Barbara le Febre, SM/PROG

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Barbara le Febre, SM/PROG (1670 - d.)

Also Known As: "Barbe le Febre", "Barbara le Febre", "Barbara Lefeure", "Barbara le Fevë", "Berber Lafeber", "Barbara le Feber", "Barbara la Febre", "Barbe le Févre"
Birthplace: Fleurbaix, Artois, France
Death: Cape, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Unknown father of Pierre & Barbe le Févre and Unknown mother of Pierre & Barbe le Febré
Wife of Nikolaus Cleef, SV/PROG and Roelof Jonasse, SV/PROG
Mother of Anna Catrina Conterman, SM; Nicolaas Cleef, b3; Pn Cleef; Jochem Cleeff; Catharina Vlok, b5 SM and 5 others
Sister of Pierre le Fèvre, SV/PROG

AKA: Barbara Laverebere
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Barbara le Febre, SM/PROG

In Boucher

Arrivals at the Cape in 1683 were Pierre le Fevre, his wife Marie de Grave and their son Guillaume. It is possible that Pierre was also accompanied by his sister Barbe, born about the year 1670. This family came from the village of Fleurbaix, west of Lille in the Pays de l’Al- leu. ( BOTHA, French refugees, p. 91; J. HOGE, 'Aantekeninge oor Huge- note’, TWK, Nuwe Reeks, VI, 1, Nov. 1945, p. 18).

  • Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA CHAPTER EIGHT Cape settlers IV: from Burgundy to Picardy p263


Nicolaus CLEEF was van Groszsalze in Duitsland. Op 16 Desember 1685 word 'n kind gedoop in die Kaapstad se kerk - "Adam Sol - Sara de moeder slavin, de vader Niclaus Kleef, die getuie was Jan Pasqual". Ons weet dat Jan Pasqual in die slawe logie gewerk het, so heelmoontlik het Sara ook deel uitgemaak van die logie, daarom tree op as die getuie. Adam Sol het dan ook 'n kind laat doop en dit is opgeskrywe in die Kaapstadse se doopregister. Adam Sol en Maria van Coromandel (sy was dan seker ook 'n slaafin) het 'n kind - Adam gedoop op 23 November 1710, die getuienis was Jacob Cornelis van Malabaar en Sara van Madagascar. SJ Haford in The Griquas of Griqualand maak melding dat Adam Kok gebore was in 1710 en dan hy gewerk het as 'n kok by die goeweneur. Of hierdie die een en selfde persoon is kan ons nie met sekerheid sê nie. Waar het die slaafin Sara wat Nicolaas Cleef 'n kind gehad het vandaan gekom? Dit is heel moontlik dat die slaafin Sara die een en selfde vrou was wat die getuie was in in 1710 naamlik Sara VAN MADAGASCAR. Ons kan dan sê dat hierdie Adam (Wat heelmoontlik Adam KOK was) wat in 1710 gebore was, se afkoms is 25% Duitse, 25% Madagascar en 50% Indiër (Malabar). Uit hierdie gegewens lyk dit dat hierdie Adam glad nie van Khoikhoi afkoms was nie.

Nicolaus Cleef het dus 'n voorkind gehad met die naam Adam Sol.

Nicolaus trou op 30 Januarie 1684 met Barbara LE FEBRE sy was van Fleurbai.


b1 Anna Catharina gedoop 12 Okt 1686, X 26 Sep 1706 Jan Jacob Conterman

b2 Nicolaas gedoop 11 Okt 1688

b3 Jochem gedoop 5 Mei 1694

b4 Justina gedoop Paarl 13 Apr 1697, X 17 Mei 1711 Theunis de Bruyn

b5 Catharina gedoop 3 Jan 1700, X 14 Des 1716 Arnoldus Vlok

b6 Maria gedoop 13 Maart 1702, 4 Maart 1725 Nikolaus von Wielligh

b7 Pieter gedoop 28 Sep 1704

b8 Johannes gedoop 1707

Hy sterwe in 1708.


Heese en Lombard

Kaapstad se NG Kerk doopregister G1/8/1 en G1/8/2

Navorsing deur:

AM van Rensburg

Barbe LE FÉVRE [Parents] was born about 1663 in Fleurbaix, Heurbain, France.

She married Nicolaus CLEEF on 30 Jan 1684 in Kaapstad.

They had the following children:

  1. F i Anna Catharina CLEEF
  2. M ii Nicolaas CLEEF was christened on 11 Oct 1688.
  3. M iii Jochem CLEEF was christened on 5 May 1694.
  4. F iv Justina CLEEF
  5. F v Catharina CLEEF was christened on 3 Jan 1700.
  6. F vi Maria CLEEF
  7. M vii Pieter CLEEF was christened on 28 Sep 1704.
  8. M viii Johannes CLEEF was christened in 1707.

Roelof JONAS was born about 1670. He married Barbe LE FÉVRE in 1709 in Kaapstad.

  1. Daniel Jonasse3 b. b 27 Apr 1710

Barbara Le Febre's birthplace is listed as Fleurbaix, which is a little farming village holding the remains of a Carthusian Abbey. The 1999 population was 2,500. Fleurbaix is practically on the border between France and Belgium which might explain why her father, Pierre Le Febre is listed as being born in Belgium in 1630.

Marriage 1684

Name Cleef
Residence Place Kaapstad
Father's Name Nicolaas Cleef
Father's Sex Male
Mother's Name Barbara Le Febre
Mother's Sex Female
Event Type Baptism
Event Date 16 Mar 1693
Event Place Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Baptism child 1693

Name Jochem Cleeff
Father's Name Nicolaas Cleeff
Father's Sex Male
Mother's Name Barbara Le Febre
Mother's Sex Female
Event Type Baptism
Event Date 05 May 1694
Event Place Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Event Place (Original) Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Source Details 36.8

Baptism child 1694


view all 15

Barbara le Febre, SM/PROG's Timeline

Fleurbaix, Artois, France
Age 13
October 13, 1686
Caep de Goede Hoop, ZA 🇿🇦 (South Africa)
Kaapkolonie,Suid Afrika, Stellenbosch, Suid Afrika, Kaap
March 16, 1693
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
May 5, 1694
Stellenbosch, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
April 13, 1697
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
March 12, 1702
Kapkolonie Suid Afrika, South Africa