratris ipsius Gisleberti" as hostages, after which Giselbert ravaged the lands of "Berengarii, Ragenariique fratris sui et Isaac comitis"[9]. Count of the castle of Namur. The Vita Gerardi Abbatis Broniense records that "comes Berengarius Nammucensi castro præsidebat" and that he took Gerard under his protection[10]. married NN [von Maasgau], daughter of REGINAR [I] Graf von Maasgau, Comte de Hainaut & his wife Alberada. Flodoard's Annals refer to the wife of "Berengarius" as "sororem [Gislebertum]" but do not name her[11]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[12], she was heiress of "comitatus Lomacensis". Presumably this is suggested because both her father and her husband are recorded as counts "in pago Lominse", and on the assumption that her husband succeeded her father. However, this assumes that the "pagus" is identical with the county, and that each pagus was ruled by only one count at any one time. It is, however, clear from the development of the county structure in Germany that the counties were not geographically coincident with the pagi. References to two or three different comitati within one pagus are frequent in imperial diplomas, as are references to the comitatus of a single comes spreading into more than one pagus. It is not therefore a safe assumption, in the absence of further documentary proof, that Berengar owed his position in "comitatus Lomacensis" to his wife.
Berengar (Namur), by Wikipedia
Berengar († after 924) was a count in Lommegau and Maifeld in the 10th century. His family origin is unclear, but he is often associated with the Unruochinger clan .
Berengar was married to a daughter of the Great Reginar I , who was powerful in northern Lotharingia , from whom he may have received the Lommegau as a dowry. As count of this pagus he is mentioned in two documents of the East Franconian king Ludwig the child , issued in the years 907 and 908. On January 19, 916, he and his brothers-in-law Giselbert and Reginar II were at the side of King Charles III of West Franconia . of the simple-minded in Herstal .
Berengar carried the rebellion of his brother-in-law Giselbert against King Charles III. not with the simple-minded and was consequently at war with him. In 924 he was able to take Giselbert prisoner, but released him soon after he had received one of Reginar II's sons as a hostage. After that nothing more has come down to us from Berengar.
The next count named in Lommegau was Robert I , who was probably a son of Berengar. Robert I built the castle of Namur , after which the county of Lommegau was named in the future.
In Berengar's service stood the warrior and later Saint Gerhard von Brogne.
Source Wikipedia- https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Berengar_(Namur)
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengar_of_Namur
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Namur
- https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_de_Namur
- https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Unruochinger
- https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Biographie_nationale_de_Belgique/T...
- Zeitschrift für,Württembergische' Landesgeschichte - https://www.mgh-bibliothek.de/dokumente/a/a136880.pdf
- MGH DD LK , p. 181, no. 55 and p. 183, no. 57
- Camillus Wampach: Document and source book on the history of the old Luxembourg territories up to the Burgundian period , I (1935), p. 170, no. 146
- Flodoard von Reims , Annales, chronica et historiae aevi Saxonici , ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz in MGH SS 3 (1839), p. 373
- Vita Gerardi abbatis Broniensis ; ed. Lothar von Heinemann in MGH SS 15.2 (1881), p. 656
- B on of Saint-Genois. J. Borgnet, History of the County of Namur . - Gailliot, History of Namur .
Berengar van Namen, Comte de Namur's Timeline
875 |
946 |
Age 71