Immediate Family
About Anselmo ll, marchese di Tortona
Anselmo, marchese di Tortona
- Birth:
- Death: before May 7, 1027
- Parents: Anselmo I (d. 999/1014), marchese della Liguria Orientale and Gisela of Italy
- Wife: Adelasia
- Children: Oddone 'Teuto' del Vasto, marchese di Savona and Gerberge di Montferrato
- Siblings: Oberto I (d. after 1034), Marchese della Liguria Occientale and Ugo, marchese di Tortona
Medlands: Monferrato, Saluzzo, Savona, Chapter 3. A. Marchesi di Saluzzo
ANSELMO [II] (-before 7 May 1027). "Heinricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Ugo clericus et mater eius et fratres eius Anselmi marchionis filii et Vuillilemus et Raprandus fratres filii marchionis Oddoni", by charter dated 1014[384]. "Einricus…imperator" acting through "domnus Otto comes palacii et comes eius comitatu Ticinensi" with "…Otbertus et Anselmus germanis marchionibus…" confirmed the property of the convent of San Salvator at Pavia, naming "Berengarius presbiter et Ugo comes germanis, filii bone memorie Sigefredi qui fuit similiter comes", by charter dated 7 May 1014[385]. Marchese [di Tortona].
m ADELASIA, daughter of AZZO Marchese & his wife --- (-after 11 May 1055). "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[386]. No other suitable "Azonis Marchio" has been identified who could have been Adelasia´s father except for Alberto Azzo [I] Conte di Luni. "Adela comitisa…conius quondam Anselmi marchio…Ugo et Anselmus filii et mundoaldi mei" promised not to disturb the possessions of the monastery of San Marziano by charter dated 11 May 1055[387].
Marchese Anselmo [II] & his wife had three children:
- a) ODDONE [Tetis] (-before 31 Aug 1064). "Thetes Marchio filius quondam Anselmi Marchionis" founded the monastery of Vasto by charter dated 7 May 1027[388]. Marchese. - see below.
- b) ANSELMO. "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[389]. 1065.
- c) UGO (-after May 1055). "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[390].
Anselmo II (?-prima del 1055), che sposò Adelaide, della stirpe degli Obertenghi (stessa stirpe della madre) ed essi ebbero
- Anselmo III
- e Ugo II, capostipiti rispettivamente del ramo del Vasto e e del Ramo dei Bosco e Ponzone);[2]
The Aleramici "...ruled various northwestern Italian territories in Piedmont and Liguria from the 10th to the 14th century...Their name derived from count Aleramo, proclaimed first Marquis of Central Liguria by emperor Otto the Great in 966. The Aleramici were divided in two main lines: the Marquises of Savona or Del Vasto, and the Marquises of Monferrato....
"...The Aleramici formed one of the four imperial margraviates in the northern Kingdom of Italy, soon becoming one of the most powerful dynasties of the Middle Ages. Due to their ancestral Salic tradition, they divided their original territory into multiple marquisates, grouped into two main lines founded by Aleramo's two surviving sons: the Marquises of Savona, or del Vasto, descendants of the eldest son Anselmo, and the Marquises of Monferrato, descendants of the youngest son Otto. Despite their constant territorial division between the multiple male descendants, the Aleramici managed to maintain control over an important part of the Piedmont and the Eastern flank of the Ligurian Bay,"
Please see subsection titled: Rulers of the Aleramic Dynasty.
Anselmo ll, marchese di Tortona's Timeline
1027 |
May 7, 1027
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Savona, Liguria, Italy
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