Immediate Family
About Avelina de Hesding, domina Norton
Aveline de Hesdin was the daughter of Arnulph de Hesdin and Emmelina (?).
Children of Aveline de Hesdin and Alan fitz Flaald
- Walter fitz Alan, 1st Great Steward of Scotland b. 1105, Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England; d. c 1177
- William Fitzalan b. 1110 Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England
- Jordan Fitz Flaald
Aveline "Ada, Ameline" FitzFlaad formerly Hesdin aka de Hesdin
Born about 1077 in Hesdin, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Daughter of Ernulf (Hesdin) de Hesdin and Emmelina (Normandie) de Normandy
Sister of William DeGraegham, Matilda (Hesdin) de Hesdin and Warine (de Hesdin) Hesdin
Wife of Alan FitzFlaad — married 1105 in Dol De Bretagne, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, Francemap
Mother of Rhiwallon (Fitzlalan) Fitzalan, Adeliza De Hesdin, Jordan Fitzalan, Walter FitzAlan, Adelina (Oswestry) Fitzalan, Sibil Fitzalan, William Fitzalan and Simon J. (FitzAlan) Fitz Alan
Died about 1126 in Oswestry, Shropshire, England
Adeliza de Hesding, a younger daughter of Aurnulf, Signor de Hesding in Picardy who held great estates in England at the time of the Domesday Book in 1086.
Misc 1100 Went to England with Princess Matilda of Scotland, who married King Henry I Misc 1102 Became Sheriff of Shropshire
- This is a Pedigree for the Archbishops of Dol in Brittany France 'The earliest known person the lineage traces back to be a man named Hamo I, Viscount of Alet, France' who was born between 963-1023 AD.
- This show that Caradoc de la Boussac parents re unknown and the family of his son Withenoc wife's family.
- Reference: http://fmg.ac/phocadownload/userupload/foundations3/JN-03-01/061Dol...
- This is a Pedigree for the Archbishops of Dol in Brittany France 'The earliest known person the lineage traces back to be a man named Hamo I, Viscount of Alet, France' who was born between 963-1023 AD.
- This show that Caradoc de la Boussac parents re unknown and the family of his son Withenoc wife's family.
- Reference: http://fmg.ac/phocadownload/userupload/foundations3/JN-03-01/061Dol...
In Domesday Book, Rainald de Bailleul is shown in possession of many properties in Shropshire, but he held many of these as "trustee" for his step-children, the children of Warin "the Sheriff" whose position and widow were given to Rainald after Warin's death. The Fitz Warin properties passed to Adeline Fitz Warin, sister and heir of Hugh Fitz Warin and descended through Fitz Alan family.
Avelina. Some genealogies state that Amira/Emma remarried to Warin, another Sheriff of Shrewsbury and Shropshire, and that they had a daughter, Avelina, but Avelina's parentage has been shown to be different by modern research. She was the daughter of Ernulf de Hesdin (?-1097) a companion of William the Conqueror. See Ernulf de Hesdin on Wikipedia.
Avelina, known to be in this case a diminutive of Ava, married Alan fitz Flaad, a Breton adventurer who became an important landholder through the favour of Henry I. Alan's wife was long held to be the daughter of Warin, an earlier Norman Sheriff of Shropshire, but Avelina's existence and significance were proved by Eyton,[38] whose work was validated by J. Horace Round.[47] Avelina's second husband was Robert fitz Walter of Horsham,[48] Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, as shown in a grant, dated no earlier than 1126, of their church at Chipping Norton to Gloucester Abbey.[49] Two sons of Avelina and Alan are noted for their dynastic importance.
- William FitzAlan was heir to Alan's lands in England and from him were descended the FitzAlan Earls of Arundel.
- Walter fitz Alan became 1st hereditary High Steward of Scotland and ancestor of the House of Stuart who became the reigning dynasty first of Scotland and later of England and Ireland too.[50]
Avelina de Hesding, domina Norton's Timeline
1081 |
Hesdin, Artois/Pas-de-Calais, France
1085 |
Oswestry Castle, Shropshire, England
1106 |
Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
1114 |
Dol, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France
1126 |
Age 45
Shropshire, England (United Kingdom)
1933 |
November 18, 1933
Age 45
November 18, 1933
Age 45
December 11, 1933
Age 45
December 11, 1933
Age 45