Matching family tree profiles for Barthelemy Bergeron
Immediate Family
About Barthelemy Bergeron
There has been much controversy/confusion about the birth/ baptism of our ancestor, Barthelemy Bergeron D’Amboise. For years we were under the false impression that he was born/baptized in the year 1665 and that his parents were Antoine and Claudette SCARRON Bergeron. It has now been found that this was very possibly not correct. Barthelemy was born/baptized 23 May 1663 at St-Denis Church in Amboise; his parents were Rene and Anne DAGAULT Bergeron. But, let’s let Cousin Marius D’Amboise tell this story himself in his own words.
“I found the baptism of Barthelemy Bergeron in 1974 in the library of Amboise. I spent many days searching through their records before I finally, on a bright sunny morning, turned the page to the baptism act on left, top of the page. I examined the records from 1600 roughly to 1710 and I did not find any other Bergeron (or D'Amboise, by the way) named << Barthelemy >>. Furthermore, the time bracket that I first considered for Barthelemy's birth was 1655-1665 based on the time of his arrival in Canada and the supposed age for his marriage according to Father Adrian Bergeron. I have examined the records of all of the parishes in Amboise and none but St-Denis contained an act for Barthelemy. I was therefore and still am convinced that the act found was that of Barthelemy, our ancestor. The act is that of his baptism, not of his birth. However, it is very likely that he was born around the day he was baptized, since this was the common practice at the time (in New-France, however, this was not always possible and sometimes baptism took place many months after birth). It is to be noted that on those times, there were no civil act of birth as such: baptism was considered the civil act; a copy of the act was given to the civil archives. By the way it is still like that in Quebec where the religious act is coupled to the civil act; in France, it changed with the Revolution. As you all know, genealogical research is a never ending process. We proceed by what is most likely, what is possible... and then, we try to find the proof. Unfortunately, with Acadian roots we often have to satisfy ourselves with what is likely or what is possible rather than what is proven.”
Thank you, Professor D’Amboise
Foot note; for those of you who don’t know him,
Marius D’Amboise is a professor of chemistry at the University of Montréal, Quebec. He is also an avid part time genealogist.
For those of us who would require more information on this, or any other subject pertaining to our Acadian Heritage, Professor D’Amboise has graciously consented to conduct a discussion, followed by a question and answer session, to be held (at a time to be mutually decided upon) during our reunion in July of 2009. In order to attend our reunion. Please log into our website at the URL below... http://www.bergeron-damboise.com/en/ Click on the “Reunion 2009” tab fill out the reservation form, click on the send button. If you should encounter a problem, simply copy the required information, using the same format, into an e-mail and send it to larrybergeron@earthlink.net with a c/c to rjbergeron@gmail.com.
Death: BEF 1736 in Acadie
Arrivé au Canada vers 1685 comme volontaire de la marine. Bona Arseneau le dit originaire de Inde-et-Loire, France. Domicilié à Québec de 1685 à 1690. En acadie vers 1696. En 1704, prisonnier avec sa famille, gardés en otage à Boston. Après sa libération, revint à Port-Royal. Vers 1730, s'établi à la rivière St-Jean (NB) où il fut un pionnier de Ste-Anne des Pays-Bas (Fredericton). Plusieurs de ses descendants portent le nom de Damboise.
http://larryvoyer.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I23882&tree=... http://www.3ag,blogspot.com
Check http://www.acadian.org/bergeron.html for info on eight Bergeron families.
- Barthélémy Bergeron d’Amboise came to New France as a member of the Compagnies Franches de la Marine. In five companies of 60 men each, these soldiers embarked on the ship Emérillon on August 13, 1684, departing from La Rochelle, France. They arrived in Quebec City, at the end of September or, according to another source, more specifically on November 12. “The ‘Soldiers of the Marine’, were under the command of Montortier, Denos and du Rivau. These captains were of the ‘Regular Army’ and returned to France as soon as possible to fight the enemies of France in Europe.
