Seen as married 2nd to Walter II de Cormeilles, but he died before her husband William de Camville, so this seems unlikely.
Albreda was the daughter and heir of Geoffrey Marmion.[1]
Albreda was married to William de Camvill, castellan of Llanstephan (Pembrokeshire), of Arrow (Warwickshire) and of Clifton Campvill (Staffordshire) in right of his wife.[1] William and Albreda were husband and wife in 7 and 8 John [1204-6].[2] [3] William de Camvilla paid 10 marks for custody of Lande Stephani castle in 4 Richard I [3 September 1192-2 September 1193].[4]
The Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Pipe roll of the seventh year of King John's reign (1204-5) records William de Canvill and his wife Albreda owed 1 mark for having a writ of 1/2 knight's fee with pertinences in Childecote [Chilcote although in Derbyshire, was in the parish of Clifton-Camville, Staffordshire].[2]
The Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Pipe roll of the eighth year of King John's reign (1205-6) records William de Canvill and his wife Albreda owed 1 mark for having a writ as in the previous year's roll.[3]
In 13 Henry III, (28 October 1228-27 October 1229), Albreda Marmion was quit of passage by her scutage of one fee.[5]
Cawley's Medieval Lands states the William de Camville who was married to Albreda Marmion died before 25 April 1200.[6] However, this is contradicted by the Pipe Rolls from 7 and 8 John [1204-6], in which he is mentioned with his wife, Albreda.[2] [3]
The primary sources which confirm the parentage of the following family members have not been identified.
ALBREDA Marmion (-after 1220). King John confirmed "castellum et villam de Landesteph" to "G. de Camvill fil Will de Kamvill", naming "Albred Marmion matre ipsius Gaufridi", by charter dated 25 Apr 1200[120]. Bracton records a claim, dated 1220, by "Albreda Marmiun" against "Henricum de Aldithelega" for "ecclesiam de Cliftona", adding that she had custody of "terram…Gaufrido de Camuilla filio suo"[121]. m WILLIAM de Camville, son of --- (-before 25 Apr 1200)
William & his wife had one child:
a) GEOFFREY de Camville (-before 20 Sep 1219). King John confirmed "castellum et villam de Landesteph" to "G. de Camvill fil Will de Kamvill", naming "Albred Marmion matre ipsius Gaufridi", by charter dated 25 Apr 1200[1027]. m firstly (divorced on grounds of consanguinity) FELICE, daughter of PHILIP de Worcester & his wife ---. The Complete Peerage records her parentage and marriage but the primary source on which the information is based has not yet been identified[1028]. m secondly LEUCA, daughter of --- (-before 28 Aug 1236). King Henry III granted "to Lucy wife of the late Godfrey de Kanville of all the land in Ireland which William de Breouse her late grandfather gave with her in marriage to Godfrey and which the latter held when he died" by charter dated 20 Sep 1219[1029]. King Henry III ordered that "Leuca who was the wife of Geoffrey de Caunville [have] her marriage portion out of the land of her late husband in that country", adding that he had purchased it from "William de Abbetot nephew of Philip de Wigorn…10 or 12 years before he married Leuca", by charter dated to [1219/20][1030]. "Ricardus de Camvill" claimed "terciam parte manerii de Clifton" from “Leucam que fuit uxor Galfridi de Camvill”, dated 1231[1031]. Bracton records a claim, dated 1231, by "Leuca de Kaumuilla" against "Ricardum de Kaumuilla" for "tercie partis manerii de Cliftona et membri sui de Henegetona…ad dotem suam"[1032]. It is assumed that Leuca died before 28 Aug 1236 when her dower was restored to her son (see below). Geoffrey & his first wife had one child:
Geoffrey was son and heir of William de Canville, by Auberee (living 1233), daughter and heir of Geoffrey Marmion, of Clifton, and of Arrow, co. Warwick. Auberee and her husband are stated by Dugdale and others to be the parents - instead of the great-grandparents - of the Geoffrey in the text. [Complete Peerage III:3 note (d)]
Aubree also married Walter DE CORMEILLES of Pauntley & Hope, son of Richard DE CORMEILLES of Hope & Aston and Beatrice DE EPPLEBY, after 1180 in Tarrington, Herefordshire, England. (Walter DE CORMEILLES of Pauntley & Hope was born about 1157 in Pauntley, Newent, Gloucestershire, England and died in 1203-1204 in Sollers Hope, Ross, Herefordshire, England.)
Albreda MARMION7,67,173 was born about 1145 in Tamworth, Warwickshire, England. Parents: Roger MARMION and Miss D' ABITOT.
Spouse: William De CAMVILLE. William De CAMVILLE and Albreda MARMION were married in . Children were: Geoffrey De CAMVILLE, Thomas De CAMVILLE.
Albreda, sole daughter and heir of Geoffrey Marmion, married William, son of the crusader Richard de Camville, and so the barony of Llanstephan passed into the de Camville family.
Spouse: Walter II De CORMEILLES. Walter II De CORMEILLES and Albreda MARMION were married. Children were: Margaret De CORMEILLES, Sybyl De CORMEILLES, Alice De CORMEILLES.
, Bishop of Bayeux, who at the time of the Domesday Survey held 7½ hides in Arrow. At this time the manor contained a mill worth 6s. 8d., 30 acres of meadow, and some woodland. Odo subsequently granted his lands in Arrow to Robert Marmion, from whom they descended to Geoffrey Marmion, whose daughter Auberée married William de Camville, of Clifton, Staffordshire. He held them in 1195, when he sued Ralph Boteler and two others for stealing goods from his land in Arrow while he was on the king's service in Wales. In 1220 Auberée was holding half a knight's fee here of Robert Marmion ( for life, with reversion to her son William de Camville.
~A History of the County of Warwick, Volume III, pp. 26-31
1170 |
Clifton Campville, Staffordshire, , England
1185 |
Arrow, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
1192 |
Coughton, Warwick, England
1233 |
Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
Tamworth, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)