Immediate Family
About Arnold, I. seigneur de Florennes
ARNAUD, son of GODEFROI Comte de Hainaut [GOTTFRIED associate Duke of [Lower] Lotharingia] & his wife Alpaide ---] (-22 Oct [1002/10]). The Miraculis Sancti Gengulfi names "Arnulfus, Alpaidis et Godefridi Hainoensis pagi comitis filius" specifying that he was Seigneur de Florennes[479]. The Historia Walciodorensis Monasterii records that the (unnamed) wife of [Eilbert] had "binos…adolescentulos…Godefrido et fratri…Arnulfo" from her previous marriage to whom their stepfather bequeathed "pagum Florinensem"[480]. “Alpaidis” donated “villam...Roserias in pago Hasbanio sitam, super fluviolum Neropie, in comitatu Hoyensi” to Waulsort abbey by undated charter, signed by “Alpaidis eiusque filii Arnulphi...Wirici fratris Arnulphi, Alberti comitis, Gisleberti, Radbodi fratrum eius...”[481]. Roland records that a 13th century copy of this charter includes the date 981[482]. Seigneur de Florennes. The Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensium names "Arnulfum nobilem de Rumiaco…Alpaidis et Godefridi filius" specifying that he founded the church of St Gengulf in Florennes[483]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "Arnullfum nobilem de Ruminiaceo…Alpaidis et Godefridi filius" founded the church of St Gengulf in Florennes in 1002[484].
m ERMENTRUDE, daughter of GODEFROI Comte de Verdun & his wife Mechtild of Saxony ([965/80]-7 Mar after 1010). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Roland records the wife of Arnaud as “Ermentrude, fille de Godefroid le Captif et de Mathilde de Saxe” but he does not cite the corresponding primary source[485]. He states also that “Arnoul seigneur de Florennes reçut en bénéfice du comte Herman son beau-frère l’abbaye d’Hautmont”, again without citing the corresponding primary source but Roland’s wording suggests that the document may indicate the family relationship between the two parties[486].
Arnaud & his wife had six children:
1. GODEFROI [III] de Florennes (-[1050]). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Godefridum nobilem et Gerardum episcopum Cameracensem" as sons of "Arnullfum nobilem de Ruminiaceo…Alpaidis et Godefridi filius"[487]. Seigneur de Florennes et de Rumigny.
- see below.
2. GERARD de Florennes (-14 Mar 1050, bur Cambrai Notre-Dame). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Godefridum nobilem et Gerardum episcopum Cameracensem" as sons of "Arnullfum nobilem de Ruminiaceo…Alpaidis et Godefridi filius"[488]. The Miraculis Sancti Gengulfi names "Gerardus præfati Arnulfi filius" specifying that he was "Remensis ecclesiæ clericus"[489]. Bishop of Cambrai 1012. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium records that Emperor Heinrich II appointed “Gerardo suo capellano. adhuc diacono, non infimis parentibus Lothariensium atque Karlensium edito” as bishop of Cambrai “apud Arvitam villam Saxoniæ Kal Feb”, adding that he had been educated by “Albero Remensium archiepiscopus, pro consanguinitate” and had “ex parte matris in ipsa terra [=Cambrai]...hereditario iuris”[490]. The Vita Balderici names "Cameracensis ecclesie antistes Gerardus…fratre suo opitulante Godefridus"[491]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" took into his protection the abbey of Florennes founded by "Gerardus…in primis meus capellanus postea…Cameracensis episcopus effectus et fratres sui Godefridus et Arnulphus" by charter dated 1018, which refers to donations of property by "comitissa Hawidis, annuentibus filiis suis comite Raginero et Lamberto"[492]. The Chronicon S. Andreæ records the death “II Id Mar” 1050 of “domnus episcopus Gerardus” and his burial “in media ecclesia sanctæ Mariæ”[493].
3. ARNAUD [II] de Florennes (-murdered Thiérache 1015, bur Saint-Jean). A charter dated 1015 records an exchange of property between Hautmont and Florennes abbeys, noting that “Arnulphus frater domini Gerardi...Cameracensis episcopi”, shortly before his death was travelling to Rome with “noviter...Heluidem uxorem suam”, that after leaving “Lothariensi provintia” and entering “sylvam...Theoretia” they fell into the hands of “Gerardi Rufi et Godefridi fratris Gontranni” who killed him, his wife dying five days later. The document adds that the couple was buried “in ecclesia sancti Joannis” by “predictus episcopus Gerardus et frater eius Godefridus”, after which the exchange was effected involving property with the consent of “soror eorum Alpardis”[494]. m HELVIDE, daughter of --- (-Thiérache 1015, bur Saint-Jean). A charter dated 1015 records an exchange of property between Hautmont and Florennes abbeys, noting that “Arnulphus frater domini Gerardi...Cameracensis episcopi”, shortly before his death was travelling to Rome with “noviter...Heluidem uxorem suam”, that after leaving “Lothariensi provintia” and entering “sylvam...Theoretia” they fell into the hands of “Gerardi Rufi et Godefridi fratris Gontranni” who killed him, his wife dying five days later[495].
4. GAUTHIER de Florennes (-after 1018). A charter dated 1018 records that “Walterus frater Gerardi episcopi” donated “mansum et dimidium apud Rolier” to Florennes[496].
5. EILBERT de Florennes (-11 May 1047). The Vita S. Popponis Abbatis records “Eilbertum...domini Gerardi Cameracensium episcopi...germanus” at Reims Saint-Thierry, where Poppo retired, dated to before 1000[497]. Abbot of Mareilles 1020. Abbot of Saint-André [1025]: the Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium (Continatio Andreana) records that Gerard Bishop of Cambrai installed “fratrem...suum Eilbertum” as abbot of Cambrai Saint-André[498].
6. ALPAIDE de Florennes . A charter dated 1015 records an exchange of property between Hautmont and Florennes abbeys, after “Arnulphus frater domini Gerardi...Cameracensis episcopi” was killed when travelling to Rome, with the consent of “soror eorum Alpardis”[499]. The Historia et Privilegia Sancti Petri Blandiniensis records that “matrona Alpaiz” donated “hereditatem sui juris in villa Labia sitam, in pago Lomogauginse” to Gent Mont-Blandin, for the souls of “senioris sui Stephani filiique sui Godefridi”, dated 2 Apr 1021[500]. The primary source which confirms the family name of her husband has not yet been identified. m STEPHAN van Brakel, son of ---.
Arnold, I. seigneur de Florennes's Timeline
950 |
Rumigny, Ardennes, France
992 |
994 |
996 |
998 |
1000 |
1049 |
March 1049
Age 99
Florennes, Namur, Belgium
???? |