From Strong Family Tree
About 1801, George married Artesia Carraway and on February 25, 1802 they were separated, according to the following agreement: "Know all men by these present that we, Elijah Carraway and Artesia Trawick, in the sum of 1000 pounds sterling...wheras an intermarriage had some time past taken place between the aforesaid George Trawick and Artesia Trawick, and wheras for divers good and sufficient reasons them whenceforth seperated..Artesia Trawick shall well and faithfully on her part perform and abide by the aforesaid voluntary and mutual agreement...shall never...molest and in anywise trouble the said George Trawick...shall forever renounce and quit claim to any right of dower..and keep away from him premises, unless with his consent and approbation." In the presence of John Sigers, Dempsey Spier. Deed Book G, pg 86.