Immediate Family
About Ariulf, duke of Spoleto
Ariulf of Spoleto
Ariulf (died 602) was the second Duke of Spoleto from 592 (the death of Faroald[1]) to his own death.
In 592, Ariulf, whose position at Spoleto and control of key points along the Via Flaminia, the key communication between Ravenna and Rome, to cut its alternative, the fortified Via Amerina, and capture several Byzantine cities. He took several strongholds in Latium and threatened Rome, where Gregory the Great, cut off from the Exarchate, was forced to make a separate peace with him, to the intense dissatisfaction of Romanus (exarch), Exarch of Ravenna, who considered himself the Imperial representative in Italy and popes' superior. Ariulf's successes were brief: the Exarch's forces retook the Roman fortifications and the city of Perugia and cleared the roads for the time being.
He then assisted Arechis I of Benevento in besieging Naples, another important city of Imperial Italy. He won a great victory at Camerino, where according to Paul the Deacon, he claimed to have seen Saint Sabinus, the martyr-hero of Spoleto, aiding him and was thus led to convert to Catholic Christianity.
Paul the Deacon's History
- page 151 The Latin text and translation are attached in Sources. [https://archive.org/details/paulihistorialan00paul/page/141/mode/1u...]
page 141 entered here:
Chapters of the Fourth Book
- Quod Agilulf rex pro captivis legatos in Francia misit. // Which king Agilulf sent embassadors to France for the prisoners.
- De siccitate quæ eodem anno fuit, et de locustis. // Of the drought that was the same year, and of the locusts.
- Quod rex Agilulf Mimulphum occidit, et de rebellatione Gaidilulfi et Ulphari. // Which king Agilulf slew Mimulphus, and of the revolt of Gaidilulf and Ulphar.
- De peste aput Ravennam, et de bello Childeperti cum filio Hilperici, et de portentis. // Which king Agilulf slew Mimulphus, and of the revolt of Gaidilulf and Ulphar.
- Quod codicem dialocum beatus Gregorius Theudelindæ reginæ direxit. // Which codex Blessed Gregory directed to Theudellid, queen of the dialogue.
- De bonis actibus ciusdem Theudelindæ reginæ. // Which codex Blessed Gregory directed to Theudellid, queen of the dialogue.
Haec an veræ historiæ convenient, dubitari protest. Brevis Originis narratio indicare videtur, Agilulfum vi coronam appetisse camque, Theodelinda sibi conjugio copulate, adeptum esse. Cui rei etiam tempora a Paulo relata convenient. Neque Prosperi continuator aliud innuere videtur.
Whether this will suit the true history of the protest is doubtful. The short story of Origin seems to tell, that Agilulf desired the crown by force, and that Theodelinda, united to him in marriage, had obtained it. The times reported by Paul will suit him as well. Nor does the continuation of Prosper seem to suggest anything else.
Om Ariulf, duke of Spoleto (Norsk)
Ariulf, hertug av Spoleto
Ariulf var den andre hertugen av Spoleto fra 592 til 602, Han og kontrollerte nøkkelpunkt langs Via Flaminia, viktige knutepunkt mellom Ravenna og Roma, stengte den befestede Via Amerina, og tok flere bysantinske byer. Ariulf tok flere festninger i Latium og truet Roma, hvor paven Gregor den store, ble tvunget til å inngå en fredsavtale med han. Dette førte til intens misnøye av Romanus av Ravenna som anså seg som den keiserlige representanten i Italia og pavene overlegne.
Ariulfs suksesser var kortvarig de bysantiske, Exarc styrkeene tok tilbake de romerske festningene og byen Perugia og ryddet veiene.
Ariulf hjalp han deretter Arechis av Benevento og beleiret Napoli, en annen viktig by av imperiet Italia Han vant en stor seier i Camerino, der han i følge Paulus Diaconus hevdet å ha sett og fikk hjelp til seier av Saint Sabinus, martyr-helten i Spoleto. Langobarden Ariulf konverterer derfor til den romerke katolske kristendommen.
Ariulf, duke of Spoleto's Timeline
544 |
Spoleto, Province of Perugia, Umbria, Italy
585 |
Spoleto, Province of Perugia, Umbria, Italy
602 |
Age 58
Spoleto, Province of Perugia, Umbria, Italy