Immediate Family
father's fiancée
About Baldwin de Reviers, 3rd Earl of Devon
From Medlands:
BALDWIN (-10 or 28 May 1188). The Fundationis et Fundatorum Historia of Forde Abbey names “Baldwinum secundum et Ricardum tertium” as the two sons of ”Ricardus secundus”, adding that both sons died childless. Robert of Torigny records that "parvulum filium…Balduinum" succeeded on the death in 1162 of "Richardus de Revers dominus insula Vectæ in Anglia".
He succeeded his father in 1162 as Earl of Devon, Lord of the Isle of Wight, probably invested with the earldom in 1185 or 1186. "…Baldwino et Ricardo nepotibus meis, Willelmo de Vernun…" witnessed the charter dated to [1163/75] by which "Reginaldus, Henrici Regis filius, comes Cornubiæ" granted property to "Willielmo de Boterell, filio Aliziæ Corbet, materteræ meæ"[479]. The Obituary of Lyre records the death 10 May of “Baldewinus comes”. The Annals of Waverley record the death in 1188 of “Baldewinus comes Cornubiæ, consanguineus regis”. This is the only reference so far identified to Baldwin have succeeded as Earl of Cornwall, presumably de iure uxoris if this succession is correct.
m (Betrothed 1177) as her first husband, DENISE de Déols, daughter and heiress of RAOUL [VII] Seigneur de Déols et de Châteauroux & his [second] wife Agnès de Charenton ([1172/73]-1221, bur Déols). The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified.
She married secondly (Salisbury Aug 1189) André [I] de Chauvigny Seigneur de Chauvigny, and thirdly (after 1203, maybe repudiated before 1207) as his first wife, Guillaume [I] Comte de Sancerre.