Immediate Family
About Beatrix de France
Beatrix (?-23 Sep 1003), daughter of Hugues le Grand probably by his 2nd wife Eadhild of England, or by his third wife Hedwig of Germany. She was wife of Frederick I of Lorraine.
- MedLands, Beatrix, daughter of Duke Hugues
BEATRIX (-23 Sep 1003). Flodoard refers to "Hugonis principis filiam" marrying "Fredericus, frater Adalberonis episcopi" in 954[118]. The Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium names "Beatricis, Hugonis Capitonis Francorum regis sororis" as wife of "ducis Frederici"[119]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "sororem [Otto filius Hugo rex…dux Burgundie]…Beatricem" as wife of "Fridericus dux Mosellanorum"[120]. There is no proof of the identity of the mother of Beatrix, although it is unlikely that she was the daughter of her father's first wife given the date of her marriage. She acted as regent of Upper Lotharingia for her son Duke Thierry I from 978 to 987, taking an active part in the government of the duchy. She intervened with her brother Hugues Capet over the capture of her son by French troops during the siege of Verdun in 985, and actively attempted to resolve the Franco/German conflict over Lotharingia by diplomatic means. She was imprisoned in an abbey by her son, impatient to assume personal rule, but the Pope obliged him to release her. She visited the monastery of Saint-Dié in 1003 with her family[121]. m (Betrothed 951, [10 Sep/12 Nov] 954) FREDERIC Comte, son of WIGERICH [III] Graf im Bidgau, Pfalzgraf & his wife Cunegondis --- ([910/15]-[Jun/Jul] 978). He was installed in 959 as FREDERIC I Duke of Upper Lotharingia.
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Beatrix de France is Hildegard Elisabeth von Uexküll (von Yxkull)'s 16th great grandmother!
Beatrix de France's Timeline
948 |
Nancy, Lorraine, France
956 |
962 |
Lorraine, France
965 |
Lorraine, France
966 |
Verdun, France
967 |
Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, France
970 |
Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
1003 |
September 23, 1003
1934 |
March 17, 1934