Benjamin Cory, a labourer, from Cornwall, England, age 28 landed in Lyttelton, N.Z., from the ship 'Waikato' in January 1879 with his wife Elizabeth Ann, 26, son John, 3, and daughter Anne, 2. The family settled in the Alford Forest district where Benjamin Corry purchased two adjoining properties.
His daughter Annie E Corry was a school teacher at the two teacher Alford Forest School in 1883. In 1895 Ben clashed with his neighbour and finally sold out in June 1899. In March 1899 he was lucky enough to have his name pulled in a ballot for Section III, a 278 acre farm, in the Waikakahi Estate Settlement, south of Waimate. Elizabeth Ann and Benjamin Corry had four more children while they were in the Alford Forest area.
1850 |
May 11, 1850
Strayer Park, Lewanick, Cornwall, England (United Kingdom)
1874 |
Liskard, Cornwall, England (United Kingdom)
1876 |
Saint Cleer, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom
1877 |
St Cleer, Cornwall
Name Annie Corry District Liskeard, Cornwall Page 67 Volume 5C Registered October - December 1877 |
1883 |
Canterbury, New Zealand
NZBDM Historical
1889 |
October 28, 1889
Alford Forest, Ashburton District, Canterbury, New Zealand
1893 |
Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand
NZBDM Historical