Not the son of James Banks, Jr.
More information can be found at the following links:
http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=abclmst_&... (dead link)
For sure, the David Banks family discussed in these notes is not related at all to the Adam Bankes family of early Stafford Co., Virginia, or to the William Bankes family of King and Queen Co., VA as has been suggested in some compilations. The ancestors of these other families belonged to entirely different haplogroups (G2 and I1a respectively), indicating no common ancestors in tens of thousands of years. Because the origin of the supposed relationships to the Adam and William Bankes family originated erroneously in Mrs. Frances Storey's compilation, Grandpap's Family, and because she listed James Banks of Surry Co. as father of the David here (based on the same flawed family tradition), James has been deleted in my compilation as father of David Banks here. [In addition she listed Charles Banks of SC as descending from this same James Banks family, and the DNA profiles in that family are entirely different. That S. Carolina family belongs to haplogroup R1a]
Chatham County Record of Estates
1782-1799 Vol. 1, pg. 25
NC State Archives film # C.022.50001
Will of David Banks - 4 Aug. 1785
In the name of god Amen I David Banks of Chatham county State North
carolina being in a low state of health but of sound mend and memory do
make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner & form
following first- I recommend my soul to god who gave it an my Body to
be decently buried in Christian manner at the discretion of my
executors hereafter named -
Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Gunter one feather Bed
Bedstead and firnature
Item I give unto my sons James Banks, John Banks, Revers Banks, and my
Daughter Keziah Gunter and Martha Bratcher Twenty shillings Each to be
raised out of my Estate
Item I give unto Sarah Jones one Heifer Earling (yearling)
Item I lend unto my beloved wife Elizabeth the Bed Bedstead and
firnature during her life with fifteen bushells of corn and the Hogs
her Choice -
Item the rest and remainder of my Estate of what kind soever to my son
Drewry Banks with the Bed & after death of his Mother
Item I have my son Drewry and Matthew Jones Executors to this my last
Will and Testament revoking all other Wills heretofore made by me In
Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of
August 1785
Sign'd seal'd and delivered in presence of
Sarah Petty (her mark X))
Doratha Dillard (her mark X)
Signed David Banks ( his mark "D")
A Copy Test John Ramsey C. C.
DAVID6 BANKS (JAMES5, WILLIAM4, JAMES3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1730, and died 1785 in Chatham Co, NC. He married ELIZABETH JONES.
1732 |
Chatham County, North Carolina
1750 |
Virginia, United States
1754 |
Brunswick, Virginia, United States
1756 |
Henrico County, Province of Virginia, Colonial America
1760 |
Brunswick County, Virginia, Colonial America
1761 |
Caswell, North Carolina, United States
1785 |
August 4, 1785
Age 53
Chatham County, North Carolina, United States
???? |