Barthélemy Bergeron dit d'Amboise, a storekeeper-turned-soldier from Amboise, Indre-et-Loire, France, reached Canada in c1685 and accompanied Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville, the future founder of Louisiana colony, on an expedition to Hudson's Bay during King William's War. In c1695, while the war was still on, Barthélemy married Geneviève, daughter of Jean Serreau de Saint-Aubin, sieur de Passamaquoddy, and Marguerite Boileau and widow of Jacques Petitpas. They settled at Port-Royal. During Queen Anne's War, the English held Barthélemy and his family as prisoners at Boston, but they were exchanged for English prisoners in September 1706 and allowed to return to Port-Royal. In 1707, Barthélemy was living on the south bank of Rivière-au-Dauphin, now the Annapolis River, next to Abraham Dugas, just below the village at Port-Royal. In the 1730s, the extended family moved to the Rivière St.-Jean valley, where they pioneered the settlement of Ste.-Anne-du-Pays-Bas, now Fredericton, the capital of today's New Brunswick. Barthélemy and Geneviève's six children, including three sons who created families of their own, were born either in Québec or at Port-Royal. Their daughter married into the Roy and Godin dit Bellefontaine dit Beauséjour and dit Bellefeuille families.
\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Arriv\'e9 au Canada en septembre 1684 comme volontaire de la marine, il est originaire d\'92Inde-et-Loire. Domicili\'e9 \'e0 Qu\'e9bec de 1685 \'e0 1690, il se retrouve en Acadie vers 1696. En 1704, il est fait prisonnier avec sa famille. Ils sont gard\'e9s en otage \'e0 Boston. Apr\'e8s sa lib\'e9ration, il revient \'e0 Port-Royal. Vers 1730, il s'\'e9tablit \'e0 la rivi\'e8re St-Jean (NB) o\'f9 il fut un pionnier de Ste-Anne des Pays-Bas (Fredericton). Plusieurs de ses descendants portent le nom de Damboise.
\f1\fs24\fsmilli12160 \
REFN: 574
Location is generated
Arrived in Quebec 1685. A volunteer seaman; he was living in a basin-village in Quebec. Arrived in Acadie 1695
!BIRTH: Information from Beauregard, Généalogie de l'Ancienne Acadie, at http://www.francogene.com/dgaa/dgaa-b2.php (gives year and probable place of birth in France); see also "Descendants of Barthelemy Bergeron," at: http://erols.com/someday/Bergeron/htp (gives year of birth and place of birth in France); see also "Descendants of Joseph And Marie Bergeron," by Bryan Joseph Oster (Brian_Oster@vienici.com) and available at http://www.vienici.com/descendants/bergeron/berg0001.html (gives year and place of birth and parents' names).
!CHRISTENING: Information not found.
!MARRIAGE: Information from Beauregard, Généalogie de l'Ancienne Acadie, at http://www.francogene.com/dgaa/dgaa-b2.php (gives approximate year and place of marriage, parents' names and spouse's name);see also data from Doloris Desjardins, Montreal, Quebec, in a letter dated 4 October 1983 in response to an inquiry to La Societe Genealogique Canadienne-Francaise, Montreal; information presumably from the Loiselle Index. Other information found in Bergeron, Le Grand Arrangement des Acadiens au Quebec, Volume III, La Famille des Damboise, page 31; Montreal, 1981; available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, call number CS88.Q4B47 (1981).
!DEATH: Information from "Descendants of Joseph And Marie Bergeron," by Bryan Joseph Oster (Brian_Oster@vienici.com) and available at http://www.vienici.com/descendants/bergeron/berg0001.html (gives no date of death but says this person died in Acadia).
!BURIAL: Information not researched.
OTHER SOURCES: Bergeron, Le Grand Arrangement des Acadiens au Quebec, Volume III, page 49, La Famille des Damboise; Montreal, 1981; available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, call number CS88.Q4B47 (1981) (gives a short history of this family in Acadia).
! Barthelemy was also called ("dit) Ambroise. He arrived in Acadia (Canada)
about 1696.
Birthplace source: Steve Natalie's website: German - Acadian Coast Genealogy, 2001.
Barthelemy Bergeron's Timeline
1663 |
May 23, 1663
Amboise, France
May 23, 1663
Amboise, France
May 23, 1663
Amboise, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
May 23, 1663
Amboise Indre-et-Loire Centre France
1696 |
Quebec City, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, Quebec, Canada
1697 |
May 20, 1697
Port Royal, Acadia, New France
1700 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France