Historical records matching Barbara of Cilli, Holy Roman Empress
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About Barbara of Cilli, Holy Roman Empress
Barbara Celjska - Crna kraljica - poveznica na YOUTUBE VIDEO na Hrvatskom jeziku
Nemška in češka kraljica Barbara Celjska (1394? – 11. 7. 1445)
Barbara je bila najmlajša hčerka Hermana II. in Ane Schaunberške. Kot vsem drugim svojim otrokom, je Herman tudi njej v svojih načrtih za dvig rodu Celjskih pripravil posebno mesto, čeprav verjetno ni slutil, da bo prav Barbari uspel najvišji družbeni vzpon – ob bok cesarja Sigismunda Luksemburškega. Herman II. je delčke poročne "sestavljanke" verjetno začel sestavljati že kmalu po izgubljeni bitki s Turki pri Nikopolju (1396), ki bi se brez Celjanove pomoči lahko za Sigismunda tragično končala. Številnim izkazom hvaležnosti (posestim in počastitvam) je namreč leta 1405 sledila poroka Barbare Celjske in vdovca Sigismunda Luksemburškega, ogrskega kralja. Celjski so tako na najvišjem mestu dobili "ambasadorja" in zagovornika svojih interesov, saj je Barbara z vsem srcem podpirala moževo naklonjenost do tasta in Celjskih nasploh (taka poteza je bil denimo sprejem Hermana II. in Friderika II. Celjskega v Zmajev red – združbo najožjih kraljevih zaupnikov ter nenazadnje pokneženje). Kronanje z nemško kraljevo krono v Aachnu (1414) in spremstvo moža na koncilu v Konstanci (1415) sta bila nekakšna vrhunca Barbarinega zakona s Sigismundom, ki sta jima sledila razdor in prva (neformalna) ločitev leta 1419. Barbara je nato s hčerko Elizabeto (roj. ok. 1408) nekaj časa živela daleč proč od dvora in moža – sprva v okolici romunske Oradee, kasneje pa na Slovaškem (Malič). Barbara je bila kasneje sicer dovolj pametna, da je moža prosila odpuščanja in dosegla vsaj navidezno normalizacijo odnosov. V 20. letih 15. stoletja se je intenzivno posvečala zaupanim državniškim zadevam – cesar ji je namreč podelil razsežna ozemlja na Češkem in Slovaškem, ter skrbela za njihovo obrambo proti husitom. Konec husitskih vojn je zakonca spet začasno zbližal in Barbara je bila leta 1437 kronana kot češka kraljica. Sigismund je njuno hčer Elizabeto leta 1422 poročil z Albrehtom II. Habsburškim, ki ga je podpiral v husitskih vojnah ter mu s hčerjo zagotovil tudi nasledstvo na rimsko-nemškem pr
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barbara of Celje (Croatian and Slovenian Barbara Celjska; Hungarian Cillei Borbála) or Barbara of Cilli (c. 1390/1395 – 11 July 1451) was Holy Roman Empress. She received the sobriquet Messalina of Germany, and was instrumental in creating the Order of the Dragon.
Barbara was the daughter of Herman II, Count of Celje and Countess Anna of Schaunberg. Barbara's paternal grandparents were Hermann I, Count of Cilli and his wife, Catherine of Bosnia, a possible sister of Elizabeth of Bosnia. Barbara's maternal grandparents were Henry III of Schaunberg and his wife Ursula of Görz.
Both Barbara and her cousin and adopted sister Anna married ruling Kings whose recently deceased wives were sisters and relatives of the Celje family. Anna married Władysław, King of Poland and Lithuania in 1402 after the death of Jadwiga of Poland, while Barbara married Sigismund, King of Hungary in 1408 after the death of Mary of Hungary.[1] This marriage was to strengthen Sigismund's grip on the Hungarian throne, as through her father Barbara could trace her descent not only to the Slovenian rulers of Celje and the Kotromanic of Bosnia to the Nemanjic kings of Serbia and to King Stephen V of Hungary).
Sigismund, a younger son of Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor later succeeded to the rule in Germany (1410), Bohemia (1419) and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor himself in 1433.
Barbara gave birth to a daughter, Elisabeth, Sigismund's only surviving issue and heiress, who married King Albert II of Germany. Barbara lived to see her three grandchildren, Anne, Elisabeth and Ladislas. She is one of the ancestresses of modern European royal families, her blood flowing in the veins of most of today's dynasties. However, being mother only of a daughter, Barbara's position was weak, but she was nevertheless considered dangerous and evil by the Hungarian nobility. For the last weeks of her husband's life, Barbara was imprisoned and was not released before his death. She spent the rest of her life as dowager queen in Bohemia, where she was accused of plotting against the regime.
Barbara's father Hermann II, as the father-in-law of both feuding Sigismund and Jagiello, played a crucial role in the 1410 pre-Battle of Tannenberg politics by helping prevent Sigismund, who was in alliance with the Teutonic Knights, to attack Jagiello. Jagiello with his Slavic allies defeated the Knights who led the combatants provided by 22 western states, including the Pope.
Barbara of Celje is a direct matrilineal ancestor of Nicholas II of Russia. Provided the genealogy is correct, this implies that she and all her matrilineal relatives were members of mitochondrial haplogroup Haplogroup T. This includes her many female-line descendants among European nobility. Her great-grandfather was Vladislav Kotromanić, and her great-grandmother was Croatian countess Jelena Šubić, mother of Bosnian King Tvrtko I of Bosnia.
???Her great-grandfather was Stephen II of Bosnia.
Barbara's most distantly recorded maternal ancestor is Adelheid von Alpeck (died 1280), daughter of Witegow Von Alpeck.
Her great-great-great-great-great granddaughter was Anne of Denmark, the wife of James I of England and mother of Charles I of England, and of Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia.
Barbara at the council of Constance
Cillei Borbála[2] (1392 – Mělník, Csehország, 1451. július 11.) (németül: Barbara von Cilli; csehül: Barbora Cellská; szlovénül és horvátul: Barbara Celjska) magyar, horvát, német és cseh királyné, német-római császárné, Magyarország régense. Luxemburgi Zsigmond második felesége. Cillei Hermann horvát-szlavón bán lánya.
Barbara of Cilli, Holy Roman Empress's Timeline
1392 |
Celje, Carynthia, Holy Roman Empire
1409 |
November 27, 1409
Visegrad, Pest, Kingdom of Hungary
1451 |
July 11, 1451
Age 59
Mělník, Kingdom of Bohemia (Böhmen), Holy Roman Empire
???? |
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Kingdom of Bohemia (Böhmen), Holy Roman Empire