Matching family tree profiles for Benjamin Nason
Immediate Family
About Benjamin Nason
Children of Richard Nason (d 1696) & Sarah:
5. BENJAMIN (1641-1714) m. Martha Kenney, (2) Sarah — —
Benjamin and Martha's daughter, Sarah, was captured by Indians in 1694 and ransomed in 1699. They owned the Garrison house in Berwick and willed it to their son, Benjamin.
WILL OF BENJAMIN NASON 28 Jun 1714 - 11 Aug 1714: In the name of God Amen I Benjamin Nason of Berwick in the County of Yorke in the Province of the MassachuSetts Bay in New England being weak of Body but of Sound Memory & not knowing how it may please God to deal with me do make & ordain this my Last will & Testament in manner and form following. I Comit my Soul to the Lord IeSus Christ & as for my worldly Estate I dispose thereof as Followeth.
Imprs after my Iust Debts & Funerall Charges are paid I say I dispose thereof as Followeth. (1) I give & bequeath unto my Son Benjamin Nason my homeSteed Vizt all the land thereto belonging wth all the bluildings gs Housing out housing thereto belonging I Say I give all my homeSteed lands to Benjamin & his Heirs for Ever; (Excepting twenty Acres out of the Same wch I give & bequeath to my Son William Vizt Six Acres at the water Side & fourteen acres at the head & in Case William die wthout Issue the Same to revert to Benjamin & his Heirs Also the Meadow belonging to the homeSteed farm--I give & bequeath to my Son Benjamin & his Heirs forever; & my fifty acres at the beaver dam, and my part of the Neek land betwene Quamphegen falls & Salmonfalls to him my Sd Son Benjamin and his Heirs forever; and also all my personall Estate within dore's & without Cattle Sheep Swine horsekind tackling & all other named or not named of what Nature kind or quality Soever household goods and whatsoever the Same Consists of I say I give and bequeath to him my Said Son Benjamin forever. & as for my hundred acres land or there abouts Ioyning to Spruce Swamp I give my Executor full power to make Sale thereof for the payment of my Debts if the Case So requirs or if he finds away to discharge them more for his Advantage then the Sd land to be to him and his Heirs; after they are discharged.
Item I give & bequeath Unto my Six daughters Vizt Ledia, Mary, Patiance, Febee, Anne, & Sarah, three pounds p ps in or as money to be paid them by my Executor when he can most Conveniantly do it to Such as are of age & the others when they come of age/
Item I ordain and appoint my well beloved Son Benjamin Nason to be Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament.
In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the 28 day of Iune Annoq Domini 1714. Benjamin Nason (Seal)
Signed Sealed published & Declared to be his last will and Testament in the preSence of us. Mary Spencer William (his mark) Newton John Croade
Probated 11 Aug. 1714.
- Old Kittery and Her Families. Author: Everett S. Stackpole. Publication: Lewiston, Maine: Press of Lewiston Journal Company, 1903. Page 625. < GoogleBooks >
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Nov 6 2016, 19:12:57 UTC
Benjamin Nason's Timeline
1641 |
Kitty, York County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1689 |
September 25, 1689
Kittery, York County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1691 |
October 10, 1691
Berwick, ME, United States
1693 |
November 10, 1693
Kittery, York County, Massachusetts, United States
1695 |
July 10, 1695
York, ME, United States
1698 |
January 22, 1698
Kittery, York County, Maine, United States
1699 |
Kittery, York, Maine
1700 |
May 2, 1700
Kittery, York County, Maine, United States