Son of Pierre Faure and his first wife, Marie (Soulier). He fled to Russia (?Prussia) in 1703 and thence immigrated to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope in 1708. His certificate of church membership was transferred from Orange to the Dutch Reformed Church in Cape Town on 25th June 1714. He married Rachel de Villiers in 1714. He brought with him from Europe a Quarto French Bible, in which the baptism of each of his children was subsequently recorded in his own writing, He died at Stellenbosh in1736.
www.faure.co.za - Hier word dit aangedui as Alexandre.
http://www.heemkring.org.za/Kerkgrafte.htm - Hier word dit aan gedui as Alexander:
39. Jacobus Faure, Arnoldus Schephaut, Juffrouw Romont, en ’n kind van Adriaan van Brakel.
Hierdie graf (no. 39) is ’n goeie voorbeeld van die gevalle waar die mees verskillende persone in een graf begrawe is. Dit is vir ons nie meer moontlik om uit te maak hoe dit gebeur het nie.
41. Antonij Faure en een kint.
42. Twee kinders van Antonij Faure. Sien no. 41.
Faure, Antoine, born at Orange in 1685, arrived at the Cape in 1714, son of Pierre Faure and Justina Pointy, who fled to Holland on account of religious persecutions. Pierre had been a merchant at Orange, where he returned in 1689, and died there. Antoine Faure arrived in the Company's service, and in 1719 was appointed "voorlezer" and schoolmaster at Stellenbosch. In 1714 he married Rachel de Villiers, daughter of the Refugee Abraham de Villiers, and left male issue. He must have died in 1736, in which year their joint will is filed, as his widow applied in 1750 for a piece of ground at Stellenbosch.
- Botha, C Graham: The French Refugees at the Cape, 2nd Ed 1921 on http://debuys.blogspot.com/
Information from Vroeë Afrikaanse Families aan die Kaap by GISA and Groot Afrikaanse Familienaamboek Cor Pama
Two men from Orange played a leading part in church life at the Cape: Paul Roux, appointed shortly after his arrival in 1688 as reader and teacher at Drakenstein, and Antoine Faure, who came out on the Kokenge in 1714 as a soldier in the Dutch East India Company’s service and was chosen in 1719 as reader and teacher at Stellenbosch.
…Antoine Faure of Stellenbosch was born at Orange in 1685, the son of a merchant Pierre Faure and his second wife Justine Pointy. His grandfather Philippe Faure had been imprisoned at Grenoble for his religious beliefs. C.C. de Villiers has sketched the background of this family of some distinction, having its origins in the sixteenth century at Bourg, capital of Bresse in southern Burgundy. Pierre Faure fled to Borculo in the Achterhoek of Gelderland during the religious persecution after the revocation. He was perhaps the new convert of moderate means mentioned at Orange in 1686 as a suitable person on whom to billet dragoons. He returned to the principality in 1689, where he died.
It is interesting to note in the registers of the church at the Orange dependency of Trescleoux the presence of several Faure families having links with Lombards of that congregation. There were at least two Antoine Faures at Trescleoux, one a cultivator and the other a lawyer. The Cape settler of that name must have left Orange after the second wave of persecution there when the French reoccupied the principality early in the eighteenth century. An Alexandre Faure of Orange was a refugee of some distinction at Bergen-op-Zoom in this period.
• M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories p183
Arriveer Kaap de Goede Hoop 1714 as soldaat aan boord van die skip "Kockinge".
Note: Antoine Alexandre FAURE, gebore te Oranje, Frankryk in 1685, het as Franse Hugenoot in 1714 na die Kaap gekom in diens van die Kompanjie op die skip Kockinge. Hy was die seun van Pierre Faure en Justina Pointy wat na Holland gevlug het. In 1719 is hy aangestel as voorleser op Stellenbosch waar hy gevestig was. In 1714 is hy getroud met Rachel de VILLIERS, d/v Abraham en Suzanne Gardiol. Hy is oorlede in 1736 en het 5 seuns en 2 dogters nagelaat: 1. Abraham * 17 Aug 1717 + 1792 x 29 Aug 1756 Anna Maria Wium 2. Jan Pieter * 28 Sep 1719 + Batavia 1744 3. Christianus ~ 1 Okt 1724 ongetroud + 1755 4. Susanna Justina * 11 Mei 1722 ongetroud + 1755 5. Jacob ~ 27 Apr 1727 + 1744 6. Johannes Christoffel ~ 26 Des 1729 jonk oorlede 7. Maria ~ 1 Feb 1733, + 1735
1685 |
February 2, 1685
Orange, Comtat Venaissin, France
1686 |
March 20, 1686
Age 1
Anaheim Resort, Garden Grove, Orange County, California, United States
1717 |
August 17, 1717
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
1719 |
September 28, 1719
1722 |
May 11, 1722
Stellenbosch, Cape Winelands, Western Cape, South Africa
1724 |
October 1, 1724
1727 |
April 27, 1727
Cape Town, South Africa
1729 |
December 26, 1729
1733 |
February 1, 1733