Immediate Family
About Beatrice de Saye, Countess of Essex
Her husband Geoffrey FitzPiers became Earl of Essex, and owner of Mandeville property, through her inheritance, and tis passed on to her children, which is why they carry the Mandeville name.
WILLIAM de Say of Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire and Saham, Norfolk (-before 1 Aug 1177). The History of the foundation of Walden abbey names “Willielmus de Say…et Gaufridus frater eius” as the two sons of “Beatrix de Mandavilla domina de Say, soror Galfridi primi, fundatoris, et amita Willielmi”[861]. The Chronicon Rameseiensis records the donations made by "Willelmum de Say…et mater sua Beatrix", dated to [1150/60][862]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Willelmus de Say ii m" in Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire in [1161/62][863]. m ---. The name of William´s wife is not known. William & his wife had two children:
BEATRICE de Say, daughter and co-heiress of WILLIAM de Say of Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire & his wife --- (-before 19 Apr 1197, bur Chicksand Priory). The History of the foundation of Walden abbey names “Beatricem” as daughter of “Willielmus de Say”, son of “Beatrix de Mandavilla domina de Say, soror Galfridi primi, fundatoris, et amita Willielmi” and adds that she married “domino Galfrido filio Petri”[556]. Through her paternal grandmother, Beatrice de Mandeville, Beatrice was heir to William de Mandeville Earl of Essex. She died in childbirth, presumably giving birth either to her youngest son Henry or to her daughter Matilda.
m (before 25 Jan 1185)
GEOFFREY FitzPiers (-14 Oct 1213, bur Shouldham Priory). Having acquired part of the Mandeville inheritance from 1190, de iure uxoris, he was created Earl of Essex 27 May 1199. “Gaufridus filius Petri comes Essex” donated the chapel of St Peter, Drayton to York Cathedral by undated charter[551]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], records "Galfridus filius Petri" paying "iv xx xviii [=98?] l vi s viii d" in Essex, Herefordshire[552]. The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records that King John gave "comitatum Estsexiæ" to "Galfrido filio Petri" the day of his coronation "VI Kal Jul" 1199[553]. The Annals of Waverley record the death in 1213 of “Gaufridus filius Petri comes de Essexe et justitiarius totius Angliæ”[554]. The History of the foundation of Walden abbey records the death in 1214 of “Galfridus filius Petri, comes Essexiæ” and his burial “apud Soldham”[555].
Earl Geoffrey & his first wife had four children:
a) GEOFFREY de Mandeville (-London 23 Feb 1216, bur Trinity Prior within Aldgate). The History of the foundation of Walden abbey names “Galfridus…Willielmus cognomina Mandavilla…et Matildis, Humfrido de Bohun comiti Herefordiæ maritata” as children of “domino Galfrido filio Petri” & his wife[557]. He succeeded his father in 1213 as Earl of Essex. He became Earl of Gloucester on his marriage, by right of his wife. He supported the barons against King John in 1215, and was excommunicated by the Pope 16 Dec 1215 and his lands given to Savary de Mauleon 20 Dec 1215 or before. He was mortally wounded at a tournament in London[558]. m firstly MATILDA, daughter of ROBERT FitzWalter of Woodham Walter, Essex & his first wife Gunnor de Valoignes (-1212, bur Dunmow Priory). The 13th century Histoire des ducs de Normandie et des rois d´Angleterre records that "Joffrois de Mandeville" married "la fille Robiert le fil Gautier"[559]. m secondly ([16/26] Jan 1214) as her second husband, ISABEL [Avise] Countess of Gloucester, divorced wife of JOHN King of England, daughter of WILLIAM FitzRobert Earl of Gloucester & his wife Avise de Beaumont ([before 1176]-14 Oct or [18 Nov] 1217, bur Canterbury Cathedral Church). The Chronica de Fundatoribus et Fundatione of Tewkesbury Abbey records the second marriage of “Isabellam” and “Galfrido de Mandevile comiti Essexiæ”, and her third marriage to “Huberto de Burgo justiciario Angliæ”[560]. She must have been considerably older than her second husband, although his precise birth date is not known. Her lands and title were confiscated on the death of her second husband. She married thirdly ([Sep] 1217) as his second wife, Hubert de Burgh, who was created Earl of Kent in 1227. The Annals of Waverley record the death in 1217 of “Isabel comitissa Gloucestriæ”[561]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Johannam comitissam Gloucestriæ” died “paucos dies” after her marriage to “Hubertus de Burgo justiciarius Angliæ” and was buried “apud Cantuarium”[562].
