Benjamin Tarrant

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Benjamin Tarrant (1735 - 1819)

Birthplace: Essex County, Virginia, United States
Death: August 14, 1819 (83-84)
Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Leonard Tarrant, of South Carolina and 1st wife of Leonard Tarrant
Husband of Martha Tarrant
Father of James Tarrant; Elizabeth Snow; Leonard Tarrant, Esq.; Rev. Benjamin Tarrant, Jr.; Amelia Holland / Phillips and 5 others
Brother of Eleanor Daniel; John Tarrant; Samuel Douthitt Tarrant; Reuben Tarrant and Captain James Tarrant
Half brother of Elizabeth Kirby and Leonard Tarrant

Managed by: Stephanie Loeffert Albright
Last Updated:

About Benjamin Tarrant

Will of Benjamin Tarrant, certified copy in possession of John Robison Recorded in Will Book A - Page 305 Apt 7 - - File #465 Probated August 20, 1819 copy obtained from Probate Court, Greenville Co., SC

In the name of God, Amen, I Benjamin Tarrant of the District of Greenv ille State of South Carolina being weak in body but perfect mind and m emory and calling to mind that it is appointed for all men to die, mak e and constitute this my last will and testament and revoking all othe rs by me heretofore made. I forst bequeath my soul to God that gave i t and my body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my execut ors and for the better regulating and settling of my estate; first I g ive to my beloved wife Martha Tarrant all my estate personon and real during her life or widowhood after all my just debts is paid and at he r death or inter marriage the estate to be divided among my children a s follows.

To my daughter Milly Hollen Betsey Snow and the heirs of my daughter M olley Wade, deceased, and Benjamin Tarrant Junior to each of them fiv e pounds sterling having formerly given them a part of my estate that is twenty pounds to be paid by my executors to them on or at the divis ion of my estate, and the remaining part to be equally divided among m y sons Leonard, Wiatt, Robert, Samuel, James, and John Tarrant and las tly I do nominate my beloved wife Martha and my sons Leonard and Samue l executors of this my last will and testament. In witness wherof I h ave unto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of November in the ye ar of our lord 1808 in the thirty third year of the Independence of th e United States of America.

Signed sealed delivered in the pres of Henry Machen, James Tarrant, So lomon Dalton.

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Children of Leonard Tarrant, Sr.

Benjamin - b. 1735; d. 1819, SC. Will dated Nov. 15, 1808 and probate d Aug. 20, 1819 in Greenville Dist., SC. Obituary in the Charleston Co urier of 14 Aug 1819. Married Martha DALTON. The order of their childr en as given here is subject to correction. Children of Benjamin and Ma rtha TARRANT: Amelia 'Milly' married first George PHILLIPS, and secon d Solomon HOLLAND; Elizabeth 'Betsy' married Mark SNOW; Mary 'Molly' m arried Peyton WADE; Leonard, Esq. married Elizabeth BLACKBURN; Rev. Be njamin married Ann ROBINSON; Wyatt married Sarah DALTON (sister of Ros etta); Robert married Rosetta DALTON (sister of Sarah); Samuel Augustu s married Sally TARRANT (his first cousin and daughter of Capt. James TARRANT); Rev. James married Rebecca LANGLEY; and Rev. John married fi rst Mary Elizabeth (WITHERSPOON) PORTER, and second Lucy SULLIVAN.


15 Nov 1808 Solomon Dalton witnessed the signing of Benjamin Tarrant's will. Tarrant died in 1818. ROBERT & MARY (KEY) DALTON - Part 7 contributed by Patricia S. Asleson,


   Title: Certified copy of 1819 will of Benjamin Tarrant in possession of John Robison
   Certified copy of 1819 will of Benjamin Tarrant in possession of John Robison, Source Medium: Book
   Title: william_b_crouch_dalton.ged - Contact: William Crouch < m>
   william_b_crouch_dalton.ged - Contact: William Crouch < m>, Source Medium: Other
   Text: Date of Import: Aug 14, 2002illiam Crouch <> 
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Benjamin Tarrant's Timeline

Essex County, Virginia, United States
November 30, 1753
Pittsburg County, Virginia
Province of Virginia
October 14, 1768
Mecklenburg County, Virginia, United States
March 8, 1769
Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Colonial America
Province of South Carolina
Virginia, United States
July 15, 1779
Pittsylvania County, Virginia, United States