Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Schnurmann, Auguste Augusta
geborene Schwager geboren am 22. August 1892 in Cham / - / Bayern wohnhaft in München
Deportation: ab München 20. November 1941, Kowno (Kauen), Fort IX
Todesdatum: 25. November 1941 Todesort: Kowno (Kauen), Fort IX
Augusta Schnurmann (Schwager): Augusta was born 22-Aug-1892 in Cham Germany to Isidor and Karla Schwager. She received public school and religious instruction in Cham. She worked in the family business in Cham, particularly during WW I and until she got married. Following WW I Augusta moved to Munich with her parents. On 7-Oct-1920 Augusta married Eugene Elias Schnurmann of Schmieheim in Baden (born 27-Aug-1880). He was in a business that manufactured knit goods and sweaters that were sold to shops. Augusta and Eugene Schnurmann had one son, Walter, who died soon after his birth. They had no other children. During WW II they were relocated from their house to a smaller apartment sharing it with more people including Emma and Sigmund Seliger. Augusta and Eugene Schnurmann were deported from Munich to the east on 15-Nov-1941 and were brought to the 9th fortress in Kovna (Kaunas) in Lithuania where they were murdered on 30-Nov-1941 together with other members of the Schwager family. During the German occupation period some 50,000 people (mainly Jews) were murdered in this fortress. The bodies were buried nearby. In the autumn 1943, before the arrival of the Russian troops, the Germans initiated operation 1005 to erase all evidence to the crimes so Jews prisoners were instructed to dig the graves and burned the bodies. Augusta was called Gusti
1892 |
August 22, 1892
Cham, Bavaria, Germany
1923 |
March 23, 1923
1941 |
November 25, 1941
Age 49
Ghetto Kowno | Kaunas, Lithuania