4. ATA von Hohenwart (-after 975). The Genealogia Welforum names "Atham" as wife of "Heinricum", but does not give her origin[1276]. The Historia Welforum names "de Hohunwarthe in Baioaria, Beatem" as wife of "Heinricus"[1277]. A member of a noble family in the Weltheim area, she brought territory in Bavaria to her husband[1278]. A codex of Kloster Weingarten records that "Henricus…pater…sancti Cunradi episcopi cum uxore sua Beata et filiis sui Ethichone et Rudolfo" constructed Kloster Altorf, adding that "Beata cum filio suo Rudolfo" were buried there[1279].
m HEINRICH Graf von Altdorf, son of [ETICHO Graf im Ammergau] [Welf] & his wife --- (-after 934).
The precise location of Hohenwart has not yet been traced. The donations by the family to the church at Brixen suggest that it was in Tyrol, under the suzerainty of the dukes of Carinthia. It is not known whether the first two counts named Ratpoto were ancestors of the same family but their name suggests a close family connection, although this may have been through the female line. There is a town called Hohenwart in Bavaria, midway between Ingolstadt and Munich near Pfaffenhofen. This town seems too far from Brixen to link it to the supposedly Tyrolean county of Hohenwart. It also appears unlikely that this family were ancestors of the Grafen von Hohenwart who were prominent in Austria in the 18th century and one of whose members was minister-president of Austria in 1871.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
900 |
Swabia, Germany
902 |
Altdorf, Saxony, Germany
905 |
Mittelfranken, Altdorf, Bayern, Germany
907 |
Konstanz, Germany
925 |
Aslhausen, Germany
975 |
Age 70