Beate Clausdatter Bille, til Allinde

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Beate Clausdatter Bille, til Allinde (1526 - 1605)

Birthplace: Skarholt slot, Skarhult, Froste, Skåne, Sweden
Death: October 18, 1605 (79)
Lundegaard - Nørre Broby, SvendboSallinge, Svendborg, Denmark
Place of Burial: Sverige
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Claus Bille and Elisabeth Ulfstand
Wife of Otte Tygesen Thygesen Brahe, to Knudstrup
Mother of Lisbeth Ottesdatter Brahe; Tycho Brahe; Steen Ottesen Brahe, til Knudstrup; Axel Ottesen Brahe; Margrethe Ottesdatter Brahe, 2nd and 6 others
Sister of Margrethe Clausdatter Bille; Steen Clausen Bille, til Vanås; Sidsel Clausdatter Bille; Sophie Clausdatter Bille; Jens Clausen Bille, til Lyngsgaard og Vram and 4 others

Occupation: folkevise­samler, Hofdame, hofmesterinde hos dron­ning Sophie 1584-92
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Beate Clausdatter Bille, til Allinde

Beate Clausdatter Bille, til Allinde

  • Daughter of Claus Steensen Bille and Elisabeth Ulfstand
  • Beate Clausdatter Bille was born at Skarhult, daughter of Claus Bille, she was 18-year-old married to Otto Tygesen Brahe to Knudstrup. Together they got a large children's flock, including the later famous astronomer Tyge Ottosen Brahe known as Tycho Brahe and his assistant sister Sophie Brahe, the later members of the Council of the Brothers Steen and Axel Brahe.
  • Birth: April 29, 1526 , Skarholt slot, Skarhult, Froste, Skåne, Sweden
  • Death: October 18, 1605 (79) Lundegaard - Nørre Broby, SvendboSallinge, Svendborg, Denmark
  • Place of Burial: Kaagerød Kirke, Bisat Fra Lund, Kaageröd Kirke, Sweden


  • Married: Otto Tygesen Brahe to Knudstrup. Together they had a large children's flock, including the later famous astronomer Tyge Ottosen Brahe known as Tycho Brahe and his assistant sister Sophie Brahe, the later members of the Council of the Brothers Steen and Axel Brahe.


  • Knud Brahe, Birth: August 24, 1555 in Aalborghus, Death: February 03, 1615 (59) Engelsholm, Vejle, Place of Burial: Nørup Kirke, Church in Bredsten, Kingdom of Denmark, Bredsten, Denmark
  • Jørgen Ottesen Brahe, Born, February 19, 1554 at Knudstrup - February 4, 1601 (age 46) at Tostrup) to Tostrup and Gundestrup, Skåne's nobleman
  • Steen Brahe to Knudstrup,
  • Axel Ottesen Brahe til Elvedgård, Born, (May 28, 1550 at Knudstrup in Skåne - August 14, 1616) was a Danish national council.
  • Thyge Ottesen Brahe, most often called Tycho Brahe, born December 14, 1546 at Knudstrup Castle in Scania, death October 24, 1601 in Prague in the German-Roman Empire) was a Danish astronomer, who is considered the founder of the modern observing astronomy
  • Sophie Brahe, Born 1556 or 1559, dead 1643) of the Brahe genus was a Danish astronomer and little sister of Tycho Brahe. As early as fourteen, she did astronomical observations. She also had interests in garden art, genealogy, chemistry and astrology.

History of the Knutstorp Farm in Sweden

At the turn of the century, Knutsorp was owned by the Oluf Stigsen Krognos National Council on Bollerup (16 km NO on Ystad). He died in 1506 and was grandson's grandson to the knight Peder Stigsen at Krapperup who should have founded the dynasty. In 1502 his daughter Magdalene married Tyge Axelsen Brahe at the nearby Tosterup. The whole thing was then described in a book as a hovering party. How long it lasted and how many people participated is not known, but if you are to believe the list of everything they should have put in, they should have been several hundred and have been on for several days. To this they should have drunk 17,000 liters of beer and 1,400 liters of rhino and French wine. The cost of the party at that time corresponded to a better men's home. The bride's attire and whole dowry were also documented as well as all ceremonies around the party with music and torchlight until the "bed management", when all the guests followed the bride and groom to bed.

Magdalene died in 1510. A few years earlier she had inherited Knutstorp and when she died the widow, Tyge Brahe (d.ä) became owner of Knutstorp. He married quickly with Sophie Jorgensdatter Rud (1495-1555). With her he had the sons Jörgen and Otte (b. 1518) and his daughter Anne. The family lived at Tosterup. There was a newly built castle and at Knutstorp there was probably not much to live in.

