Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders

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Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders's Geni Profile

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Baldwin (865 - 918)

Dutch: Boudewijn, French: Baudouin
Also Known As: "Baldwin II", "Baudouin", "Boudewyn", "Boudewijn", "de Kale", "der Kahle", "el Calvo", "le Chauve", "Calvus", "the Bald", "den Kletzn", "van Vlaanderen", "van Vloandern", "de Flandres", "of Flanders", "Count/Marquis of Flanders", "Count of Artois", "Boulogne", "& Ternois", "King of Jerusale..."
Birthplace: Flanders, Belgium
Death: September 10, 918 (48-57)
Blandijnberg, Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
Place of Burial: Saint Omer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", 1st Margrave of Flanders and Judith, countess of Flanders
Husband of Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders
Father of Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders; Adelolf, count of Boulogne; Ealswid and Ermentrud
Brother of Charles of Flanders and Raoul de Cambrai, comte et Abbé de Cambrai

Occupation: margrave of Flanders and Artois (879-918)
Dynasty: Baudouinides
House of: Flanders
Managed by: Sally Gene Cole
Last Updated:

About Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders

From fmgMedlands

BAUDOUIN ([865/67]-[10 Sep] 918, bur St Bertin, transferred 929 to Gent, St Pieter). He is named as second of the three sons of Baudouin and his wife Judith in the list of counts of Flanders recorded in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[57]. He succeeded his father in 879 as BAUDOUIN II "le Chauve" Count of Flanders. According to Rösch, Baudouin II was nicknamed after his maternal grandfather although it is surprising that such a personal nickname could be so transmitted[58]. From his succession, he came under great pressure from Viking raids, and took refuge in the marshes of Saint-Omer in 883[59]. Baudouin II expanded his territories by occupying the pagi of Mempisc, Courtrai and the Ijzer, seizing control of the counties of Ternois and Boulonnais after 892 as well as the Tournaisis (except for the town of Tournai)[60]. Although Count Baudouin at first supported the election of Eudes as king of France in 888, the latter opposed the count's becoming lay-abbot of St Bertin (in 892, in succession to abbot Rudolf[61]%29 and pursued the count to Bruges, although the king was unable to capture the town. The Annales Vedastini record the death "Non Ian 892" of "Rodulfus abba", that "castellani Egfridum comitem" was sent to announce the news to the king, and that in his absence "Balduinum a Flandris…per consilium Evreberti qui nimis fuerat versutissimus" seized the abbacy against the wishes of the king who had promised it to Egfrid[62]. The Annales Vedastini record that "Balduinus" captured Artois in 892[63]. Count Baudouin supported the coronation of Charles III "le Simple" as king of the West Franks in 895, but afterwards supported Zwentibold Duke of Lotharingia. The Annales Vedastini name "Balduinus…comes et Rodulfus frater eius necnon et Ragnerus" when recording that they joined Zwentibold in 895[64]. Baudouin II invaded Péronne in 899[65] and attacked Vermandois, Artois and Boulogne, but was driven out of Vermandois by 900, although he reconquered it and killed Héribert II Comte de Vermandois in revenge for the death of his brother Raoul[66]. Count Baudouin also controlled the abbeys of St Vaast and St Bertin. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 918 of "Balduvinus comes", specifying that he was buried at "Blandinio"[67]. An undated charter, dated to [962], recording the last wishes of "marchysi Arnulfi", notes that "pater meus et mater mea" were buried in the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[68]. His territories were divided between his two sons on his death[69].

m ([893/99]%29 ÆLFTHRYTH of Wessex, daughter of ALFRED King of Wessex & his wife Ealhswith of the Gainas ([877]-7 Jun 929, bur Gent, St Pieter). "Elfthtritham" is named by Roger of Hoveden, third in his list of King Alfred's daughters by Queen Ealhswith[70]. She is called "Æthelswitha" by Asser[71]. "Elftrudis" is named as wife of Count Baudouin II in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin without giving her origin[72]. The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ names "filia Edgeri regis Anglorum, nomine Elferudem" as the wife of "Balduinus Calvus"[73], although "Edgeri" is clearly an error for "Alfredi". This marriage represented the start of a long-lasting alliance between England and Flanders, founded on their common interest in preventing Viking settlements along the coast. "Elstrudis comitissa…cum filiis suis Arnulfo et Adelolfo" donated "hereditatem suam Liefsham…in terra Anglorum in Cantia" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Baldwini", by charter dated 11 Sep 918[74]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 929 of "filia regis Elftrudis comitissa"[75]. The Memorial of "Elstrudis…Balduini…domini" records her death "VII Iunii"[76]. An undated charter, dated to [962], recording the last wishes of "marchysi Arnulfi", notes that "pater meus et mater mea" were buried in the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[77]. Count Baudouin II & his wife had [five] children:

a) ARNOUL de Flandres (after [893/99]-murdered 27 Mar 964, bur Gent, St Pieter). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, fratrem eius Adelulfum" as the two sons of "Balduinus"[78]. He succeeded his father in 918 as ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders and Artois. - see below.

