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Béla Bartók

Hungarian: Bartók Béla Viktor János
Also Known As: "Béla Bartók", "Béla Viktor János Bartók de Szuhafő", "Szuhafői Bartók Béla"
Birthplace: Nagyszentmiklós (Sânnicolau Mare), Torontál, Bánát, Kingdom of Hungary (Magyarország)
Death: September 26, 1945 (64)
New York, United States (leukemia)
Place of Burial: Budapest, Farkasréti temető, reburried 7 July 1988
Immediate Family:

Son of Béla Bartók and Paula Terézia Voit
Husband of Pásztory Ditta
Ex-husband of Ziegler Márta
Father of Bartók Béla Jr.; Péter Bartók and Private
Brother of Erzsébet Bartók

Occupation: Kerület: Manhattan Városnegyed: Midtown Cím:
Managed by: FARKAS Mihály László
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Immediate Family

About Bartók Béla Viktor János (Hungarian)

Béla Bartók was first buried in Hartsdale, Westchester, New York, USA, shortly after his death, then re-buried in Budapest in 1988.

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Béla Bartók's Timeline

March 25, 1881
Nagyszentmiklós (Sânnicolau Mare), Torontál, Bánát, Kingdom of Hungary (Magyarország)
August 22, 1910
Budapest, Hungary, Budapest, Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary
July 31, 1924
Budapest, Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary
September 26, 1945
Age 64
New York, United States
July 7, 1988
Age 64
Budapest, Farkasréti temető, reburried 7 July 1988