Tyge died in 1523 while he participated in the nobility's siege of Malmö in connection with battles to dispel Christian II. The son Jörgen inherited when Tosterup and Otte Brahe got Knutstorp; he was only five years old. Eventually he married (tr. 1545) with Beate Bille (b. 1526) from Skarhult and they had five sons and five daughters. Most famous of them are Elder son Tyge, astronomer Tycho Brahe (f 1546). Tyge grew up at Tosterup with his uncle, the richer Sir Jörgen Brahe, who was childless and undertook to pay for Tyge's schooling and make him his universal heritage. Tycho himself has claimed that his uncle kidnapped him, how literally it should be taken, I do not know.
The best known of Otte Brahe's daughters is Sophie Brahe (b. 1556, d. 1643). She was the first assistant to the brother Tycho and then married Otte Thott. at Eriksholm. She became an early widow, but continued to drive the goods and married after some years with another of Tycho's employees. However, he misappropriated her money and abandoned her. At Eriksholm she made herself known for his garden art and also began to collect notices of his ancestors and other noble families of Skåne. After a few rounding years in Europe, she settled in Helsingör and wrote her Slegtebog, a handwriting of about 900 pages, which is now available at the University Library in Lund. It is very neatly written, but the handwriting from around 1600 is still a bit difficult to read and I have not read everything. The book has never been printed, but is available in a photographed version at the University Library and is also available on a server at the Royal Library in Stockholm. Objective and slightly dry, she tells about her own ancestors from the genera Brahe and Bille, but also about all other solemn relatives in Skåne and Denmark, about the kangarets in Denmark and some in Sweden, among others. Birger Jarl, Karl Knutsson Bonde and Gustav Vasa. She was buried in Torrlösa, but the remnants disappeared when the old church was demolished in the 19th century and Thottarna's tombs were destroyed.

At Knutstorp, Otte Brahe sounded a watercourse so that a fairly large lake was formed with an island, on which he built a stone castle in 1551 with two parallel three-storey buildings, built together by two lower buildings and with a courtyard in the middle. The two higher buildings each had their own tower and to the courtyard one could come through a gateway through one of the lower buildings. Over the gate he put the inscription: "A. On 1551, Eight Brahe built this house and became perfect in the same year. The lake was there left until the 18th century when it was emptied and drained. The current drill is the restored and rebuilt remains of one of the main lengths. Eight must have let the village Blekeskære with seven homes, which were put directly to the courtyard. Barefoot tells us that the farms have been razed and that in the 1790s, remains of the house grounds could be seen. According to a rumor in today's Kågeröd, Brahe should have hunted the peasants to the forest and set fire to their farms. The same can also be read online in Swedish Wiki-pedi notes. Possibly it is only the aforementioned rumor they carry on; In Danish Wikipedia Dictionaries, nothing is said about such a thing

Source - Family History by Årgång 22 Nr 1 2012 Kontaktblad för Svalövsbygdens släkt - och folklivsforskarförening ISSN 1401-3703 Redaktion: Stig Pettersson och Bengt Nordahl Adress: c/o Stig Pettersson Myren 1782 268 90 SVALÖV e-post: -'''?hash=d8607fc25a0fd59cf8b9a4d2e6e83af5bd0286b0af7d8eafb3254b4af316f2ac.1772179199

Short Family History

Brahe, Tyge, -1523, to Tosterup in Skaane, oldest son of Mr. Axel Pedersen Brahe, married o. 1503 Magdalene Krognos, Daughter of the rich Mr. Oluf Stigsen to Bollerup and Gertrud Knudsdatter Hase "The wedding at Bollerup" has been acquainted with its extravagant splendor (cf. Brasch, Gl. Owners of Bregentved S.41 ff. 116 ff.). At this marriage he got Knudstrup in Skaane and Half of Karsholm. After Mrs Magdalen's early death (1510), Brahe married in 1513 Sophie Rud, daughter of Jørgen R. to Vedby and Kirstine Eriksdatter Rosenkrantz, became p. in Halland as the Pantel. He swore like his brother Axel Christian II renewed fidelity in 1523, but went when the king left the country over to Frederik I and was admitted to the council, but fell on A. Sept. 7. as one of the Skåne Adel's drivers in a training outside the besieged Malmö. Among his children with Sophie Rud, who later married Rigsraad Erik Madsen Bølle, the above mentioned Jørgen and Otte Brahe are the most professed; through the latter he became the father of the astronomer.


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Beate Clausdatter Bille, til Allinde's Timeline

April 29, 1526
Skarholt slot, Skarhult, Froste, Skåne, Sweden
September 10, 1545
Knudstrup, Skåne, Sverige (Sweden)
December 14, 1546
Knutstorp, Kågeröd, Svalöv, Skåne County, Sweden
December 14, 1546
Knudstrup, Denmark
December 21, 1547
i gaarden Gladsaxe, Skåne, Sverige (Sweden)
May 28, 1550
Knudstrup borg, Scania (Skaane)
Knudstrup/Knutstorp, Skåne
October 26, 1552