b) WILLIAM de Mandeville (-8 Jan 1227, bur Shouldham Priory). The History of the foundation of Walden abbey names “Galfridus…Willielmus cognomina Mandavilla…et Matildis, Humfrido de Bohun comiti Herefordiæ maritata” as children of “domino Galfrido filio Petri” & his wife[563]. He succeeded his brother in 1216 as Earl of Essex, although his lands were not returned to him until 4 Oct 1217[564]. The Annales Londonienses record the death in 1227 of "Willelmus de Mandeville comes Essexiæ"[565]. The History of the foundation of Walden abbey records the death in 1228 of “Willielmus Mandeville comes Essex ex parte matris et filius Galfridi Petri” and his burial “apud Soldham”[566]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death in Jan 1227 of “W. de Mandeville”[567]. m (before 18 Nov 1220) as her first husband, CHRISTINE, daughter of ROBERT FitzWalter of Woodham Walter Essex & his first wife Gunnor de Valoignes (-before 17 Jun 1232, bur Shouldham Priory). Her older sister had been the first wife of her husband's older brother Geoffrey Earl of Essex. She married secondly ([9 Jan/15 May] 1227) Raymond de Burgh of Dartford, Kent. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Hubertus de Burgo…Remundus nepos eius” married “comitissam Essexiæ” in 1227[568]. The History of the foundation of Walden abbey records that “Cristiana uxore sua, comitissa Essexiæ” was buried with her (first) husband “apud Soldham”[569].
c) HENRY (-[5 Aug 1205/before 1227]). Dean of Wolverhampton 5 Aug 1205[570].
d) MATILDA (-27 Aug 1236). The History of the foundation of Walden abbey names “Galfridus…Willielmus cognomina Mandavilla…et Matildis, Humfrido de Bohun comiti Herefordiæ maritata” as children of “domino Galfrido filio Petri” & his wife[571]. She succeeded her brother, William de Mandeville Earl of Essex, in 1227 as Ctss of Essex, suo iure. Her divorce [from her second husband] by a church council convened at St Alban's, mandated by the Pope, was recorded by Matthew of Paris[572]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “comitissa Herfordiæ” died in 1236[573]. m firstly HENRY de Bohun Earl of Hereford, son of HUMPHREY de Bohun, hereditary Constable of England & his wife Margaret of Huntingdon (-1 Jun 1220, bur Llanthony Priory, Gloucester). m secondly (before 1227, divorced St Alban's 1231 [before 24 Apr 1233], divorce revoked before Jul 1236[574]) ROGER de Daunteseye of Dauntsey, Wiltshire (-after Aug 1238).
BEATRICE2 DE SAY (William1), daughter of (1) William1 de SAY, was born between 1071 and 1171, and died before 1 Jan.[2] She married before 25 Jan. 1184/5, (XQ-2) GEOFFREY FITZ PIERS, EARL OF ESSEX[2] of Walden, Essex, England, United Kingdom, son of (XQ-1) Piers and (YC-4) Maud (de MANDEVILLE) LUTEGARESHALE, who was born circa 1162, and died on 14 Oct. 1213[2]. [3]
Child of: Geoffrey2 FITZ PIERS, Earl of Essex and Beatrice de SAY:
+ 3 i. MAUD3 FITZ GEOFFREY, d. on 27 Aug. 1236; m. (EU-3) HENRY DE BOHUN, EARL OF HEREFORD.
1. Frederick Lewis Weis, "Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists", 7th ed., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1999, (97-27+).
2. Frederick Lewis Weis, "The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215", Genealogical Publishing Company, 5th ed., 1999.
3. Ibid., (160-3+).
Beatrice de Saye, Countess of Essex's Timeline
1160 |
Saint Neots, Cambridgeshire, England
1170 |
Essex, England
Kildare, Kildare, County Kildare, Ireland
1177 |
Mandeville, Warwickshire, England
1178 |
Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England
1197 |
April 19, 1197
Age 37
Downham Market, Norfolk, England
1933 |
May 13, 1933
Age 37
May 13, 1933
Age 37
May 13, 1933
Age 37