2. ARNOLD [IV] (-[15 May] ---, [11 Aug 1127/22 Jan 1130]). An undated charter relating to the foundation of Kloster Muri records a donation by "Uodalrico comite fratribusque eius Arnolfo et Rudolfo"[356]. A Habsburg genealogy names "Arnoldum, Chono comitem, Wernherum de Baden" as the children of "Richenza de Lenzburg"[357], although the chronology would be stretched if the last two named (see below) were her children. Graf von Lenzburg. Emperor Heinrich V settled a dispute between "abbas de cella Sancti Meginradi et Ulricus advocatus eius" and “Rodulfus et Arnoldus comites” by charter dated 10 Mar 1114[358]. Vogt of Zürich church 1127. “Comes Arnolfus” donated “prædium meum...Urane” to “ecclesiæ Schanniensi”, with the support of “uxore mea Hemma et filiis meis Udalrico, Arnolfo, Wernhero, Chunone”, and confirmed donations made by “Ulricus comes de Lenzburg bonæ memoriæ”, by charter dated 11 Aug 1127, witnessed by “filiorum fratris mei Ruodolfi, Udalirici et Arnolfi...”[359]. A necrology of unknown provenance, marked "Fragmenta Incerta" in the compilation, records the death "Id May" of "Arnoltus com Ulrici de Schennis filius" and also the death "XIII Kal Mai 1105" of "Arnolfus com de Schennis"[360]. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records the donation in May "com Arnolt, Uodalrici de Schannis filius"[361].
m HEMMA, daughter of ---. “Comes Arnolfus” donated “prædium meum...Urane” to “ecclesiæ Schanniensi”, with the support of “uxore mea Hemma et filiis meis Udalrico, Arnolfo, Wernhero, Chunone”, by charter dated 11 Aug 1127[362].
Graf Arnold [IV] & his wife had [four] children:
1052 |
Lenzburg, Switzerland
1094 |
1130 |
Age 78
Lenzburg, Switzerland
???? |
Lenzburg, Switzerland
???? |
Lenzburg, Switzerland