Immediate Family
About Avice de Copeland de Rumilly, Lady of Harewood
AVICE de Rumilly (-c1179)
d/o WILLIAM FitzRanulf & CECILY de Rumilly
x c1125 WILLIAM de Courcy s/o WILLIAM de C & Emma de Falaise (-<1130)
- WILLIAM [III] de Courcy (-1171)
xx WILLIAM Paynell of Drax s/o RALPH P (-c1147)
- *ALICE Paynell
xxx <1153 WALTER de Percy s/o ALAN de P & Emma de Gand
WILLIAM FitzRanulf, son of RANULF Vicomte du Bessin [Bayeux] & his wife Marguerite [Mathilde] d'Avranches (-[1130/35][427]). The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that William I King of England granted “totam terram de comitatu Cumbriæ” to “Ranulpho de Meschines, et Galfrido fratri eiusdem…et Willielmo fratri eorundem terram de Copland”[428]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Guillaume son of Ralph the vicomte" was present at the capture of Nikaia in 1097[429]. “Ranulfus Meschinus” donated property to Wetherhal priory, Cumberland by undated charter, witnessed by “uxore mea Lucia et Willelmo fratre meo…”[430]. “Ranulphus comes Cestriæ” records donations to Chester St Werburgh in an undated charter which names “Hugonis comitis avunculi mei”, including a donation by “Willielmus Meschin frater meus” with the consent of “Ranulphi comitis et Ranulphi filii sui”[431]. It is suggested that the mention of “Hugonis comitis avunculi mei” means that this document relates to the brother of Ranulf who was invested as Earl of Chester in 1120. “Willielmus filius Randulfi” donated property to the priory of St Bee, Cumberland by undated charter[432]. He was given the barony of Egremont, Cumberland by King Henry I[433]. A charter of King Henry II records donations to York St Mary, including the donation of land “in Chirkbibeceoch…et ecclesiam S. Begæ” by “Willielmus Meschin” and "villam de Ananderdale et…terræ in Egermond" by "Radulphus filius eius"[434]. Lord of Skipton-in-Craven, de iure uxoris. “Willielmus filius Ranulphi” confirmed the foundation of St Bee’s priory, Cumberland by undated charter, dated to [1105/20], which refers to donations by himself and “uxoris meæ Ceciliæ…concessione Ranulphi filii mei”[435]. “Willielmus de Meschines et Cecilia uxor mea” founded Bolton Priory by undated charter[436]. The Testa de Nevill includes a writ of King John dated 1212 which records "Ricardus de Lucy" holding "Coupland" in Cumberland, adding that King Henry I had first granted it to "Willelmo Messchin antecessori predicti Ricardi"[437].
m as her first husband, CECILY de Rumilly, daughter and heiress of ROBERT de Rumilly [Romilly] of Skipton & his wife ---. “Willielmus de Meschines et Cecilia uxor mea” founded Bolton Priory by undated charter[438]. “Cecilia de Romeli” donated property to Bolton Priory by undated charter which names “gener meus Willielmus nepos regis Scotiæ Duncani”[439]. “Willielmus filius Ranulphi” confirmed the foundation of St Bee’s priory, Cumberland by undated charter, dated to [1105/20], which refers to donations by himself and “uxoris meæ Ceciliæ…concessione Ranulphi filii mei”[440]. She married secondly[441], as his second wife, Henry de Tracy of Barnstaple.
William & his wife had five children:
1. RANULF de Rumilly (-[1135/40]).
2. MATTHEW de Rumilly (-[after 1141/42]).
3. ALICE de Rumilly
4. MATILDA de Rumilly (-after 1189[455])
5. AVICE de Rumilly (-[1179][461]). “Amicia filia Cecilie de Rumilli” confirmed donations to the canons of St Mary, for the soul of “Willelmi de Curci filii mei”, by charter dated to [1138/50], witnessed by “Willelmo de Curci filio meo…”[462]. An undated manuscript relating to Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire records that “Avicia de Romely domina de Bescaudeby” married ”Willielmum Paynel”, and had “filium Willielmum de Curci et filiam Aliciam”[463]. “Avicia de Romelli” notified her donation to the canons of Drax, for the soul of “Willelmi Paganelli mariti mei”, with the consent of “domini Roberti de Gant et Adelicie filie mee uxoris eiusdem Roberti”, by charter dated to [1147/52], witnessed by “Robertus de Gant et Adelicia Paganella uxor eius et Adelicia soror Roberti de Gant…”[464]. The primary source which confirms her third marriage has not yet been identified. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Avicia mater Willelmi de Curcy" held two knights’ fees from "Roberti de Gant" in Yorkshire[465]. m firstly ([1125]%29 WILLIAM de Courcy, son of WILLIAM de Courcy [Curcy] & his wife Emma de Falaise (-before 1130). m secondly WILLIAM Paynell of Drax, son of RALPH Paynell & his [first wife ---] (-[1147]). [466]m thirdly (before 1153) WALTER de Percy, son of ALAN de Percy & his wife Emma de Gand.
