May have been born in York County, Virginia.
! Hawkins Family 929.273 H314 SR (#298) by Reginald A and Lottie Smith Includes Hawkins of Plymouth England Named in Father-in-laws Will 1654
Find A Grave Early Virginia records have an Argyle Blackstone, orphan, with cattle. William Hawkins reported to the courts on the status of Argyle’s property, When William Hawkins died in the 1650’s Argyle was his son-in-law. A reference in the will is made to a silver cup to be left to the parish. When Argyle died, a silver cup was left to the parish. See York Co. Va records and Beverly Fleets abstracts of Virginia records Will of Argil Blackstone, dated August 1722, proved Feburary 1723; legateis; daughter Habbah Zachary, daughter Ann, daughter Frael wife daughter Judah, daughter Holiday Blackstone and daughter Myllesentt. Frome the records of Old Rappahannock, Essex, Middlesex, King George and Richmond , Compiled by W. G. Stanoad 1890. Power of Attorney, 1697 from Argall Blackstone of Essex to his brother William Blackstone of the county of York, Virginia.
Extensive genealogy records at http://www.miles-shute-kouns-families.com/ahnentafel.php?personID=I...
Argyle's will mentions that his two eldest sons James and William are to take their two younger brothers Argall and Thomas Blackstone's inheritance into care until they become 21 years old. James is also mention as the eldest son: "my eldest son James shall let his brothers live on my dividend of land until they can better provide for themselves..."
WILL OF ARGOLL BLACKSTONE YORK COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS, ORDERS, WILL BOOK 8 (p.107); 1688 Will of Argoll Blackstone of the County and Parish of York in Virginia, being very weeke in body, dates 19 Aug. 1686. My beloved wife Ailes Blackstone should injoye the plantation that I now live on dureing her naturall life and after her decease to my eldest son James Blackstone with the rest of my devident. Alsoe ynto my wife my best feather bed and furniture thereto belonging with all the rest of my moveables, cattell and hoggs that be left on my plantation after my fower sonns parts be given to each of them by this my will. Alsoe my loveing wife should take into her care the keepeing of my fower sonns to kive and work for her dureing her widdowhood till they come of age of one and twenty yeares, but provided shee should change her condition by marryage then my two eldest sonns James and William to take their two younger brothers Argoll and Thomas Blackston and with what I have given them into their care till they come to be one and twenty yeares of age, then to give itt to them. My eldest sonn James shall lett his brothers live on my divident of land till they can better provide for themselves, to live loveingly as brothers and not to hinder them according to his promise made to me and if my deare wife shall keepe herselfe a widdow, then my desire is that my sonns shall continue with her and nothing to be removed till they each of them come to bee one and twenty yeares of age. Unto my sonn James Blackston all my divident of land I now possesse in York County and itt is my desire that hee nor his heires nor none of my children that shall or may injoye the land shall not make any sale of any part by sale or mortgage on the forfeture of L500 sterling but to lett his brothers seat and live on the divident and not to want a being unlesse they can better provide fir themselves otherwise. Unto my said sonn three cowes named Daise, Red daves and Black bird. Alsoe my next feather bed with the furniture belonging. Allsoe one long table with two chaires standing in the chamber. Alsoe my black trunk with one halfe of my wearing cloathes, alsoe my best hatt, two pewter dishes, one plate, one beare bowle, one lookin glass and court cubbart standing under itt. Alsoe my gunn and black horse which I generally ride with bridle and saddle, alsoe the second biggest brass kettle, one iron pott, one dozen of milke traies, two breeding sowes, fower barrowes, six yeare old shotes and my eldest mare now runing at Majr. Gooddin's. Unto my sonn William Blackstone the best flock bed with what furniture can be made to itt with one drawer table, two chares, two pewter dishes and beare boule, one puter plate, one great brasse sckillett and my small gunn, with one court cubbart in the chamber and the biggest red leather chare trunck with the other halfe of all my wearing cloaths both linnen and woollen, and my next best hatt, also the seacond mare with her increase. Alsoe three cowes named Pincorne, and Rose and Mopley, one dozen of milk trayes, two breeding sowes, fower barrows, six yearling shoats. To my son Argoll Blackstone one flock bed with what furniture can be made to itt, with the new square turnd table, with two chares and my chest in the chamber, two pewter dishes and one plate, one tankard, one iron pott, one leather stoole, one dozen of milke trayes, also the third mare with her increase. Alsoe three cowes named Nutcye, Lydia and Cherry, two breeding sowes, fower barrows, six yearling shoats. To my son Thomas Blackstone three cowes named Mary Gold, Inlin and Truelove and one yearling heifer Scatterall, and one yeare old horse, also the first three yeare old mare that shall be bred from my mares. Alsoe my chest above staires, two chares and one leather stooll with one dozen of milk trayes, also two breeding sowes, fower barrowes and six year old shoats, when he comes to the age of one and twenty. My wife and children shall take care to shipp for England one hogshead of good tobacco that shall bee made on my plantation next year's cropp after my decease containing 550-odd pounds and cause the produce thereof to bee laid out for a silver wine boule with my owne name and guift to York Parish with the year of our Lord thereof and then be given to the charge of the Vestry for the use of the Communion table soe longe as itt shall last, takeing a receipt for the same. If the Vestrymen of York Parish please to gett sawyers to saw soe much plancke feather edge as will cover York Church of either oake, pine or poplar, then my loveing wife will make use of such trees as will make soe much plancke as will doe the same for covering thereof, but if they will not saw itt for the same use but cover itt with clap boards, then this clawes of my will to be voyd and not any timber for any other use. My loveing wife Alice Blackstone executrix. Argoll Blackstone Wit: Ralph Flowers, John (H) Hall, John Sommers.26 March 1688. Proved by Ralph Walker and John Sommers. A probatt of the last will and testament of Argoll Blackston granted to his relict Alce Blackston being proved in Court by Ralph Flowers and John Summers, and is recorded.
1630 |
York County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1666 |
York, Virginia, USA
1667 |
York County, Virginia
1668 |
Essex County, Virginia
1672 |
1676 |
York, Virginia
1679 |
Middlesex County, Virginia
1688 |
March 26, 1688
Age 58
York County, Virginia, British Colonial America