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Arthur Seelig (1871 - 1941)

Birthplace: Riddagshausen, Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany
Death: 1941 (69-70)
Berlin, Germany (Selbstmord | suicide)
Immediate Family:

Son of Alfred Seelig and Anna Johanna Seelig
Husband of Charlotte Seelig
Brother of Salomon Siegmund Seelig; Bernhard Seelig and Margarethe Friedländer

Managed by: Tim Stephen Jackson
Last Updated:

About Arthur Seelig

Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

  • Seelig, Arthur geboren am 10. April 1871 in Riddagshausen / Braunschweig / Braunschweig wohnhaft in Berlin (Schöneberg)
  • Todesdatum: 1941 Schicksal: Freitod
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Arthur Seelig's Timeline

April 10, 1871
Riddagshausen, Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany
Age 69
Berlin, Germany