b) ADALOLF [%C3%86thelwulf] de Flandres (after [893/99]-13 Nov 933, bur Gent St Pieter). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, fratrem eius Adelulfum" as the two sons of "Balduinus"[79]. "Adalolphus" is named son of Count Baudouin II in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which specifies that he succeeded his father in 918 as Comte de Boulogne-sur-Mer, de Thérouanne, and lay-Abbot of St Bertin[80]. "Elstrudis comitissa…cum filiis suis Arnulfo et Adelolfo" donated "hereditatem suam Liefsham…in terra Anglorum in Cantia" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Baldwini", by charter dated 11 Sep 918[81]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 933 of "Adalulfus comes", specifying that he was buried "in monasterio sancti Petri"[82]. - COMTES de BOULOGNE.

c) EALSWID de Flandres. "Ealhswid" is named as daughter of Count Baudouin and his wife Ælfthryth in the Chronicle of Æthelweard[83].

d) ERMENTRUDE de Flandres. "Earmentruth" is named as daughter of Count Baudouin and his wife Ælfthryth in the Chronicle of Æthelweard[84].

e) [---. No information has been found concerning this possible fifth child of Count Baudouin II. If "avunculus" is used in its strict sense in the source cited below, the child was a daughter. However, it is possible that "avunculus" was used informally as the counterpart of "nepos", the latter being much less precise and possibly indicating a more remote blood relationship. If Abbot Hildebrand's mother was the sister of Count Arnoul, it is possible that she was the same person as either Ealswid or Ermentrude who are named above. No information has been found about the father of Hildebrand. m ---.] One child:

i) [HILDEBRAND (-after 961). Abbot of Saint-Bertin 950: the cartulaire of Saint-Bertin records that "post Widonem...abbatem...Hildebrando nepoti suo" succeeded as abbot and was ordained “XVI Kal Apr” 950 by “Vuicfrido Taruennensis ecclesiæ episcopo” and that “comes Arnulfus ipsius abbatis avunculus” returned “villam...Arecas” to the monastery[85]. The Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini also records "Hildebrandus…avunculo suo comite Arnulfo"[86]. Abbé de Saint-Bertin et de Saint-Vaast. No other information has been found to enable a more precise relationship to be identified either between Count Arnoul and Abbot Hildebrand or between Abbot Hildebrand and Abbot Guy. An indication of Hildebrand´s earlier family background is provided by the cartulaire of Saint-Bertin which records that, when "abbas et comes Arnulfus" was unwell he accepted the recommendation made by “Gerardum...abbatem” to convert the monks to “regularis vitæ regimen”, adding that “Wido ipsius Gerardi nepos” was consecrated abbot in 947 but later transferred to St Bavo[87].],%20HAINAUT.htm#_ftnref39

Other data


Baudouin 'le Chauve' de Flandre, Baldwin 'the Bald' of Flanders

Boudewyn II, bygenoamd den Kletsn (863 - 10 september 918) was de zeune van Boudewyn met den Yzern Oarm en Judith van West-Francië, dochter van Karel den Kletsn. Doadeure wast 'n langs zyn moeders kant van Karoliengische ofkomste. Je was Groaf van Vloandern van 879 tout 918.

Main sources


More info,_Count_of_Flanders

Baldwin II, Count of Flanders Baldwin II (c. 865 – September 10, 918), nicknamed Calvus (the Bald) was the second count of Flanders. He was also hereditary abbot of St. Bertin from 892 till his death. He was the son of Baldwin I of Flanders and Judith, a daughter of Charles the Bald. The early years of Baldwin's rule were marked by a series of devastating Viking raids. Little north of the Somme was untouched. Baldwin recovered, building new fortresses and improving city walls, and taking over abandoned property, so that in the end he held far more territory, and held it more strongly, than had his father. He also took advantage of the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Odo, Count of Paris to take over the Ternois and the Boulonnias. In 884 Baldwin married Ælfthryth (Ælfthryth, Elftrude, Elfrida), a daughter of King Alfred the Great of England. The marriage was motivated by the common Flemish-English opposition to the Vikings, and was the start of an alliance that was a mainstay of Flemish policy for centuries to come. In 900, he tried to curb the power of Archbishop Fulk of Rheims by assassinating him, but he was excommunicated by Pope Benedict IV. He died at Blandinberg and was succeeded by his eldest son Arnulf I of Flanders. His younger son Adalulf was (the first) count of Boulogne. Family: He married Ælfthryth, a daughter of Alfred the Great, King of England. They had the following children:

  • Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890-964), married Adela of Vermandois
  • Adalulf (c. 890-933), Count of Boulogne
  • Ealswid
  • Ermentrud His fifth child however, was illegitimate.
  • Albert (d. 977)

Leo: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band II, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von, Reference: Page 9.

Leo: Burke's Guide to the Royal Family, London, 1973 , Reference: 189.

Baldwin II Graaf Count De Flanders



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Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders's Timeline

Flanders, Belgium
Age 10
Age 10
- 918
Age 14
- 918
Age 14
- 918
Age 14
December 12, 889
Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Flanders, Belgium