Baroness Philippine de Rothschild

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Philippine Mathilde Camille de Beaumarchais (de Rothschild) (1935 - 2014)

Also Known As: "Philippine Pascal"
Birthplace: Paris, Ile-de-France, France
Death: August 23, 2014 (78)
Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Baron Philippe Georges de Rothschild and Elisabeth de Rothschild
Wife of Private
Ex-wife of Jacques Noel Sereys
Mother of Julien Beaumarchais de Rothschild; Camille Ögren and Philippe Sereys de Rothschild
Sister of Charles Henri de Rothschild and Private
Half sister of Edouard Jacques Marie Augustin de Becker Remy

Managed by: Randy Schoenberg
Last Updated:

About Baroness Philippine de Rothschild

Philippine de Rothschild, a scion of the vaunted winemaking family who helped modernize and expand a renowned wine-producing enterprise that sells 22 million bottles annually, died on Saturday in Paris. She was 80.

Her company, Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA, announced the death, attributing it to “complications from surgery,” which the company did not describe.

Baron Philippe de Rothschild, her father, took over the Château Mouton Rothschild estate in 1922 and lifted it into the first rank of Bordeaux chateaus. The official French rating classified Mouton in the second tier, and the baron was determined to join the four chateaus designated as premier: Haut-Brion, Lafite Rothschild, Margaux and Latour. In 1973 the baron succeeded, and put a new label on his bottles: “I am first, I was second.”

When the baron died in 1988, Baroness Philippine became the first woman in five generations to lead Mouton. She followed her father’s path, but in her own way.

The baron had begun a tradition in 1945 of commissioning prominent artists like Salvador Dalí and Andy Warhol to design the label every year. The baroness did the same and in 1990 approached the English painter Francis Bacon to ask if she could use a painting of a nude that her father had rejected. Mr. Bacon asked what had changed.

“I’m not my father,” she answered.

Madame de Rothschild, as she preferred to be called, achieved the status of grande dame in the wine universe — or simply “the Baroness.” She modernized and diversified her estate’s production, and formed a partnership in Chile to create Almaviva wines.

As chairwoman and the major shareholder of the company, she introduced a second wine to Mouton’s production, Le Petit Mouton. She also increased production of the estate’s cash cow, Mouton Cadet, the world’s most successful Bordeaux brand.

Madame de Rothschild brought the verve of a professional actress, which she had been, and perfect English and French to promoting her products at public events. “Philippine was a bright and enduring star,” Marvin R. Shanken, editor and publisher of Wine Spectator magazine, said in his publication. Philippine Mathilde Camille de Rothschild was born on Nov. 22, 1933, in Paris. After France fell to the Germans in World War II, her father went to London to help organize the French Resistance and urged his wife, Elisabeth, to accompany him. She declined, thinking that since she and her daughter were Roman Catholic, she would be safe in France.

Despite having married into a Jewish family, “she did not grasp that anyone connected with the Rothschilds was in danger from the Nazis,” Derek Wilson wrote in his 1988 book, “Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty.”

In June 1944, Gestapo agents arrived at the Rothschild home and took Elisabeth to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, where she died. A Gestapo officer ordered that Philippine not be taken because he said he “had a kid the same age back home,” Mr. Wilson wrote.

Madame de Rothschild graduated from the Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique in Paris and went on to act in the Comédie-Française and elsewhere on the theater circuit. Her stage name was Philippine Pascal. (Her paternal grandfather, Henri de Rothschild, had also used the last name Pascal when he wrote plays.) She married a director at the Comédie-Française, Jacques Sereys, whom she later divorced.

Madame de Rothschild — is survived by her second husband, Jean-Pierre de Beaumarchais; her sons, Philippe and Julien; her daughter, Camille; and several grandchildren.

For the 2004 vintage, Madame de Rothschild asked Prince Charles of Britain, an avid painter of watercolors, to do the label. She paid him with bottles of wine.

About Baroness Philippine de Rothschild (Français)

Obsèques de Madame Philippine de Rothschild
Les obsèques de Madame Philippine de Rothschild se sont déroulées à Château Mouton Rothschild, lundi 1er septembre.

Une cérémonie religieuse a été célébrée par le Père Bruno Delmas, curé de Pauillac, assisté du Père Antoine de Romanet. Philippine de Rothschild était entourée de son époux Jean-Pierre de Beaumarchais, de ses trois enfants, Camille Ögren, Philippe Sereys de Rothschild et Julien de Beaumarchais, de ses dix petits-enfants, et de Jacques Sereys.

L’office religieux a débuté à 15H00 à l’arrivée du cortège funéraire derrière lequel les portes se sont refermées.

Pour ce dernier adieu, Alain Juppé, maire de Bordeaux, Madame Jacques Chirac, fidèle amie de la défunte ainsi que plusieurs membres de la célèbre famille dont ses cousins les barons David, Eric et Benjamin de Rothschild ainsi que Lord Rothschild, grande figure de la branche anglaise avaient tenu à être présents.

De nombreux représentants éminents du monde viticole bordelais figuraient dans l’assistance : Madame Corinne Mentzelopoulos, Madame François Pinault, le Prince de Luxembourg, Messieurs Pierre Lurton, Philippe Castéja, Jean-François Moueix…

Diverses personnalités du monde politique, culturel et des affaires avaient fait le déplacement : Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres et Frédéric Mitterrand, anciens ministres de la Culture, Catherine Pégard, Muriel Mayette, Pierre Bergé, Robert Carsen, Bruno Roger, parmi ses nombreux amis de Paris.

La partie musicale était assurée d’une part par son ami William Christie des Arts Florissants et par la soprano Elaine Alvarez venue chanter un air célèbre des Noces de Figaro.

Philippine de Rothschild a été ensuite inhumée aux côtés de son père, le Baron Philippe.

Philippine de Rothschild, Présidente du Conseil de Surveillance de la Société Baron Philippe de Rothschild, après une carrière théâtrale remarquée, notamment à la Comédie-Française, est devenue une grande figure du monde du vin.

Par son énergie, son charisme et sa personnalité rayonnante elle aura su développer considérablement la société familiale, tant en France qu’à l’étranger, et maintenir au sommet les crus familiaux au premier rang desquels l’illustre Château Mouton Rothschild.

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Baroness Philippine de Rothschild's Timeline

November 22, 1935
Paris, Ile-de-France, France
May 28, 1963
Neuilly Sur Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, IDF, France
August 23, 2014
Age 78
Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France