Immediate Family
half sister
About Arvid Olofsson Drake
Arvid Olofsson Drake
- Son of Olof Kristiernsson (Västbo-Drake) and Märta Arvidsdotter
- Arvid Olofsson Drake, died about 1535. Joined. Cavalry Captain.
Dragon from Västbo, by Adelsvapen
- Arvid Olofsson Drake (son of Olof Drake Tab. 2 ). Died about 1535. Bailiff. Cavalry captain. Married 1: o 1533 to Brita Eriksdotter . Married 2nd with Brita Persdotter (Hård af Segerstad) , daughter of the gunsmith Peder Hård and Carin Tordsdotter ( Store ).
- Married (1) Brita Eriksdotter, in 1533
- Married (2) Brita Persdotter (Hård af Segerstad), daughter of the gunner Peder Hård and Carin Tordsdotter ( Store ).
Children with Brita Eriksdotter
- Märta Arvidsdotter, died in 1606, married about 1550 to Field Colonel Knut Håkansson (Hand).
Children with Brita Persdotter (Hard of Segerstad)
- Agneta Arvidsdotter, married before 1562 with the commander at Gullberg Peder Kijl .
Drake af Hagelsrum, släkt, by the Swedish Biographical Dictionary
Drake af Hagelsrum, frälsesläkt, en utgrenirig av ätten Hand (se denna). Field Colonel Knut Håkansson's (Hand) son with Märta Arvidsdotter (of Västbo-Drakarna, see genealogy. Above) the governor Arvid Knut's son Drake (d. Trol. 1618; see below 1) received 26 Nov. 1574 K. permission to take the mother's name Drake; although he himself usually also carried the Dragon weapon, his relatives kept the ancestral weapon (hand). Of his sons are the governor Knut Drake (d. 1639; see below 2) and the governor Hans Drake (d. 1653; see below 3). The son of Knut D. was Major General Erik Drake (d. 1673; see below 4), the son of Hans was again the infamous one! the pirate Gustaf Drake (d. 1684; see below 5). Knut D:'s older son and Erik D:'s brother the captain (in a letter from the Riksdag in 1676 called Major) Magnus Drake (b. 1616, d. 1693) served during the Thirty Years' War 1633-37 in the German regiments in Swedish service, among others. a. under Field Marshal A. Leslie, but must return home for injuries that particularly injured his arms. As a great landlord, he took a prominent position in Ydre, was enterprising and successful, took up new plantations, built roads, donated to the parish church Sundi and maintained the parish's poor. His sons Captain Hans Leonard Drake (b. 1663, d. 1722) and Lieutenant Carl Magnus Drake (d. 1739; see below 6) became the ancestors of two still living main lines of the family. Both members lived for a long time mostly as rural lieutenants, and the older line was particularly attached to Ydre härad (Ög.). "In Ydre ... I then had the honor of becoming acquainted with Bockar, Ulfvar, Räfvar and Drakar, gentlemen of mediocre ambition and thoroughness of mind, as well as among the oldest families", wrote Eric Benzelius in 1732. The older line included HL D's great - grandson's son the musician Professor Erik Drake (d. 1870; see below 7). The younger line included CM D's great-grandchildren's educator Gustaf Axel Ludvig Drake (d. 1893; see below 8) and Baptist Magnus Adolf Gottlob Drake (d. 1906; see below 9), who were weddings.
The older line D. also included Professor E. D.'s nephew's son, the pharmacist in Hälsingborg, Gustaf Drake (b. 1877, d. 1939), mainly known as a Linnaeus researcher. He has published a large number of writings, mostly of pharmacological-medical-historical content about Linnaeus, and thereby performed an important and meritorious work for the medical-historical Linnaeus research. Bl. a. may be mentioned his useless overview «Linnaeus' disputations» (1939). DG purchased and supplemented a large family archive concerning the family D. af Hagelsrum, which archive according to his wishes was handed over after his death to Uppsala University Library 1940 (27 vols., Sign. X 257 d: l and follow.) He has in connection for this archive also prepared a typewritten genealogy, «The gamble Dragons» (eg in the National Archives and Uppsala University Library). Some documents from family D:
- https://genvagar.nu/show.asp?PersonId=623183
- https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_fr%C3%A5n_V%C3%A4stbo
- http://www.mattiasloman.se/genealogy/5/
- http://www.fredrikahlander.com/genealogy/p111ad929.html
- http://hem.bredband.net/gunton/6-frls/63_krumme.htm
- Gustaf Elgenstierna , The introduced genealogy of the Swedish nobility. 1925-36 .. Jan Raneke, Swedish *
- Medieval weapon. Jan Almquist SoH 1957: They introduced the common origin of the Drake family.
- Dragon from Västbo on the Nobility Wiki. Built on Gustaf Elgenstierna, The introduced Swedish nobility's pedigrees. 1925-36 ..
- Jan Raneke, Swedish medieval weapon.
- Jan Almquist Introduced the common origin of the Drake family. Related and claimed , 1957.
- Disbyt
- Elgenstieras Pedigrees
- Fredrik Ahlander
- ESF Part III p.242b
Om Arvid Olofsson Drake (svenska)
Arvid Olofsson Drake (~1508-
1535) förvärvade år 1330 Ryd och
Hammar (sätesgården som sedan
bytt namn till Bolmsnäs och nu Liljenäs)
i Torskinge socken. Han ägde
Även Toftnäs i samma socken.
Han levde inte mer än ungefär 27
år, men hann ändå med två äktenskap.
Arvid Drake gifte sig första gången
1533 med Brita Eriksdotter och gav
henne det efter fadern ärvda Sunsholmen
i morgongåva. Modern kan
ha dött redan samma år (eller 1534),
kanske i bärnsäng, när Märta Arvidsdotter
(dy) föddes. Hon har beskrivits som ”en av de gamla Drakar till
Hammar” och var gift med fältöversten
Knut Håkansson Hand, från vilken
bl a ätten Drake av Hagelsrum
härstammar (se särskilt kap.).
Arvid gifte om sig 1534/35 med
Brita Pedersdotter (Hård av Segerstad),
som fick Hammar i morgongåva.
I detta gifte föddes dottern Agneta,
gift med Per Kijl, befälhavare på
Gullberg och död 1588.
Med Hammar som änksesäte gifte
änkan om sig med Jöran Jönsson
(svan), död 1545. Inga barn är kända
och Brita levde ännu 1566. Hammar
dyker sedan upp i släkten Stierna
med släktlinjer från både Marta
Arvidsdotter och hennes faster Estrid
Källa: Gunnar Tonnqvist: "Drake"
Arvid Olofsson Drake's Timeline
1509 |
1533 |
1548 |
Roasjö, Älvsborg (P), Sweden
???? |