WILLIAM [II de Courcy] (-before 1130). "Willelmi filius eius Willelmus…de Curceio" (following the donation by "Willelmus de Curceio regis dapifer") confirmed the donation of "villa…Niweham" to Abingdon monastery, with the consent of "fratris mei Roberti"[1855]. He is not named in the 1129 Pipe Roll so presumably was already deceased at the time. m ([1125]%29 as her first husband, AVICE de Rumilly, daughter of WILLIAM FitzRanulf du Bessin, of Skipton-in-Craven & his wife Cecily de Rumilly (-[1179]). “Amicia filia Cecilie de Rumilli” confirmed donations to the canons of St Mary, for the soul of “Willelmi de Curci filii mei”, by charter dated to [1138/50], witnessed by “Willelmo de Curci filio meo…”[1856]. An undated manuscript relating to Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire records that “Avicia de Romely domina de Bescaudeby” married ”Willielmum Paynel”, and had “filium Willielmum de Curci et filiam Aliciam”[1857]. She married secondly as his second wife, William Paynell of Drax. “Avicia de Romelli” notified her donation to the canons of Drax, for the soul of “Willelmi Paganelli mariti mei”, with the consent of “domini Roberti de Gant et Adelicie filie mee uxoris eiusdem Roberti”, by charter dated to [1147/52], witnessed by “Robertus de Gant et Adelicia Paganella uxor eius et Adelicia soror Roberti de Gant…”[1858]. She married thirdly (before 1153) Walter de Percy. The primary source which confirms her third marriage has not yet been identified. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Avicia mater Willelmi de Curcy" held two knights’ fees from "Roberti de Gant" in Yorkshire[1859].
William & his wife had one child:
a) WILLIAM [III de Courcy] (-1171). An undated manuscript relating to Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire records that “Avicia de Romely domina de Bescaudeby” married ”Willielmum Paynel”, and had “filium Willielmum de Curci et filiam Aliciam”[1860]. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record the knights’ fees held by "Willelmi de Curcy dapiferi" in Somerset "quam avus suus et pater suus tenuerunt"[1861]. "…Willelmo de Curci dapifero…" witnessed the charter dated to [1165/89] under which Henry II King of England confirmed concessions made to Bayeux abbey[1862]. The Red Book of the Exchequer records enfeoffments in the duchy of Normandy in [1172], "Willelmus de Curseio" with five knights "de honore de Curceio" and 33 knights in his own service[1863]. m as her second husband, GUNDRED de Warenne, widow of PETER de Valognes, daughter of RAINALD de Warenne & his wife Alice de Wormgay (-before 6 Dec 1224). She married thirdly Geoffroy Hose. “Gundreda de Waren” claimed “ecclesiam de Newinham...advocationem” from the abbot of Abindon in 1194 through “in loco suo Gilone Hose”, while “Henr de Godham senescallus Warin fil Gerald” also claimed it as “hereditas uxoris domini sui”[1864]. "Gundreda que fuit uxor Gaufr Huse" paid a fine for "custodia Gaufr filii et heredis sui cum tota terra sua" in Wiltshire, dated 1199[1865]. An order dated 6 Dec 1224 required the confiscation of "the vill of Newnham that Gundrea de Warenne held in dower, which is an inheritance partible between Joan wife of Hugh de Neville, and Margaret wife of Falkes de Bréauté", with savings for "the executors of the testament of the same Gundrea"[1866]. William & his wife had three children
Avice de Copeland de Rumilly, Lady of Harewood's Timeline
1105 |
Harringworth, Northumberland, England
1118 |
Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England
1132 |
Drax, Selby, West Riding Yorkshire, England
1150 |
Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, England
1187 |
Age 82
Yorkshire, England
1969 |
June 23, 1969
Age 82
June 23, 1969
Age 82
June 23, 1969
Age 82